Save time, save money, and train smarter with TrainingToday’s Business Skills libraries.
The demand to be a well-rounded employee nowadays is greater than ever. Cultivating leadership skills in employees and supervisors in order to effectively manage teleworkers, flexible work schedules, and technology; developing and encouraging workplace wellness in a legally sound way; and juggling myriad projects are just a few areas where organizations are trying to step up their game.
But that’s where TrainingToday’s Business Skills libraries can help. With library topics that include leadership for managers and supervisors, workplace wellness, project management, and more, we’ll help you save time and money on your business skills training.
*These libraries are add-ons and not included with a subscription to TrainingToday’s Business Skills All-Access library.
All-Access: Business Skills
What type of new manager training does your organization offer?
How do you reskill or upskill your workforce?
Does your current learning and development (L&D) program offer both hard and soft skill training?
What training formats do you offer your employees – instructor-led, online, self-paced or blended?
Become a well-rounded, versatile business professional with TrainingToday’s business courses. Cultivate your leadership skills in order to effectively manage teleworkers, flexible work schedules, and technology; develop and encourage workplace wellness in a legally sound way. With library topics that include leadership for managers and supervisors, workplace wellness, project management, and more, TrainingToday will help you hone your business skills.
Click here for more information about this library.
A Manager’s Role in Wellness
Managers play a key role in making a workplace wellness program a success. Managers need to help to motivate staff by setting a good example, providing the tools that staff members need to keep themselves on the right track, communicating your organization’s wellness messages, and helping to educate staff on the latest wellness techniques. This online wellness course for managers will empower key staff on how to embrace a wellness program and show the critical role managers play in the success of the program and the consequent health and wellness of all employees. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreAdaptability and Resilience
Having a growth mindset and being resilient are two keys to success. As organizations grow and become more complex, employees need to navigate volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, or VUCA, and stay balanced as they face adversity. This course will teach learners strategies and techniques to enhance their adaptability and build resilience. They will also develop skills to activate a growth mindset and take on greater challenges to maintain high performance.
Learn MoreAll About Nutrition
The quantity and quality of the food you eat everyday directly affects your health, energy level, and general well being. You need to eat the right foods, in the right amount, at the right time, to stay healthy and feel good. The information you learn today will help you eat more nutritious meals and snacks, which will help you live longer and give you the energy you need to work and enjoy your leisure activities everyday. Duration: 22 minutes
Learn MoreAvoiding Back Injuries
Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries that cause lost days away from work. No matter what job you perform, you can injure your back on the job. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to avoid back injuries and the lifetime of pain and medical bills that can come with them. In this training session, you’ll learn what risk factors and hazards expose you to back injuries and what you can do to help keep your back healthy and pain-free.
Learn MoreAvoiding Corruption, Including Bribery, Insider Trading, and Embezzlement
Workplace corruption includes a variety of unethical practices, including bribery, embezzlement, insider trading, and more. Not only can these dishonest behaviors create a negative environment and hurt employee morale and damage a company’s reputation, but they are also often illegal and can result in serious monetary penalties and criminal consequences. |
Balancing Work and Home
Many people struggle to juggle a full-time job while also caring for young children, aging parents, and other responsibilities on a daily basis. It can feel like there are not enough hours in a day—that there are too many responsibilities at work and at home—and that you can’t complete tasks in either place—many people feel this way. This online employee wellness course helps trainees manage home and work responsibilities, stress, and daily expectations. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreBusiness Ethics for Employees: Refresher
This refresher course will give you the main points to remember about business ethics. For more complete information, be sure to take the full-length course.
Learn MoreBusiness Ethics: What Employees Need to Know
The purpose of today’s training session is to make sure you understand what’s required of you.
Today, we’re going to talk about business ethics. With all the pressures and concerns you face on the job, you might think that ethical concerns would be low on your list of priorities. But that would be a mistake.
Ethical conduct by all employees is essential for a business to succeed and prosper. In our organization we require all employees to act ethically at all times on the job.
Business Ethics: What Employees Need to Know (Spanish)
The main objective of this session is to create awareness of ethical issues in business and to ensure that you always know the ethical course of action to take on the job. By the time this session is over, you should be able to recognize the importance of business ethics; understand the requirement of the law and our ethics policy; identify ethical problems on the job; and make ethical decisions.
Learn MoreBusiness Writing Skills for Employees
The ability to write effectively is a skill everyone needs-no matter what your job. Even if you are called on to write only an occasional message or note, being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing is an important job skill. Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make your business communications more effective
Learn MoreBusiness Writing for Supervisors and Managers
The ability to write effectively is a skill every supervisor and manager needs to possess. Being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing has a direct impact on your success.
Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make the most of all your business communications.
Change Management for Supervisors
Today, we’re going to talk about dealing with the challenge of change—something that no organization or supervisor can avoid. Organizations that do not embrace and manage change in the 21st century’s global economy cannot remain competitive. Most employees, however, are somewhat uncomfortable with change. Change brings uncertainty. The future is out of their control. Change involves a loss of the comfortable and the familiar, and it requires that an effort be made—sometimes a considerable effort—to learn and adjust to a new way of doing things. That’s why you need to understand how you can manage it successfully.
Learn MoreChange: What Employees Need to Know
Change is inevitable. The only thing that we can be absolutely sure of is that things will change. That leaves us with only one sensible choice: to accept change and use it to our advantage. Change is also continual. It goes on all the time, and it will never stop. So, when you are in the midst of change, don’t be tempted to think, “If we can just get through this, then everything will go back to normal, and we won’t have to deal with more change.” That’s not going to happen.
Learn MoreCoaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors
In this course, we will learn some effective techniques you can use every day to coach your employees to higher levels of performance, which means greater success for you, your employees, and your department.
Learn MoreCollaboration in the Workplace
Effective collaboration is crucial for a productive and successful work environment. It enables employees to connect, share ideas, solve problems, and complete projects efficiently. Good collaboration ensures everyone’s voice is heard, allowing them to fully share their knowledge, skills, and talents. This course explores the principles and practices of collaboration, examining how effective team collaboration works and strategies for its success. By the end of the course, learners will understand the essential ingredients needed to collaborate well within their teams to achieve outstanding results.
Learn MoreCommunicating Effectively in Emergencies
The main objective of this training session is to help you communicate effectively with employees about workplace emergencies. By the time the session is over, you should be able to communicate effectively before an emergency; communicate effectively during an emergency; and communicate effectively after an emergency. The first part of the session will address communication before emergencies to prepare employees to respond effectively in an actual emergency. The second part will cover communication during and after an emergency.
Learn MoreCommunicating Through Social Media
The main objective of this session is to give you an overview of corporate use of social media in business communications. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand how your use of social media both at and outside of work can reflect on the company; recognize effective use of social media in corporate communications; see that actions taken in the workplace, even with personal electronic equipment, are covered by
workplace rules; understand that even personal social networking sites can affect the company and your employment; know your rights with respect to personal electronic equipment and social networking accounts; and see and understand how your company is using social media to further business goals.
Communicating Up: How to Talk to High-Level Management
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate effectively with your boss and senior management.
Learn MoreCommunicating in a Global Workplace
Today, we’re going to talk about communicating in a global workplace. More and more, we are all interconnected by the Internet and 24-hour-a-day worldwide news coverage. We are also linked by transportation systems that make intercontinental travel quick and easy, and by a global economy and markets. Despite differences and conflicts, we have truly become one world. And to do business, we have in many ways become a global workplace, with companies from all over the world meeting and competing in worldwide markets. As a country, the United States continues to be a melting pot, where people come from all over the world to live and work. No doubt you work with people from other countries, cultures, and traditions. In this session, you will learn how to communicate effectively in the global workplace and interact successfully in a diverse working environment with all kinds of people.
Learn MoreCommunication Between All Ages in the Workplace
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate better with all generations in your workplace. By the time it’s over, you’ll understand what makes your fellow employees “tick” and be able to identify some of their characteristics; understand and respect your cross-generational coworkers; recognize some bad habits that could be creating conflict; enhance your communication skills on the job; and become familiar with some techniques to help you communicate better.
Learn MoreCommunication Skills for Employees
This training session is going to talk about the skills required for effective communication on the job. Communication is the process by which people create and share information, and ideas with one another in order to reach mutual understanding and get work done. Effective communication in the workplace is therefore the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships and productive, successful performance.
Learn MoreConflict Resolution for Employees
This course is about conflict resolution. We all probably experienced conflict at some times. Conflict is a sharp disagreement. It generally involves the clash of ideas, interests, or personalities. During this session we’re going to show you some basic conflict resolution skills and techniques you can use to manage the conflicts in your workplace more effectively.
Learn MoreConflict Resolution for Supervisors
When you know how to resolve workplace conflicts effectively, you can save time and turn potentially destructive situations into positive, productive opportunities for growth and development within your work group. Additionally, when you know how to build consensus among employees, you can enhance motivation and cooperation, as well as create an atmosphere in which agreement generally prevails over conflict.
Learn MoreConflict of Interest in the Workplace
To uphold organizational integrity, it is critical that employees understand what constitutes a conflict of interest. This course will identify areas of potential areas of conflict and how to manage them. This can include areas such as solicitation, gift giving, and outside competing activities. By the end of the course, learners will have a deeper understanding of how to maintain personal and organizational ethical integrity.
Learn MoreCreating a Successful Wellness Program: A Guide for Managers
A workplace wellness program needs to be well-focused and well-executed to succeed. This training course goes over the necessary steps to create a successful wellness program designed for the specific health risks and vulnerabilities of your employee population. A well-run wellness program can not only help employees be healthier but it also increases your bottom line by decreasing healthcare costs, decreasing employee time away from work, increasing productivity, and even increasing morale.
Learn MoreCritical Thinking for Employees
This course focuses on becoming a more effective critical thinker. So put on your “thinking cap,” and get ready to learn about a very useful performance-enhancing process that will make you more successful.
Learn MoreCross-Cultural Competency in the Workplace
In the workplace, many of our peers, managers, and customers may come from different cultures. Having cultural competency skills will not only help you become more productive but also allow for more effective communication and social relationships.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 1: What is Cyber Security?
Organizations increasingly rely on connected devices such as computers, network servers, and mobile devices to conduct business, but a majority of workers lack even basic cyber security awareness. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security for new employees during onboarding and a refresher course for those without an information technology (IT) background. By the end of this module, you will have a basic understanding of the history of cyber crime, who is responsible for committing cyber crimes, why cyber crimes are committed, what cyber criminals are after, and likely targets of cyber attack..
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 2: Types of Cyber Threats
Viruses, Malware, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: These threats, along with other types of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), are increasingly discussed in the news as cyber crimes, which have increased in frequency. These threats evolve almost as rapidly as the defenses against them. Cyber criminals entice their victims to click on a link to a website or download a file that has been maliciously altered. This module provides an introductory overview of various cyber threats directed at new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. By the end of the session, you will learn about several tactics that cyber criminals use to commit their crimes and methods they use to deliver malicious software.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 3: Anatomy of a URL: How to Identify Web Links
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) simplifies how we navigate the ever-expanding Internet, but most users don’t realize how links work or the complex work that URLs handle, and cyber criminals use that lack of knowledge to their advantage. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security measures related to safe Web browsing for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize the different components of a URL and how to tell if a URL has been shortened. You will also learn how to determine whether a link is safe or malicious.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 4: Email Security: Recognizing a Cyber Attack
E-mail is all but required for normal business operations, and it’s easy for cyber criminals to use as a vector of attack. But what does an e-mail attack look like, and how do you avoid it? This module is an introductory overview of cyber security best practices relating to e-mail security for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize an e-mail-based phishing attempt and learn some of the tactics cyber criminals use to get a victim’s personal information. It then presents some e-mail best practices.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 5: Safe Web Browsing: Identifying Malicious Webpages
Cyber criminals use several tactics to fool a user to believe he or she is on a safe webpage. All it takes is a couple of substituted, flipped, or extra letters. They count on their victims to be careless, in a hurry, or not know what a URL should look like. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security best practices for distinguishing safe vs. malicious webpages for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize the indicators of a malicious webpage, and the module highlights some of the methods cyber criminals use to fool users into thinking it is safe to share their data.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 6: Creating and Using Passwords
Many organizations require passwords to access computers at work, banking and financial information, even cell phones. Yet, research shows that too many people use weak, unsecure passwords to protect personal or work data. This module is an introductory overview of how to create and manage passwords for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn to recognize the importance of creating and using passwords and common password best practices.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 7: Protecting and Securing Your Data
Cyber criminals increasingly take advantage of security gaps in the network hardware used to connect to outside networks, like the Internet. There are ways to protect these networks from cyber threats. This module is an introductory overview of network security basics and using antivirus and malware protection for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn about best practices for changing default administrative accounts on network hardware, securing trusted networks, installing antivirus and malware removal software, and using separate log-ins for different accounts.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 8: Mobile Device Best Practices
Mobile devices have had a large impact on how people do business, and more employees now expect to incorporate mobility into their work lives. However, the convenience and speed of mobility come with the increased risk of data theft or loss. This module is intended as an introductory overview of cyber security best practices for mobile device use for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn about the practice of setting up and using authentication on your mobile devices along with other best practices to protect the data on your mobile device.
Learn MoreCyber Security for Remote Workers
Corporations and private citizens rely on the Internet to perform daily work activities with web-based applications. You can perform tasks like making a bank transaction without ever leaving your home. Our reliance on technology and the change in the way we do business has opened the doors for a new wave of criminal activity. These criminals can commit crimes without being in the same city or even in the same country. They’re committed in a cyber world and there are no boundaries. This change in criminal activity, called cybercrime, has created the need for the discipline called “cyber security”, and it affects every one of us. The main objective of this course is to help you recognize the importance of cyber security, prevent a cyber attack, and protect your company and personal data.
Learn MoreData Protection Essentials
As more businesses rely on big data, data protection and privacy is paramount. Personal identifiable information, or PII, is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual. Safeguarding this sensitive information is a critical responsibility that must be taken seriously at all times. Two major laws meant to protect PII, as well as other data, are the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or PCI DSS.
Learn MoreDelegation
When done well, delegation not only helps managers use their time and skills more effectively but also allows their subordinates to grow and develop. An important role for managers is keeping their team engaged and providing the right level of work to the right people. Delegation can provide challenging assignments that keep people motivated and allow them to be more creative in their work. This will increase job satisfaction and possibly retention. The main objective of this session is to learn a delegation model and the steps needed to delegate well.
Learn MoreDelegation for Project Management
The main objective of this session is to teach you how to use delegation as a core tool in managing your project. By the time this session, is over you will be able to recognize the role of delegation in helping a project succeed, learn why delegating is valuable, understand the delegation process, realize the importance of giving and receiving feedback, and understand factors that put delegation at risk of failing.
Learn MoreDriver Wellness (INT)
In order to do your job well, you have to be well. Your good health is an important part of everything you do—both on the job and off. Today, we’re going to talk about some wellness strategies you can use to help prevent accidents and injuries on the job. We’ll also talk about simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will assist in avoiding disease and disabilities so that you keep working and keep doing all the things you like to do in your life.
Learn MoreE-Mail Best Practices for All Employees
Today we’re going to talk about e-mail best practices. We use e-mail all the time. But do we really use it as efficiently and as effectively as we could? Maybe not. The purpose of this session is to provide you with a lot of useful information about sending and receiving e-mail that you can use to make the most of this important form of business communication.
Learn MoreEffective Decision-Making Strategies for Employees
Making good decisions on the job is important for many reasons. No matter what your job, the decisions you make affect your productivity, the quality of your work, and your ability to meet performance goals. In a larger sense, the decisions you make often affect your co-workers and your department. They may also have an impact on customer satisfaction and the success of the organization. There’s a lot riding on the decisions you make every day. An added challenge is that many of your decisions must be made quickly. The purpose of this training session is to help you make the best decisions possible every workday, even under pressure.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings for Employees
This session is important because meetings can be an excellent way to interact with co-workers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every employee should possess.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings: How-to for Supervisors
This session is important because too many meetings turn out to be time-consuming distractions from your other important work. Poorly planned and conducted meetings often serve little purpose and waste valuable resources. Just consider the cost of a meeting involving 10 people that runs for half an hour. That adds up to 5 hours worth of salaries and time taken away from other productive work.
Learn MoreEmotional Intelligence
While having the right background, knowledge, and professional skill is critical for your career, having high emotional intelligence (EQ) will make you even more productive, motivated, and at peace in the workplace. While some people have a naturally high EQ, this is a skill that can be developed with practice. The main objective of this session is to help you practice EQ techniques to better regulate your emotions and develop stronger relationships with your colleagues and network.
Learn MoreEmployee Engagement
For many workers, the workplace is not just a place to get a paycheck but also a place where they can bring their full selves to work. Employee engagement is a key measure of corporate culture and indicates how involved and committed employees are to their work, work team, and the workplace. Engaged employees are critical for a successful business and result in higher profits, more sales, lower turnover, and impact a myriad of critical indicators. While many companies have surveys and programs to address employee engagement, the manager has a major impact on employee engagement levels. In this course, we will learn how to diagnose and engage employees so they can become more committed to their work and will be less likely to leave.
Learn MoreEncouraging Employee Input
Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage-and act upon-employee input. Your employees-the people who make the products, serve the customers, and perform all those essential functions-often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve our operations, and enhance our competitive advantage. Today, we’ll focus on ways to tap into this rich source of ideas for improvement.
Learn MoreFinancial Wellness
Personal finance is a challenge for many people. Yet, as an employer, you may not be aware of these personal challenges faced by your employees. As a result, employee financial education is a critical component of any corporate wellness program. Financial literacy can be learned and improved. Financial training that leads to employee financial wellness reduces employee stress and health-related problems. This employee financial wellness training online course teaches trainees about financial planning, effective money management, how to budget, and how to live within one’s means. With these key skills, an employee will be healthier with less stress. A healthy employee is a productive employee.
Learn MoreFitness for Everyone
Regular exercise is an excellent way to gain and maintain good health throughout your life. In fact, increasing your physical activity level may be one of the best, and simplest, things you can do for yourself. This session will cover how to make fitness a healthy habit that lasts—and improves—your lifetime.
Learn MoreGiving and Receiving Feedback
This course teaches how to give feedback properly so as not to feel awkward or make people feel uncomfortable when it’s received.
Learn MoreHandling Employee Complaints
The main objective of this session is to help you handle employee complaints successfully so that you and your employees can get past the problems that lead to complaints and get on with your work. By the time this session is over, you should be able to acknowledge employee complaints promptly and effectively, investigate complaints thoroughly and make fair decisions, decide when help is required to resolve a complaint, and avoid pitfalls that could cause complaints to escalate into larger problems.
Learn MoreHazards of Smoking: How to Quit
Despite the proven and well-documented health risks associated with smoking, it continues to be widespread, with new smokers joining the ranks every day. An effective smoking cessation program for employees can result in lower healthcare costs for employees, more productive employees, and improved overall health of employees. An effective smoking cessation program must address the underlying reasons for starting to smoke as well as the myriad challenges of quitting. This online smoking cessation course helps employees understand the health risks of smoking, the benefits of quitting, and how to quit and remain tobacco-free. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreHealthy Aging
No matter what age you are now or what shape you are currently in, you can make improvements that will extend and improve your life. It’s never too late to make healthy choices. Genetics are only part of longevity. The other part is taking good care of your health. This means that the quality of your life in your senior years depends largely on you and the choices you make today. For example, choices like not smoking; eating healthy, nutritious food; keeping your weight down; and getting enough exercise will help you live a longer life. This course highlights the impact today’s choices have on your future and how to make changes now for a healthier, more productive future. The benefits to an employer in providing this training to employees are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreHealthy Sleep Habits
A lot of Americans have trouble sleeping, and sleeping is very important to maintaining good health. We’ll talk about the problems associated with sleep deprivation, the various sleep disorders that interfere with healthy sleep, and we’ll look at a variety of suggestions for getting a good night’s sleep.
Learn MoreHeart Health
Our hearts are responsible for pumping oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies. The heart has one of the most important jobs in keeping our bodies alive and healthy. This online heart health training course addresses this most amazing muscle in our body, how it works to keep us alive, and what we can do right now to make sure our hearts are healthy for years to come. Cardiac health can be managed and improved with some simple guidelines. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreHow to Manage Challenging Employees
Supervising other people is never easy, but some employees make it particularly difficult. Challenging employees can try a manager’s patience and drain a lot of time and energy. To turn things around takes skillful management and patience. The main objective of this online employment training course is to teach supervisors and managers how to manage challenging employees more effectively. By the time the course is over, you should be able to identify challenges associated with supervising difficult employees, manage your own feelings effectively, create a positive work environment for all, respond positively to challenging employees, and treat them fairly.
Learn MoreHow to Manage Time Wisely: A Guide for Employees
This course focuses on time management. We’re going to suggest ways you can make better use of your valuable time and accomplish more with less effort. We’ll focus on practical techniques and information that you can start using right away to gain more control over your very busy work schedule.
Learn MoreInformation Security and Cyber Risk Awareness
This course provides a comprehensive overview of key cybersecurity threats and emphasizes the importance of implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information and mitigate the risks associated with cyberattacks. It covers essential concepts such as the CIA triad, or confidentiality, integrity, and availability, of information security and provides practical tips for securing devices and networks. Overall, this course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify security threats, protect sensitive data, and respond effectively to security incidents.
Learn MoreKeeping Yourself and Your Family Healthy
This presentation will cover how important it is that families be concerned about health. Preventive care, nutrition, exercise, and other factors play important roles. And especially for children, good health is essential—for them, now is the time when growth happens, some diseases may begin, and health habits are set for life.
Learn MoreLeadership Skills: What New Supervisors and Managers Need to Know
Leadership is an essential skill for all supervisors and managers, especially if you are new to the job. Truly successful supervisors and managers don’t “boss” their employees; they lead them. It’s through effective leadership that employees are motivated to perform at their best. The main objective of this session is to equip you with a model on how to be an effective leader and provide you with the information you need to develop first-class leadership skills so people will want to follow your lead.
Learn MoreLeading Innovative Teams
When we hear the word “innovation,” what do we think of? Excitement, fear, unknown possibilities? Innovation certainly means change and often challenging the status quo. For many, this is extremely difficult to do. The usual ways of doing things can be quite comfortable and may have even contributed to current success. Many companies choose to augment existing products and processes rather than create something new. In this course, we will examine cutting-edge, innovative techniques used in some of the most successful companies in the world. The main objective of this session is to help you discover these practices to help you and your company succeed.
Learn MoreLeading Without Authority
“This course will focus on leading without authority. Although you may not have the title of manager, you can still work with other people and get things done successfully if you know how. That’s what this program is about.
You’re going to learn some simple techniques that will help you get the job done, whether or not you need the assistance and cooperation of coworkers, people in other departments, or even managers. You’ll find that even though you might not have authority, you have the power to get things done anyway and successfully achieve goals.
The main objective of this session is to help you get things done more effectively and efficiently without authority.”
Lean Project Management
This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the main principles of lean project management. By the time the session is over, you should understand the concepts of eliminating waste, creating value, executing faster, and creating a sense of accomplishment among your project team.
Learn MoreMastering Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak in Front of People
Whether we work alone or with a large number of people, eventually all of us have to speak in front of people or give a presentation. The good news is that the skills are the same whether you’re speaking to an auditorium filled with people or just making a toast at a fellow employee’s farewell party. Once you acquire some simple skills and know how to prepare, anyone can be a good speaker. Before you know it you will be speaking in front of people with ease and confidence.
Learn MoreMotivating Employees: Tips and Tactics for Supervisors
Motivating employees to perform at their best is one of the most important parts of your job. Productive, well-trained employees who work hard to achieve goals make a company strong and successful. But there’s a lot more to motivating employees than just the occasional pat on the back. Successful motivation is a daily activity that requires the use of a combination of techniques and a variety of motivators.
Learn MoreNegotiating Skills for All Employees
This session will focus on negotiation skills. Everyone should be a good negotiator. Being able to negotiate effectively helps you reach agreements, achieve objectives, get along better with people, and ultimately be more productive and successful on the job. Learn more by participating in this online training session about negotiating skills for all employees.
Learn MoreNegotiation Skills for Supervisors
Negotiation is something everybody is familiar with. It’s something you use all the time in your work as well as in your personal life. For example, you negotiate with your boss so that you can hire an additional employee. You negotiate with other supervisors to coordinate the operation of your departments and work groups. You negotiate many issues with your employees from performance goals to vacation schedules. You negotiate salaries with job candidates. And after work, you go home and negotiate with your spouse over this and that and with your kids over chores and probably just about everything else. The fact is that whether you’re aware of it or not, you spend a significant part of your day negotiating. That’s why good negotiation skills are so important.
Learn MoreNew Supervisors’ Guide to Effective Supervision
You’ve been promoted to supervisor. It’s a big job with important responsibilities. Today we’re going to talk about how you can meet those responsibilities successfully and excel as a supervisor. We’ll focus on 14 key areas in which all new supervisors must become fully competent in order to perform their jobs well and prepare for advancement.
Learn MoreOffice Ergonomics
MSDs are among the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time. Workers in many different industries and occupations can be exposed to MSD risk factors at work. Fortunately, work-related MSDs can be prevented.
Learn MoreOffice Ergonomics (Spanish)
The main objective of this session is to cover the topic of office ergonomics from hazards to precautions so that you can avoid developing work-related MSDs. |
Organizational Business Practices: CSR and ESG for Leaders
Sustainable development has rapidly become an important new challenge that corporations are facing. Due to political, economic, and market conditions, it’s critical that leaders understand and recognize the significance of this issue. This course aims to provide an overview and key points regarding corporate social responsibility, or CSR, and environmental, social, and corporate governance, or ESG. We’ll examine what leading companies are doing in these areas and look at ways leaders can begin to responsibly address the issues raised.
Learn MoreOrganizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know
This session will focus on how organizing and planning can help you work smarter, and we’re going to give you the blueprint to more efficient organization and more effective planning.
Learn MorePerformance Goals: How Goals Help Supervisors Manage Employees More Effectively
This course focuses on the importance of setting goals to guide and develop employee performance. We’ll examine the criteria for effective performance goals and cover the steps in the goal-setting and review process.
Learn MorePlanning and Organizing Skills for Supervisors
Planning and organizing are two of the key functions performed by any manager or supervisor. That makes good planning and organizing skills an extremely important asset. During this training session, you’ll learn about how you can become better organized so that you can become more efficient and stop wasting valuable time. You’ll also learn how to develop better plans so that you can achieve goals and be more successful.
Learn MorePower Dynamics in the Workplace
This course will address power dynamics and creating a respectful workplace. It will include different types of power and their impact on relationships and productivity. We will discuss how power can be misused, leading to abuse such as bullying and harassment. Through examples and scenarios, learners will be able to identify abusive behavior and understand the importance of addressing power dynamic issues in the workplace. We will also cover strategies for preventing abuse, and fostering a respectful culture. |
Problem Solving for Employees
This session teaches employees problem-solving techniques. It goes without saying that problem solving is part of any job. Problems can’t be avoided. “Problems” are better looked at as opportunities for improvement. The problem-solving methods covered in this session can help trainees identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, change employee behaviors and attitudes toward problems and, consequently, be more empowered and successful at work.
Learn MoreProblem Solving for Supervisors
Problems are a fact of your daily working life. You can’t avoid them. The best you can do is recognize them and try to solve them before they cause more problems. Learning to identify problems and develop effective solutions is one of the biggest challenges any supervisor faces. At the same time, the skill with which you deal with problems on the job has a direct impact on your effectiveness as a supervisor and on your career success. The problem-solving methods you will learn in this session can help you identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, and consequently, be more successful in your job.
Learn MoreProfessional Behavior: What Supervisors Need to Know
Your success as a supervisor depends on conducting yourself in a professional manner at all times with everyone you come in contact with during the workday.
The main objective of this session is to discuss professional behavior and how it affects your job as a supervisor. By the time the session is over, you should be able to:
- Recognize the impact of your behavior on the job;
- Maintain professional relationships with employees, colleagues, superiors, and others; and
- Act appropriately in all situations and make proper employment decisions.
Professional Workplace Conduct for Employees
This course will be an overview of common topics included in employee codes of conduct. For employees to work effectively and efficiently, they will need to know a variety of topics that will impact their day-to-day work and relationships. This course will discuss the following topics: professionalism in the workplace, ethical choices, and making your opinion heard in a respectful and constructive way. These topics will serve as a foundation for employees’ further training in these issues.
Learn MoreProject Management: Planning
The objective of this training session is to learn how to plan a project effectively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to understand the steps involved in effective project planning, understand how to troubleshoot your own project plans to anticipate problems and prevent bottlenecks, and create project strategies that will successfully achieve goals, meet deadlines, and contain costs. |
Project Management: Stakeholders
This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the concepts of stakeholder analysis and management. By the time the session is over, you should be familiar with the purpose of a stakeholder analysis, how to identify your project’s key stakeholders and important peripheral stakeholders, why you should involve stakeholders and why getting to know them is important, and understanding some different methods for conducting a stakeholder analysis.
Learn MoreProject Management: The Beginning
The main objective of this session is to prepare you for the demanding task of getting a project under way. By the time the session is over, you will understand the many steps involved in successfully executing a project, how to wind up a project properly, and special situations that can complicate the implementation of a project.
Learn MoreProject Management: Troubleshooting
The main objective of this session is to teach you about troubleshooting within project management. In this training module, we will go over what troubleshooting is, what the signs of trouble are and how to avoid them, why troubleshooting is important, and ways to react to different situations to become a more efficient troubleshooter.
Learn MoreProject Planning: Budgeting
The objective of this training session is to learn how to create a budget—and how to stay on it. We will talk about the importance of careful and accurate budgeting in the project planning process, the basic steps involved in budgeting for a project, and the importance of monitoring expenditures during project implementation. By the end of the session, you should be better prepared to deal effectively with problems and bring any project in on budget.
Learn MoreProject Quality Management
The main objective of this session is to teach you about Project Quality Management and how the process works. In this training module we will go over the Project Quality Management process, why it is important, and how to implement the process.
Learn MoreProject Risk Management
The main objective of this session is to teach you about project risk management and how to identify and plan for risks. In this training module, we will go over what project risk management is, why it is important and, most importantly, how to identify risks.
Learn MoreProtecting Intellectual Property
Some companies earn a profit by selling goods and services, while others sell ideas, also known as “intellectual property.” Just like physical property, intellectual property is afforded legal protection.
This course will discuss intellectual property and intellectual property protections, including trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, as well as review ways businesses and their employees can protect a company’s intellectual property.
Recognizing and Avoiding Favoritism
Favoritism in the office can appear in many forms and cause a breakdown in employee morale, as well as the typical reporting structures. This course will help you understand what favoritism is and what it isn’t. Participants will learn practical strategies to prevent and manage instances of nepotism and favoritism and how to combat them in a professional setting. Along with understanding unconscious bias, this course will provide learners with the knowledge to create a more inclusive and fairer workspace overall.
Learn MoreSelf-Leadership and Accountability
While it is important for the manager to set the right expectations, it is equally or more important for employees to lead with excellence and accountability. Self-leadership means having ownership over one’s actions and decisions and being responsible for the consequences. This course will provide learners with insight on how to become self-leaders, overcome obstacles, and drive an increase in personal success and organizational contributions. It will also address some of the basic unwritten practices expected in the modern workforce.
Learn MoreStress Management
“Stress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges. Mental health challenges can include clinical mental illness and substance use disorders as well as other emotions like stress, grief, or feeling sad and anxious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage stress, as well as improve mental health and well-being. This session is intended for all employees.
Learn MoreSubstance Abuse in the Workplace: What Employees Need to Know
Substance abuse creates problems both on and off the job. In the workplace, a substance abuse problem can cause absenteeism, decreased job performance, and serious safety hazards that put the abuser, coworkers, and even customers or the public at risk. Treatment is available and can help-but when left untreated, a substance abuse problem can cause problems for the entire workplace. During this session, we’ll discuss the harmful impact of substance abuse in the workplace. You’ll learn the legal issues regarding workplace substance abuse, how to recognize if you or one of your coworkers may have a problem, as well as what solutions are available to deal with a substance abuse problem.
Learn MoreSuccessful Weight Management
This session is designed to help employees manage their weight successfully and live a healthier life. Obesity is now considered an epidemic. Approximately two-thirds of the adult population is either overweight or obese. And yet, overweight individuals can reduce the risk for some chronic disorders by losing as little as 5 percent to 15 percent of their weight. This course will help trainees understand the risks of being overweight, learn the formula for maintaining a healthy weight, identify simple ways to cut calories, maintain a healthy exercise program, choose a sensible and safe weight loss program; and keep fit for life. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreSupervising Special Groups
The main objective of this session is to help you supervise special groups of employees more effectively. By the time the session is over, you should be able to identify the needs of special groups of employees, avoid potential problems with young and older works and non-English speaking employees, supervise special groups more effectively, and obtain the best performance possible from each employee.
Learn MoreTeambuilding for Employees
Teams can be an extremely effective way to get important work done. Teamwork boosts productivity, improves quality, ensures greater safety, and makes companies more profitable and competitive. That’s why team building is a topic everyone should know something about.
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- Understand how you can build strong, effective teams in your organization
Telephone Etiquette
The main objective of this session is to help you learn about telephone etiquette. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand why telephone etiquette is important in your job; project a professional image on the phone when you make and receive calls; handle holds, transfers, and voice mail effectively; deal properly with difficult callers; and conclude calls successfully.
Learn MoreThe Art of Listening for Enhanced Communication
The main objective of this session is to help you improve your listening skills. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand the importance of listening; improve listening skills; use skills to listen more effectively on the job; and become more successful as a result of all you learn from listening.
Learn MoreTime Management Skills for Employees
This training presentation will help you gain control over your time so that you can work more efficiently and productively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to identify and eliminate your time wasters; plan and prioritize effectively; define goals and make time-wise decisions; capitalize on prime and commuting time; avoid procrastination; and handle communications, interruptions, and emergencies effectively.
Learn MoreTime Management for Supervisors
The main objective of this session is to help you work more efficiently and productively.
Learn MoreTop-Down Communication for Supervisors
This course focuses on how to improve your command of top-down communication so that you can communicate effectively with employees on a broad range of work issues and excel as a supervisor.
Learn MoreTraining the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training
Effective training of employees is essential in today’s workplace. Technological advances, rapid changes in the regulatory environment, and challenges cultivating and developing employees for the long term make effective training more important than ever. But trainers themselves need to be trained, to increase their effectiveness and comfort level with the job. This session will prepare individuals with training responsibilities to facilitate or guide trainees through their learning process.
Learn MoreTraining the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training (Spanish)
This course discusses effective training in all its stages, from assessing the needs at your workplace to developing a culture where training is ongoing and seen as an essential part of every job. By the time the session is over, trainees should be able to assess training needs at your workplace, identify training objectives to meet these needs, understand the elements of adult learning in order to best train adults effectively, develop effective training sessions that enhance learning through participation, and foster or encourage a culture of continued learning.
Learn MoreUnderstanding California Privacy Requirements Under the CCPA and CPRA
The California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, was enacted to give consumers more control over the use of their personal data and to hold businesses more accountable for protecting any consumer data they collect and process. The Act requires regulated businesses to provide training to employees dealing with consumer inquiries related to company privacy practices, as well as anyone responsible for the organization’s CCPA compliance. |
Virtual Meetings: Etiquette and Effectiveness
Virtual meetings are becoming increasingly commonplace as global business and remote working continue to expand in the modern workplace. Video conferences and teleconferences can be an excellent way to interact with coworkers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But these online meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the virtual meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every worker should possess. The main objective of this session is to help you get the most from the virtual workplace meetings in which you are involved.
Learn MoreWellness and You
Good health is perhaps the most important thing in anybody’s life. Without your health, you can’t enjoy the rest of your life and meet the challenges you face every day. Today, we’re going to talk about wellness and how to improve your health and the quality of your life.
Learn MoreWhat You Need to Know About Headaches
A whopping 90 percent of all people in the United States get some kind of headache, with 20 percent seeking professional medical help for their pain. One category of headaches, the migraine, is experienced by an estimated 28 million people. Whether sufferers stay at home or go to work, migraines are a major, largely unrecognized cause of lost workplace productivity. This headache management and prevention online training course addresses different types of headaches, symptoms, medical and alternative treatments and, finally, healthful lifestyle changes that can help avoid the onset of headaches or minimize headache pain. These manageable changes enhance quality of life in general and improve employee productivity. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreWorkplace Ethics for Supervisors
This training session on business ethics for supervisors explores ethical issues that affect your job and your employees. The objective of this training session is to help ensure that as an organization and as individuals we act ethically in all matters related to our business. At the end of the training session trainees will be able to:
- Appreciate the importance of ethical conduct on the job;
- Understand the requirements of the law and company policy;
- Identify ethical problems in the workplace;
- Make ethical decisions; and
- Recognize and carry out ethical responsibilities.
Business Software*
From beginner instructions to get you started using Office 10 to advanced series to help you master Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Quickbooks this library has everything you need to go from complete novice to business software pro. With more than 100 courses, this library also includes instruction on Office Guru, Power BI, OneDrive, OneNote, Sharepoint, Skype, Teams, and more.
Click here for more information about this library.
Adobe Acrobat DC Essentials
In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains you will learn to use Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to convert documents to PDF files, search within PDF documents, edit and markup PDF documents, and convert and optimize PDF files.
Learn MoreAdvanced Acrobat DC Essentials
In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains you will learn to use Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to convert documents to PDF files, search within PDF documents, edit and markup PDF documents, and convert and optimize PDF files.
Learn MoreAdvanced QuickBooks
This is a course that many of our customers have requested, to help them move beyond the basics of QuickBooks and use features like payroll, sales tax, timesheets, barter transactions, and the document center correctly.
Learn More
Basic Business Finance
“Confused by debits, credits, balance sheets, and other business accounting terms?
This is the course for you! Learn the basic accounting and finance concepts you need to be
successful in modern business.”
Brain Bites – GDPR Essentials
Learn valuable information about the GDPR, its significance for U.S. businesses, and how it compares to other privacy laws. We live and conduct business within a global digital landscape. Because of that, it’s important that organizations become familiar with the key provisions and principles of the GDPR.
In this course, you’ll learn the principles of data protection that the GDPR is built upon as well as the data rights of individuals that stem from those principles. You’ll learn about businesses’ responsibility when processing the personal data of EU citizens. You’ll also learn about the risks of and the penalties for non-compliance.
Brain Bites – Microsoft Team Meetings
“Maximize your meetings with Microsoft Teams – If someone told you you’d be comfortable collaborating and meeting virtually in less than 30 minutes, would you believe them? Believe it! Bigger Brains has a way for you to learn Teams for virtual meetings that are just as easy and collaborative as your in-person gatherings. Thanks to its features and ease of use, Microsoft Teams is quickly becoming the dominant meeting platform for businesses of all sizes. Don’t be left behind! We’ll take a look at the major features of Teams meetings, including its deep integration with Microsoft Outlook and collaboration tools like Microsoft Whiteboard and PowerPoint.
Brain Bites micro-learning courses are information-rich and convey important topics with an engaging mix of video and animation. With 5-minute video lessons and 30-minute-or-less courses, Brain Bites are the perfect tool to educate today’s busy workforce.
By the end of this course, you will be able to identify multiple ways to initiate a Teams Meeting, and use Teams Meetings to share documents, presentations, whiteboards, and more.”
Brain Bites – Using Windows 10
Windows 10 introduced many new tools, and updated others, including Cortana, Task View, Virtual Desktops, the Quick Access Screen, and more. In this mini-course we’ll show you how to get around in Windows 10, and how to customize and take advantage of the major features and tools Windows 10 provides.
Brain Bites micro-learning courses are information-rich and convey important topics with an engaging mix of video and animation. With 5 minute video lessons and 30-minute-or-less courses, Brain Bites are the perfect tool to educate today’s busy workforce.
Brain Bites – Windows 11 Essentials
What is new in Windows 11? It includes a new Taskbar Corner and Notification area, better ways of organizing your desktops, and an updated File Explorer. This quick course guides you through both new and existing features so you can adapt to the changes and create new ways of working more productively in Windows.
Learn MoreCreating Word Templates
“Don’t re-create documents over and over! Learn about templates in Word to increase your productivity, save time, and create consistency.
Being able to consistently create documents that have a uniform look and adhere to company standards can be challenging and time consuming. Use the templates feature in Word to do this effortlessly. Learn basics about effective design and using headings, sections, and your company’s logo, fonts, and colors to produce professional and effective documents that will stand out!
By the end of this course, you will be able to create a template that can be used again and again for similar documents.”
Excel – Data Analysis with Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables are the perfect tool to analyze large amounts of data in Excel. Being able to summarize, visualize, and tabulate your data makes PivotTables an important skill for anyone who uses Excel to store and report on data, and in this course Microsoft trainer Kathy Jones will show you how to effectively use the PivotTable tools in Excel 2013 and 2016.
Excel – Intro to Power Pivot
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in you can use to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily.
In this course we’ll show you everything you need to know in order to install and start using Power Pivot in Excel.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 1 of 10): Getting Started
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the Excel interface and access Excel Help.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 10 of 10): Customizing Options
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to customize Excel to work with your preferences and to quickly access the commands you use most.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 2 of 10): Entering Data
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and save a new workbook and enter data.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 3 of 10): Calculations
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use formulas and functions to perform basic calculations in Excel.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 4 of 10): Modifying Worksheets
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to insert and remove rows and columns; quickly find, replace, and select data; and use proofing and research tools.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 5 of 10): Text and Number Formats
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to format text and numbers including custom number formats.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 6 of 10): Formatting Cell Contents
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to improve the appearance of your worksheets with cell formatting like alignment and text wrapping, and also apply Styles and Themes for consistency.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 7 of 10): Conditional Formatting
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Conditional Formatting and Comparative Analysis Formatting to easily read and analyze data, as well as access and create templates for predefined formatting.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 8 of 10): Printing and Page Layout
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to prepare your worksheets for printing using features like Set Print Area, Page Breaks, and Headers & Footers.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 9 of 10): Worksheets and Workbooks
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to manage multiple worksheets and workbooks and easily view and compare data.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 1 of 11): Using Named Ranges
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and use named ranges.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 10 of 11): Creating PivotTables
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a PivotTable to group and summarize data.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 11 of 11): Advanced PivotTables and Slicers
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply advanced PivotTable features, create a PivotChart, and filter data using Slicers and Timelines.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 2 of 11): Working with Date Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to insert Date and Time functions into spreadsheets.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 3 of 11): Working with Logical Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Logical functions and nest functions in a cell.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 4 of 11): Working with Text and Math Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Text and Math functions to manipulate text and numbers in cells.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 5 of 11): Sorting and Filtering Lists
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to sort and filter columns of data in Excel.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 6 of 11): Querying and Subtotals with Lists
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Database functions and find Subtotals.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 7 of 11): Analyzing Data with Tables and Formatting
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and modify tables, and apply advanced Conditional Formatting to a spreadsheet.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 8 of 11): Visualizing Data with Charts
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and modify charts.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 9 of 11): Advanced Charting, Trendlines, and Graphics
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply advanced charting tools and work with graphics.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel for Mac Basics
Excel can do almost anything – crunch numbers, create lists, store data, edit budgets, and more. In this basics course we’ll show you how to get started with Excel on a Mac, including using the most popular features. Whether you’re a first-time Excel user, or if you just want to re-learn the fundamentals, this course is for you!
Excel for Project Management
Learn to create the deliverables of a Project Management Plan in Excel with worksheets including Project Charter, Requirements, Issues, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Risks, and Stakeholder Communication. When all of the information about your project is inside one workbook, you can answer any question, and you’ll always know where to track a new piece of information.
A new requirement identified? Add it to your Requirements sheet. A new stakeholder? Add them to your Stakeholder Communication sheet. Without any additional project management tools, you can track all of the information you need and use Excel features such as linked fields and conditional formatting to create a professional and effective Project Management Plan.
Excel: Creating Dashboards
Crunching numbers is what Microsoft Excel does best – but how do you use those numbers to get the answers you need? This course will show you how to use advanced Excel features to turn massive amounts of data into visual, customizable dashboards. The ability to easily query and display information from your Excel data is a helpful tool for decision making, and this course will demonstrate five advanced Excel features (Forms, Lookup Functions, Charts, PivotTables, and Slicers) which will do just that.
Learn More
Gmail Essentials (2021)
Gmail Is One Of The Most Often Used, Under-Utilized Applications In The World. This Course Will Change The Way You Use Your Gmail Account – Guaranteed!
Learn MoreGoogle Workspace Essentials (2020)
“Learn about all the powerful apps in Google’s collection of cloud computing, productivity, and collaboration tools
Whether you know it as Google Workspace, G-Suite or Google Apps, Google’s suite of apps for business is powerful, accessible, and integrated. In this course, Google expert Laurie Sherrod provides an overview of the most common apps and a few more you may not be aware of.
Other apps covered include Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drive, Google Forms, Google Meet, and more. Learn what’s possible and how to get the most out of your Google Workspace account.”
Intro to Microsoft 365 (2021)
Microsoft 365 is far more than classic Microsoft Office. Powerful collaborative tools like OneDrive, Teams, Planner, and Forms combine with traditional Microsoft apps to form a powerful productivity-boosting tool – and in this course we’ll get you started with Microsoft 365 with a short introduction to what it is, how to access it, and how to use Search and Help to find what you need inside Microsoft 365.
Learn MoreLeading Engaging Zoom Meetings
Meeting virtually doesn’t have to be boring talking heads on a screen! If you know how to use the tools Zoom provides, you can lead engaging meetings where everyone can participate. This course takes you through the settings you’ll need to begin and the basics for sharing your screen. You will learn about using whiteboards, annotation, and polls. Then it moves into more complex meeting structures like breakout rooms for small group collaboration and how to manage them. It ends with guidelines to heighten interest, participation and engagement.
Learn MoreLearning Excel 2019 – Advanced (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 4 Advanced TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel’s advanced features to create professional and easy to navigate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365. Validate your skills with a TOSA certification or continue your learning journey with the Excel Expert Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Basics (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 2 Basics TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365 to analyze data, manage multiple worksheets and address errors in your formulas with Tracing. Take the TOSA certification to validate your current Excel skill level or continue your learning journey with the Excel Productive Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Beginner (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 1 Beginner TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365 to create your own workbooks and analyze your data. Take the TOSA certification to validate your current Excel skill level or continue your learning journey with the Excel Basics Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Expert (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 5 Expert TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will feel ready to achieve TOSA’s Expert Level certification and use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Productive (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 3 Productive TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will feel prepared for TOSA certification, confidently take your spreadsheets to the next level, and use many Excel 2019 or Excel 365 features to be more efficient in analyzing your data. Validate your skills with a TOSA certification or continue your learning journey with the Excel Advanced Level course.”
Learning PowerPoint 2019 – Advanced (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you an engaging communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 4 Advanced TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Basics (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will get you one step closer to becoming great communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 2 Basic TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Beginner (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will get you one step closer to becoming great communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 1 Beginner TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Expert (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you a more productive communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 5 Expert TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Productive (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you a more productive communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 3 Productive TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreMastering Access 2013
Microsoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs. The new Access 2013 even lets you build web-based apps which anyone can use. In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Peggy Ward will walk you through building your first Microsoft Access desktop or web app, including creating tables, importing external data, using templates, using queries, and implementing forms and reports.
Mastering Access 2016 – Basics
Microsoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs.
In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Kathy Jones will walk you through building your first Microsoft Access database, including creating tables, using queries, and implementing forms and reports.
Mastering Access 2016 – Intermediate
Microsoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs.
In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Kathy Jones will build upon the basics of tables, queries, forms, and reports covered in the Basics course. Starting with the basics of relational database design, this course will expand your knowledge of Microsoft Access by covering topics such as table relationships, query joins, subdatasheets, field validation, parameter queries, and more.
Mastering Excel 2013
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your path to first learning, then even mastering Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Advanced
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is for users who wish to gain skills in the more advanced features of Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Basics
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course moves you beyond the basics and into being a real pro with Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course covers everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel 2016, from the very basics to the most advanced features and functions.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016 – Advanced
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel and teaches you how to use links, lookup functions, macros, data tables, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Intermediate versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Basics
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Note: When combined with the Intermediate and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel basics and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727
Mastering Excel 2019 – Advanced
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to use links, Lookup functions, Data Validation, Macros, data tables, and more.
By the end of this course, you will feel empowered to use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365″
Mastering Excel 2019 – Basics
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Basics
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. Excel expert Kathy Jones will also show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Beginner
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Advanced
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. Once you have completed this course, there are few things you won’t be able to do with Excel!
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. This course will show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data. |
Mastering Excel 365 – Beginner (2024)
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Intermediate (2022)
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Google Drive (2020)
It’s time to leave attachments behind. Google Drive is an accessible, secure, and free tool for collaborating, sharing, editing, and storing your files in the cloud. If you have a Google account, you already have a Google Drive! In this course, Google expert Laurie Sherrod shows you how to make the most of your Google Drive including all the tips and tricks that will make it easy and fast to get started. It’s already integrated with other Google Apps like Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. By the end of this course, you will understand the purpose and features of Google Drive and be ready to use the application to store, edit, and share files and folders any time and from any device.
Learn MoreMastering Microsoft 365 (2022)
This comprehensive course for end-users provides in-depth training for tools such as email, calendars, and OneDrive, plus basic training on all the most popular Microsoft 365 apps including Teams, Planner, Forms, Yammer, Power Apps, and SharePoint.
Learn MoreMastering Microsoft Project Part 2 – Managing a Project (2016)
This Microsoft Project course covers the skills a project manager needs in order to manage a project plan created with Microsoft Project 2016. From updated task progress, work, and costs to creating reports, and including advanced topics such as sharing resources and linking project plans, this course covers everything you need to know in order to manage your projects using Microsoft Project. A related course, Mastering Microsoft Project, Part 1: Creating a Project is recommended as a prerequisite to this course, along with basic project management knowledge and skills.
Learn MoreMastering Microsoft Project, Part 1 – Creating a Project (2016)
This Mastering Microsoft course covers the critical knowledge and skills a project manager needs to create a project plan with Project 2016 during the planning phase of a project. In other words, if your manager assigns you to lead a project, this course will enable you to draft a project plan with Project 2016 and share it with your supervisor (and others) for review and approval.
Mastering Microsoft Teams – Basics (2022)
The ability for teams to work together productively is perhaps the most important function in any business, and it’s the central focus of the Microsoft Teams application.
From file sharing and co-editing to video calls, persistent chat, screen sharing, and more, learn how Microsoft Teams gives you the tools to stay in touch and get work done with your colleagues and partners.
Mastering Microsoft Teams – Bonus Content
The ability for teams to work together productively is perhaps the most important function in any business, and it’s the central focus of the Microsoft Teams application. Learn many of the features available for collaborating such as sharing files, setting up shifts, creating Wikis, and adding apps and connectors.
Learn MoreMastering OneNote 2013
OneNote® is a powerful tool both for managing your own notes or ideas and for collaborating with others. In this course, trainer Christina Tankersley will walk you through everything you need to know to be efficient with Microsoft’s incredibly popular note-taking platform.
Mastering OneNote 2016
OneNote® is a powerful tool both for managing your own notes or ideas and for collaborating with others. In this course, trainer Christina Tankersley will walk you through everything you need to know to be efficient with Microsoft’s incredibly popular note-taking platform.
Mastering Outlook 2013
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master .
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time, if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time—if the Outlook user knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 365 – Basics (2024)
There’s more to Outlook than just email. Learn how to use the many features of Microsoft’s powerful productivity tool. Few things have a greater impact on your productivity than how you use Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks when they could be taking advantage of the many features embedded in Outlook. In this course, you will learn how to customize Outlook to fit how you work, as well as shortcuts to streamline how you create and manage messages. You’ll also learn tricks to help you schedule meetings and track responses, as well as how to use your contacts effectively. Brush up on your Outlook skills, so you can become more efficient using many of the tools Outlook has to offer.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 365 – Beginner (2024)
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than how you use Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks when they could be taking advantage of the many features embedded in Outlook. This course will help you brush up on your Outlook skills, so you can become more productive while using the basic elements of Outlook.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2013
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016 – Advanced
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016 – Basics
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2019 – Advanced
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made—not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2019 – Basics
Using PowerPoint effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether its designing a presentation for a meeting, creating a handout, or even creating and exporting a custom video, PowerPoint 2019 is a tool that everyone should feel comfortable using. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint guru Kelly Vandever walks you through the basics of getting started with PowerPoint 2019.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Basics
Learn how to create visually interesting presentations that will cause people to sit up and pay attention. Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to modify your bulleted and numbered lists, add tables for readability, and add animation to keep viewers engaged. Whether you are using a template design, customizing your own text boxes, or adding dynamic pictures, our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will show you how to create and customize interesting presentations, and present them flawlessly.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Beginner
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most common tool used for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether you’re designing a presentation for a meeting or creating a handout, you’ll learn the basics of organizing and effectively presenting the information you need to share. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint expert, Kathy Snizaski, walks you through all the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint so you can start creating your own presentations.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Intermediate
“Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you’ll learn design principles and how to customize themes to help you capture and retain the attention of your audience. Our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will also show you how to make your slides more readable using formatting tools and customizing tabs and spacing. Do you need to illustrate data? You can create a chart right in PowerPoint or import data from Excel and graph it on a slide.
Pictures and other graphics are always important in a presentation, and you’ll learn how to customize and animate many types of graphics, including SmartArt, text boxes, and shapes. And if you need to collaborate, you’ll learn how to use comments effectively to exchange ideas about the presentation. You’ll be amazed at all the tools available to create and customize interesting and informative presentations.”
Mastering PowerPoint 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to modify your bulleted and numbered lists, add tables for readability, and add animation to keep viewers engaged. Whether you are using a template design, customizing your own text boxes, or adding dynamic pictures, our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will show you how to create and customize interesting presentations, and present them flawlessly.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Beginner (2024)
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most common tool used for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether you’re designing a presentation for a meeting or creating a handout, you’ll learn the basics of organizing and effectively presenting the information you need to share. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint expert, Kathy Snizaski, walks you through all the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint so you can start creating your own presentations.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Expert (2023)
Learn how to create visually interesting presentations that will cause people to sit up and pay attention. Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you will learn how to use PowerPoint’s expert-level options and tools to create powerful and dynamic presentations. Many of the tools in PowerPoint are designed to help you be a better presenter. You will see how to apply advanced animation, action buttons, and transitions to keep your audience interested. Did you know PowerPoint comes with a coach? You’ll learn how to rehearse your presentations to fine-tune the timing, and also how to take advantage of your built-in coach. You’ll also learn how to incorporate add-ins and manage video, along with other tools to customize and share your presentation.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Intermediate (2022)
“Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you’ll learn design principles and how to customize themes to help you capture and retain the attention of your audience. Our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will also show you how to make your slides more readable using formatting tools and customizing tabs and spacing. Do you need to illustrate data? You can create a chart right in PowerPoint or import data from Excel and graph it on a slide.
Pictures and other graphics are always important in a presentation, and you’ll learn how to customize and animate many types of graphics, including SmartArt, text boxes, and shapes. And if you need to collaborate, you’ll learn how to use comments effectively to exchange ideas about the presentation. You’ll be amazed at all the tools available to create and customize interesting and informative presentations.”
Mastering Powerpoint 2019
“Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was well done? Do you remember the difference it made—not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint guru, Kelly Vandever, walks you through all the features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2019.
By the end of this course, you will know how PowerPoint works and be able to use PowerPoint’s more advanced features to impress your audience and get the most out of PowerPoint 2019 or PowerPoint 365.”
Mastering QuickBooks Desktop
Do you feel like you don’t have time to learn how to use some advanced tools and functions in QuickBooks because you have other important work to do – like gathering or inputting data into QuickBooks? This course is a great way to get up to speed on QuickBooks 2018, with many time-saving lessons that can change the way you think about QuickBooks.
Learn MoreMastering Quickbooks Online – Basics (2021)
QuickBooks Online brings traditional QuickBooks accounting to a cloud-based solution, and this course will show you everything you need to know to manage your customers, vendors, invoices, bills, checks, and online payments through QuickBooks Online.
Mastering Visio – Basics
Learning Microsoft Visio is the best way to get you started visualizing your data and information. Visio can help you visually represent work processes, hierarchies, and workflows to make data easier to understand and follow. This makes Visio a great tool for project management, process analysis, and infrastructure documentation. This course gets you started by taking you through the various components that make up a flowchart or process map. It won’t be long before you are creating clean, visually appealing diagrams that are easy to follow and understand.
Learn MoreMastering Visio – Intermediate
Visio can help you visually represent work processes, hierarchies, and workflows to make data easier to understand and follow. This makes Visio a great tool for project management, process analysis, and infrastructure documentation. In this course, you will learn how to create specific types of diagrams, as well as modify visual elements such as backgrounds, themes, and styles. Trainer Kat Snizaski will help you discover many of Visio’s stencils and tools so you can take your diagrams and flowcharts to the next level.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to harness the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Advanced
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this advanced course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to move complete your mastery of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Basics
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Intermediate
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this Intermediate course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to move beyond the basics of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word, from the very basics to the most advanced features.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Advanced
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Basics
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Intermediate
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2019 – Advanced
“Microsoft Word is hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. While used by millions of people each day, there are very few who know how to use Microsoft Word properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll help you build on intermediate skills in Word 2019 or Word 365 to create more professional and effective documents.
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your documents to the highest level and use Word’s powerful advanced features to make your job easier.”
Mastering Word 2019 – Basics
Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara, Evers, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2019 – Intermediate
“Microsoft Word is hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. While used by millions of people each day, there are very few who know how to use Microsoft Word properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll help you build on basic skills in Word 2019 or Word 365 to create more professional and effective documents.
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your documents to the next level and use Word’s features to make your job easier.”
Mastering Word 365 – Advanced (2023)
Learn advanced skills using Microsoft’s word processing software—delivered in easy-to-follow, highly informative lessons. In this comprehensive course you’ll build on your Word skillset so you can create advanced documents that will impress all your colleagues and save you time. You’ll learn how to streamline your document creation by using Outline mode to structure text, by creating and modifying AutoText, by customizing and saving your themes, and by creating and running macros. You will polish your documents by splitting text into columns, changing the grammar and spell check settings in Editor, using advanced cropping features, and managing SmartArt. You’ll also learn how to enhance your document graphics by using picture correction and artistic effects on images and by inserting online videos and Excel tables. You will also learn how to use the built-in translation features and how to enhance navigation with bookmarks, hyperlinks, cross-references, and a Table of Contents.
Learn MoreMastering Word 365 – Basics (2022)
Word is more than a word processor. It has the potential to make you more productive and make your job easier! While used by millions of people daily, there are few who know how to maximize Word’s functions and features. In this course taught by Microsoft trainer Christina Tankersley, we’ll show you everything you need to know to work efficiently and create polished documents.
Learn MoreMastering Word 365 – Beginner (2022)
Word is more than a word processor. It has the potential to make you more productive and make your job easier! While used by millions of people daily, there are few who know how to maximize Word’s functions and features. In this basics course taught by Microsoft trainer Christina Tankersley, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the full power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 Admin Tips and Tricks
As an administrator, you know the importance of streamlining user, device, and configuration management, while ensuring a safe and secure experience for both your users and your company. In this course, Amy Babinchak, Microsoft 365 MVP, shows you how she administers and secures Microsoft 365 tenants for her company and her clients. Learn how to access the various Microsoft 365 admin centers and where to perform necessary tasks, while also getting tips and tricks from Amy based on her years of experience. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to get started with or improve your Microsoft 365 administration.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 Email Essentials (2021)
Outlook on the Web is just one of the apps Microsoft 365 includes to increase productivity and ease your work life. Access is everywhere and anywhere and tools are included to automate tasks and organize your communications. Learn the basics, then go on to discover all the ways Outlook can keep you focused and your emails at your fingertips.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 Groups Essentials (2021)
“Microsoft Office has no shortage of ways for groups to work together. From simple spreadsheet sharing to social media tools like Yammer and Delve and collaboration platforms like SharePoint, Microsoft has provided plenty of tools to help people work as a team.
One of the newest tools is also the most powerful: Office 365 Groups. The Groups feature is built into Microsoft Outlook, the Office 365 web interface, and its own Groups mobile app.”
Microsoft 365 Sharing Calendars and Email (2022)
There are lots of reasons why you might want to share a calendar, an email account, or just an email folder with someone else. Maybe you just want them to see your availability from your personal calendar. Or maybe you would like your assistant to manage your own calendar and accept meeting invites on your behalf. You might need your team to access a shared mailbox that customers can send messages to, or you might want to share the receipts folder in your Outlook with your bookkeeper so they can get the information they need without asking you for it every time.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 To Do, Calendar, and People Essentials (2022)
In addition to email, Outlook on the Web includes powerful tools to keep track of your calendars, your contacts, and your tasks (now called To Do). This course continues the lessons started in Microsoft 365 Email Essentials, with a focus on the non-email features in Outlook online.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 for New Employees (2022)
Microsoft 365 is a powerful, business-class communication and collaboration platform, with lots of features to help you work more productively. In this course we’ll look at the most common tools you’ll want to use in your new job, including email, calendar, OneDrive, Teams, To Do, and the Office apps.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Forms Essentials (2022)
In this course we’ll show how easy it is to use Microsoft Forms to create online forms, surveys, and quizzes, and view the results as they come in. And we’ll look at how those same features can be used to add polls to Microsoft Teams chats or meetings.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Planner Essentials (2023)
The Planner tool in Microsoft 365 is a powerful task management app. This app offers features similar to standalone project management apps without the high price tag since Planner is free with most Microsoft 365 Business plans. What does Planner do and how can teams use it effectively to delegate and manage tasks? Microsoft trainer Vicki Drewa will show you not only how to create a new plan and attach it to a team or group, but also how to use your plan effectively. You’ll learn how to set up buckets for process management, add tasks, assign team members, and track the tasks effectively. You’ll also learn how to filter your plan to see just what you need and view dynamic charts to track everything. Engage in this course to learn the ins and outs of Planner and impress all your colleagues with your advanced task management skillset. |
Microsoft Power Automate – Advanced (2024)
Learn how to use many of the advanced features of Microsoft Power Automate. You’ll build on your existing knowledge of Excel functions to incorporate both simple and complex expressions into your flows and test those expressions before placing them into a flow. You’ll learn how you can use variables to store values that need to be updated at different points in a flow. You’ll also learn several ways to apply conditions in Power Automate, including how to use the Condition control feature and how to apply conditions directly to a trigger.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Power Automate – Basics (2024)
Learn how to build workflows to automate business processes and tasks across Outlook, SharePoint, and Teams. In this course you will learn how to use the features of Microsoft Power Automate to make your workflow more efficient. After an overview of Power Automate and its purpose, you’ll explore home page options and different types of flows. You’ll learn how to create flows from a template and how to create automated, scheduled, and instant cloud flows. And, you’ll learn how to use the mobile app to trigger and create instant flows when you need them. By the end of this course, you will have the necessary knowledge to begin building workflows that will automate your repetitive tasks and increase efficiency!
Learn MoreMicrosoft Sway Essentials
For everyone who ever struggled to create an engaging presentation with PowerPoint, rejoice! Microsoft Sway is a unique and refreshing new way to create visually appealing, interactive presentations and this course will walk you through getting started with your first Sway.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Teams Fundamentals and Best Practices (2022)
Ready to put away some of those separate apps and combine their features in one convenient place? Teams can be your Wiki, your file system, your calendar, your text and conversation place, your collaboration space! Many businesses are using Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and more. This short course covers everything you need to know in order to start using Microsoft Teams in just the first two lessons (20 minutes). The last three modules cover Teams best practices.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Teams in 30 Minutes (2021)
Many businesses are using Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and more. This micro course covers everything you need to know in order to start using Microsoft Teams in 34 MINUTES!
Learn MoreMicrosoft To Do Essentials (2020)
“The new Microsoft To-Do app is a simple tool with big benefits. Accessible from your phone, tablet, desktop app or browser, To-Do lets you organize all your tasks into multiple To-Do lists, and use the My Day feature to focus your attention on the most important tasks. You can also share lists with others to collaborate, or integrate with other Microsoft apps like Outlook and Planner.
In this course, Microsoft 365 Office expert Chip Reaves tells you why To Do is one of his favorite apps and uncovers all the power and features of Microsoft To Do.”
OneDrive Essentials (2021)
In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains we’ll look at both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business (as well as a brief look at SharePoint Document Libraries) to help you get up to speed .
Learn MoreOneDrive in 30 Minutes (2021)
Both OneDrive (the free, personal version) and OneDrive for Business (the corporate version included in most Office 365 plans) have the same mission: To allow you easy access to your documents and files from any device, any time, and securely share them with others. In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains, we’ll look at OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Document Libraries.
Learn MoreOneNote for Windows 10 Essentials
OneNote is one of Microsoft’s unsung heroes: a digital notebook that allows you to organize your notes, meeting minutes, project documents, and more—all in one place. It’s almost like having an old-school, three-subject binder—except with unlimited sections and your notebook won’t weigh down your bag like it might have in school. Plus, no one will have to copy your notes, because you can share them digitally to collaborate with others.
Are you ready to get organized?
Note: While many of the features are the same in other versions, this course is specific to the Windows 10 version of Microsoft OneNote.
Outlook Online Essentials (2020)
Sometimes you need a quick way to get to your “stuff” no matter where you are. Outlook Online, also called the Outlook Web App (OWA), is a convenient and powerful way to access your email, calendar, and contacts (People) from any web browser.
Throughout this course you will learn the main features and benefits of using Outlook Online from Office 365. The interface is very similar if you are using Outlook Online from your company as well.
Outlook Online in 30 Minutes – Calendar
In addition to email, Outlook on the Web includes powerful tools to manage your calendar. Add events and meetings to your calendar, schedule meetings with others, and find available times. In addition, you will learn how to use the powerful new calendar board feature to customize how you see your calendar data.
Learn MoreOutlook Online in 30 Minutes – Email
Email is the backbone of business communication, and Microsoft 365 supercharges your inbox with business-class features. Using Outlook on the Web (sometimes called Outlook Online or Outlook Web App) is a convenient and powerful way to access your email from any web browser, computer, or mobile device.
Learn MorePower BI Essentials
In Microsoft’s Power BI, you can connect to existing data to create modern data visualizations and reports. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to design reports, charts, and dashboards and distribute them to your team. We will walk you through the process from install to publish.
Learn MorePower Up Power Point (Presentation Skills) v2
Giving A Presentation? If You Want To Avoid Boring Your Audience To Tears, This Course Is A Must
Most Presentations Are Filled With Bullet Point Lists, Thick Paragraphs Of Text, And The Occasional Picture In A Desperate Attempt To Break Up The Monotony … but you can do better than that! This course shows you ways to turn standard content into something that’s ACTUALLY INTERESTING to your audience.
SQL for Non-Technical Users
“Do you often have to ask others to write SQL queries for you at work? Are you intimidated by the idea of writing your own SQL query? It’s time to take matters into your own hands.
In this course, you’ll learn how to write a basic SQL query from start to finish. We’ve designed the lessons specifically for those with little to no experience with writing queries, to teach you only what you need to know to get started writing queries today. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to retrieve data from multiple tables, sort and filter your query results, and use simple calculations. We’ll cover some commonly used functions so you can format dates and text as well as calculate sums and averages.
If you’re ready to stop waiting on someone else to pull data for you, this course is for you.
Note: This courses uses SQL Server Management Studio, but the language of an SQL query is not specific to any one tool.”
Salesforce Essentials
If your company has started using Salesforce.com and you need to get up to speed, this course is for you. In this course, Certified Salesforce Administrator, Mia Huffman, walks you step-by-step through using Salesforce for the first time. By the end of this course, you will be able to start using Salesforce to manage Leads, Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities and track your sales activity against these objects.
Learn MoreSaving Time in Outlook
Outlook is packed with great tools but there a few that can make a tremendous difference in your efficiency. With the automating features, tasks that you do on a regular basis that can take time will become simpler and faster.
Learn MoreSecrets Of The Web
With the internet business boom comes a new challenge: with so much information and so many resources online, some of the most useful and universally useful and engaging resources often go undiscovered. This course is your chance to uncover some of the web’s best kept secrets.
Learn MoreSecrets of the Office Guru (2019)
This Is The Course That’s Chock-Full Of Practical, Productivity-Boosting Tips, Tricks, And Skills That Will Turn Experienced Microsoft Office Users Into Gurus.
Question: What Can Savvy Microsoft Office Users Do To Improve Their Skills – Without Having To Comb Through Hours Of Information That They Already Know To Find Those Few Useful Gems Of Knowledge? Answer: Take This Course.
SharePoint Online Basics (2024)
In this Introductory course, SharePoint architect and Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist Idaho Edokpayi demonstrates the basics of using SharePoint and SharePoint Online.
In fourteen short modules Idaho demonstrates how SharePoint can be used to store documents and information, build intranet websites, securely share files, and more.
SharePoint for Site Owners
Now more than ever, SharePoint is a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating a common place where your team can share documents, collect data, and collaborate. In this course, you’ll quickly learn how to create your own site and invite your team members. SharePoint expert, Kat Snizaski, walks you step-by-step through creating a parent site and adding subsites for multiple teams. You’ll learn how to create and manage document libraries and custom lists that enable collaboration. You’ll also learn how to assign user permissions and get your team rolling on their new collaboration platform!
Learn MoreSmartsheet Basics
Project management is a difficult role, but Smartsheet makes it easy to create projects and collaborate with teammates. Our project management professional, Christina Tankersley, will show you how to create and modify tasks, and well as manage project communication and use collaboration tools. Soon you will be up and running and effectively managing your projects.
Learn MoreViva Connections Essentials
Learn how to use Microsoft Viva Connections to create a centralized hub where your employees can stay connected and access valuable organizational information and resources. You will learn how to use the Viva Connections app to foster communication and engagement within your organization. You’ll see how the three main components of Viva Connections operate and how to create cards for the Dashboard, display Resources, and add Resource links. You’ll learn how to access and navigate Viva Connections and how to plan for and configure your site. Next, you’ll learn how to build a Dashboard and ways to influence the Feed. Finally, you’ll learn useful strategies for preparing to launch, including practices that can help your team adapt to using the app.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Excel 2019
The updated Microsoft Excel 2019 includes new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Office 2016?
Microsoft Office 2016 is an evolutionary improvement that refines dozens of features and adds a few new tricks too. In this course, Kelly Vandever and Jason Farr explore the improvements to Microsoft Office in 2016.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Outlook 2019?
Microsoft Outlook 2019 improves upon the most-used email application with new image, accessibility, and productivity features – and this course will show you how to use them effectively!
Learn MoreWhat’s New in PowerPoint 2019?
Microsoft’s latest release of PowerPoint 2019 packs quite a punch. With 3D models and vector graphics, your presentations can be more professional and visually pleasing than ever before. The new Morph transition and Zoom features can turn a boring slideshow into a guided tour. Updates to the Recording features make it easier than ever to create and share recorded presentations. Last but not least, with added features for Translation, Dictation, and Accessibility, PowerPoint is now truly a tool for everyone.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Word 2019?
The new Microsoft Word 2019 includes a slew of new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.
Learn MoreWindows 10 Essentials
This Course Is For People New To Windows 10 – Taking This Course Will Help You Understand The New Operating System Navigation, Advantages, And Functionality.
Learn MoreWindows 8.1 Essentials
This Course Is For People New To Windows 8 – Taking This Course Will Help You Understand The New Operating System Navigation, Advantages, And Functionality
When Microsoft released Windows 8 they surprised a lot of PC owners. The interface and basic functionality were different from any previous Windows operating system. In fact, Windows 8 represents the biggest change in the Windows operating system since Windows 95.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 1 of 7): Navigating and Creating Documents
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you create, save, and navigate within documents as well as experience the benefits of tools such as “Show/Hide” and “View Windows Side by Side”.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 2 of 7): Adding Text, Printing, and Customizing
Do you edit text by pressing the “Backspace” key over and over and over? Word 2019 and Word 365 offer multiple ways to edit, move, and copy your text without pressing “Backspace”. In this short course, you will learn to perform these actions as well as preview your document for printing and add your favorite tools to the Quick Access Toolbar.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 3 of 7): Formatting Text
This course helps you transform your Word 2019 or Word 365 documents from boring to professional by formatting text and paragraphs.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 4 of 7): Working Efficiently
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you find and replace text and apply consistent formatting to related text using the Format Painter and Styles formatting tools.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 5 of 7): Creating Lists and Tables
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you format information in a way that’s easy to read by creating lists, columns, or tables. We’ll also cover how to work with these tools to refine your document’s appearance.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 6 of 7): Graphics and Page Appearance
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 shows you how to add images, special symbols, and borders and background colors to your documents. Also, it shows you how to create Headers and Footers, set Margins, create Page Breaks, and set Page Orientation.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 7 of 7): Preparing to Publish
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you check for errors and readability as well as explore translations and research related to your topic. In addition, you will learn how to set up the document for visual and cognitive disabilities and how to determine the appropriate file type when saving the document.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Communicating Effectively at Work
Train your team to communicate effectively in writing, in meetings, on the phone, on social media, in emergencies, and in a global workplace. From writing reports and e-mails to leading meetings and engaging in negotiations, this library will help employees at every level communicate more effectively. Courses also include instruction on how employees can connect through listening, communicating with coworkers who are different, and how to interact with high-level management.
Click here for more information about this library.
Business Writing Skills for Employees
The ability to write effectively is a skill everyone needs-no matter what your job. Even if you are called on to write only an occasional message or note, being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing is an important job skill. Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make your business communications more effective
Learn MoreCommunicating Effectively in Emergencies
The main objective of this training session is to help you communicate effectively with employees about workplace emergencies. By the time the session is over, you should be able to communicate effectively before an emergency; communicate effectively during an emergency; and communicate effectively after an emergency. The first part of the session will address communication before emergencies to prepare employees to respond effectively in an actual emergency. The second part will cover communication during and after an emergency.
Learn MoreCommunicating Through Social Media
The main objective of this session is to give you an overview of corporate use of social media in business communications. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand how your use of social media both at and outside of work can reflect on the company; recognize effective use of social media in corporate communications; see that actions taken in the workplace, even with personal electronic equipment, are covered by
workplace rules; understand that even personal social networking sites can affect the company and your employment; know your rights with respect to personal electronic equipment and social networking accounts; and see and understand how your company is using social media to further business goals.
Communicating Up: How to Talk to High-Level Management
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate effectively with your boss and senior management.
Learn MoreCommunicating in a Global Workplace
Today, we’re going to talk about communicating in a global workplace. More and more, we are all interconnected by the Internet and 24-hour-a-day worldwide news coverage. We are also linked by transportation systems that make intercontinental travel quick and easy, and by a global economy and markets. Despite differences and conflicts, we have truly become one world. And to do business, we have in many ways become a global workplace, with companies from all over the world meeting and competing in worldwide markets. As a country, the United States continues to be a melting pot, where people come from all over the world to live and work. No doubt you work with people from other countries, cultures, and traditions. In this session, you will learn how to communicate effectively in the global workplace and interact successfully in a diverse working environment with all kinds of people.
Learn MoreCommunication Between All Ages in the Workplace
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate better with all generations in your workplace. By the time it’s over, you’ll understand what makes your fellow employees “tick” and be able to identify some of their characteristics; understand and respect your cross-generational coworkers; recognize some bad habits that could be creating conflict; enhance your communication skills on the job; and become familiar with some techniques to help you communicate better.
Learn MoreCommunication Skills for Employees
This training session is going to talk about the skills required for effective communication on the job. Communication is the process by which people create and share information, and ideas with one another in order to reach mutual understanding and get work done. Effective communication in the workplace is therefore the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships and productive, successful performance.
Learn MoreE-Mail Best Practices for All Employees
Today we’re going to talk about e-mail best practices. We use e-mail all the time. But do we really use it as efficiently and as effectively as we could? Maybe not. The purpose of this session is to provide you with a lot of useful information about sending and receiving e-mail that you can use to make the most of this important form of business communication.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings for Employees
This session is important because meetings can be an excellent way to interact with co-workers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every employee should possess.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings: How-to for Supervisors
This session is important because too many meetings turn out to be time-consuming distractions from your other important work. Poorly planned and conducted meetings often serve little purpose and waste valuable resources. Just consider the cost of a meeting involving 10 people that runs for half an hour. That adds up to 5 hours worth of salaries and time taken away from other productive work.
Learn MoreMastering Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak in Front of People
Whether we work alone or with a large number of people, eventually all of us have to speak in front of people or give a presentation. The good news is that the skills are the same whether you’re speaking to an auditorium filled with people or just making a toast at a fellow employee’s farewell party. Once you acquire some simple skills and know how to prepare, anyone can be a good speaker. Before you know it you will be speaking in front of people with ease and confidence.
Learn MoreNegotiating Skills for All Employees
This session will focus on negotiation skills. Everyone should be a good negotiator. Being able to negotiate effectively helps you reach agreements, achieve objectives, get along better with people, and ultimately be more productive and successful on the job. Learn more by participating in this online training session about negotiating skills for all employees.
Learn MoreTelephone Etiquette
The main objective of this session is to help you learn about telephone etiquette. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand why telephone etiquette is important in your job; project a professional image on the phone when you make and receive calls; handle holds, transfers, and voice mail effectively; deal properly with difficult callers; and conclude calls successfully.
Learn MoreThe Art of Listening for Enhanced Communication
The main objective of this session is to help you improve your listening skills. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand the importance of listening; improve listening skills; use skills to listen more effectively on the job; and become more successful as a result of all you learn from listening.
Learn MoreTop-Down Communication for Supervisors
This course focuses on how to improve your command of top-down communication so that you can communicate effectively with employees on a broad range of work issues and excel as a supervisor.
Learn MoreCyber Security
Organizations increasingly rely on connected devices such as computers, network servers, and mobile devices to conduct business, but a majority of workers lack even basic cyber security awareness. The modules in this library give an overview of cyber security, including types of cyber threats, email security, safe web browsing, effective passwords, securing data, and best practices for mobile devices.
Click here for more information about this library.
Cyber Security Module 1: What is Cyber Security?
Organizations increasingly rely on connected devices such as computers, network servers, and mobile devices to conduct business, but a majority of workers lack even basic cyber security awareness. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security for new employees during onboarding and a refresher course for those without an information technology (IT) background. By the end of this module, you will have a basic understanding of the history of cyber crime, who is responsible for committing cyber crimes, why cyber crimes are committed, what cyber criminals are after, and likely targets of cyber attack..
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 2: Types of Cyber Threats
Viruses, Malware, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: These threats, along with other types of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), are increasingly discussed in the news as cyber crimes, which have increased in frequency. These threats evolve almost as rapidly as the defenses against them. Cyber criminals entice their victims to click on a link to a website or download a file that has been maliciously altered. This module provides an introductory overview of various cyber threats directed at new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. By the end of the session, you will learn about several tactics that cyber criminals use to commit their crimes and methods they use to deliver malicious software.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 3: Anatomy of a URL: How to Identify Web Links
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) simplifies how we navigate the ever-expanding Internet, but most users don’t realize how links work or the complex work that URLs handle, and cyber criminals use that lack of knowledge to their advantage. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security measures related to safe Web browsing for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize the different components of a URL and how to tell if a URL has been shortened. You will also learn how to determine whether a link is safe or malicious.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 4: Email Security: Recognizing a Cyber Attack
E-mail is all but required for normal business operations, and it’s easy for cyber criminals to use as a vector of attack. But what does an e-mail attack look like, and how do you avoid it? This module is an introductory overview of cyber security best practices relating to e-mail security for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize an e-mail-based phishing attempt and learn some of the tactics cyber criminals use to get a victim’s personal information. It then presents some e-mail best practices.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 5: Safe Web Browsing: Identifying Malicious Webpages
Cyber criminals use several tactics to fool a user to believe he or she is on a safe webpage. All it takes is a couple of substituted, flipped, or extra letters. They count on their victims to be careless, in a hurry, or not know what a URL should look like. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security best practices for distinguishing safe vs. malicious webpages for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize the indicators of a malicious webpage, and the module highlights some of the methods cyber criminals use to fool users into thinking it is safe to share their data.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 6: Creating and Using Passwords
Many organizations require passwords to access computers at work, banking and financial information, even cell phones. Yet, research shows that too many people use weak, unsecure passwords to protect personal or work data. This module is an introductory overview of how to create and manage passwords for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn to recognize the importance of creating and using passwords and common password best practices.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 7: Protecting and Securing Your Data
Cyber criminals increasingly take advantage of security gaps in the network hardware used to connect to outside networks, like the Internet. There are ways to protect these networks from cyber threats. This module is an introductory overview of network security basics and using antivirus and malware protection for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn about best practices for changing default administrative accounts on network hardware, securing trusted networks, installing antivirus and malware removal software, and using separate log-ins for different accounts.
Learn MoreCyber Security Module 8: Mobile Device Best Practices
Mobile devices have had a large impact on how people do business, and more employees now expect to incorporate mobility into their work lives. However, the convenience and speed of mobility come with the increased risk of data theft or loss. This module is intended as an introductory overview of cyber security best practices for mobile device use for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn about the practice of setting up and using authentication on your mobile devices along with other best practices to protect the data on your mobile device.
Learn MoreData Protection Essentials
As more businesses rely on big data, data protection and privacy is paramount. Personal identifiable information, or PII, is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual. Safeguarding this sensitive information is a critical responsibility that must be taken seriously at all times. Two major laws meant to protect PII, as well as other data, are the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or PCI DSS.
Learn MoreInformation Security and Cyber Risk Awareness
This course provides a comprehensive overview of key cybersecurity threats and emphasizes the importance of implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information and mitigate the risks associated with cyberattacks. It covers essential concepts such as the CIA triad, or confidentiality, integrity, and availability, of information security and provides practical tips for securing devices and networks. Overall, this course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify security threats, protect sensitive data, and respond effectively to security incidents.
Learn MoreUnderstanding California Privacy Requirements Under the CCPA and CPRA
The California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, was enacted to give consumers more control over the use of their personal data and to hold businesses more accountable for protecting any consumer data they collect and process. The Act requires regulated businesses to provide training to employees dealing with consumer inquiries related to company privacy practices, as well as anyone responsible for the organization’s CCPA compliance. |
Leadership for Employees
From ethics to communication to decision making, this library has courses that will help you develop leaders from within your organization. These courses will help employees build their personal skills, like time & stress management, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills, like team building, training, and conflict resolution.
Click here for more information about this library.
Business Ethics: What Employees Need to Know
The purpose of today’s training session is to make sure you understand what’s required of you.
Today, we’re going to talk about business ethics. With all the pressures and concerns you face on the job, you might think that ethical concerns would be low on your list of priorities. But that would be a mistake.
Ethical conduct by all employees is essential for a business to succeed and prosper. In our organization we require all employees to act ethically at all times on the job.
Business Writing Skills for Employees
The ability to write effectively is a skill everyone needs-no matter what your job. Even if you are called on to write only an occasional message or note, being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing is an important job skill. Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make your business communications more effective
Learn MoreChange: What Employees Need to Know
Change is inevitable. The only thing that we can be absolutely sure of is that things will change. That leaves us with only one sensible choice: to accept change and use it to our advantage. Change is also continual. It goes on all the time, and it will never stop. So, when you are in the midst of change, don’t be tempted to think, “If we can just get through this, then everything will go back to normal, and we won’t have to deal with more change.” That’s not going to happen.
Learn MoreCollaboration in the Workplace
Effective collaboration is crucial for a productive and successful work environment. It enables employees to connect, share ideas, solve problems, and complete projects efficiently. Good collaboration ensures everyone’s voice is heard, allowing them to fully share their knowledge, skills, and talents. This course explores the principles and practices of collaboration, examining how effective team collaboration works and strategies for its success. By the end of the course, learners will understand the essential ingredients needed to collaborate well within their teams to achieve outstanding results.
Learn MoreCommunication Skills for Employees
This training session is going to talk about the skills required for effective communication on the job. Communication is the process by which people create and share information, and ideas with one another in order to reach mutual understanding and get work done. Effective communication in the workplace is therefore the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships and productive, successful performance.
Learn MoreConflict Resolution for Employees
This course is about conflict resolution. We all probably experienced conflict at some times. Conflict is a sharp disagreement. It generally involves the clash of ideas, interests, or personalities. During this session we’re going to show you some basic conflict resolution skills and techniques you can use to manage the conflicts in your workplace more effectively.
Learn MoreCritical Thinking for Employees
This course focuses on becoming a more effective critical thinker. So put on your “thinking cap,” and get ready to learn about a very useful performance-enhancing process that will make you more successful.
Learn MoreCross-Cultural Competency in the Workplace
In the workplace, many of our peers, managers, and customers may come from different cultures. Having cultural competency skills will not only help you become more productive but also allow for more effective communication and social relationships.
Learn MoreE-Mail Best Practices for All Employees
Today we’re going to talk about e-mail best practices. We use e-mail all the time. But do we really use it as efficiently and as effectively as we could? Maybe not. The purpose of this session is to provide you with a lot of useful information about sending and receiving e-mail that you can use to make the most of this important form of business communication.
Learn MoreEffective Decision-Making Strategies for Employees
Making good decisions on the job is important for many reasons. No matter what your job, the decisions you make affect your productivity, the quality of your work, and your ability to meet performance goals. In a larger sense, the decisions you make often affect your co-workers and your department. They may also have an impact on customer satisfaction and the success of the organization. There’s a lot riding on the decisions you make every day. An added challenge is that many of your decisions must be made quickly. The purpose of this training session is to help you make the best decisions possible every workday, even under pressure.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings for Employees
This session is important because meetings can be an excellent way to interact with co-workers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every employee should possess.
Learn MoreEmotional Intelligence
While having the right background, knowledge, and professional skill is critical for your career, having high emotional intelligence (EQ) will make you even more productive, motivated, and at peace in the workplace. While some people have a naturally high EQ, this is a skill that can be developed with practice. The main objective of this session is to help you practice EQ techniques to better regulate your emotions and develop stronger relationships with your colleagues and network.
Learn MoreGiving and Receiving Feedback
This course teaches how to give feedback properly so as not to feel awkward or make people feel uncomfortable when it’s received.
Learn MoreHow to Manage Time Wisely: A Guide for Employees
This course focuses on time management. We’re going to suggest ways you can make better use of your valuable time and accomplish more with less effort. We’ll focus on practical techniques and information that you can start using right away to gain more control over your very busy work schedule.
Learn MoreLeadership Skills: What New Supervisors and Managers Need to Know
Leadership is an essential skill for all supervisors and managers, especially if you are new to the job. Truly successful supervisors and managers don’t “boss” their employees; they lead them. It’s through effective leadership that employees are motivated to perform at their best. The main objective of this session is to equip you with a model on how to be an effective leader and provide you with the information you need to develop first-class leadership skills so people will want to follow your lead.
Learn MoreLeading Without Authority
“This course will focus on leading without authority. Although you may not have the title of manager, you can still work with other people and get things done successfully if you know how. That’s what this program is about.
You’re going to learn some simple techniques that will help you get the job done, whether or not you need the assistance and cooperation of coworkers, people in other departments, or even managers. You’ll find that even though you might not have authority, you have the power to get things done anyway and successfully achieve goals.
The main objective of this session is to help you get things done more effectively and efficiently without authority.”
Negotiating Skills for All Employees
This session will focus on negotiation skills. Everyone should be a good negotiator. Being able to negotiate effectively helps you reach agreements, achieve objectives, get along better with people, and ultimately be more productive and successful on the job. Learn more by participating in this online training session about negotiating skills for all employees.
Learn MoreOrganizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know
This session will focus on how organizing and planning can help you work smarter, and we’re going to give you the blueprint to more efficient organization and more effective planning.
Learn MoreProblem Solving for Employees
This session teaches employees problem-solving techniques. It goes without saying that problem solving is part of any job. Problems can’t be avoided. “Problems” are better looked at as opportunities for improvement. The problem-solving methods covered in this session can help trainees identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, change employee behaviors and attitudes toward problems and, consequently, be more empowered and successful at work.
Learn MoreStress Management
“Stress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges. Mental health challenges can include clinical mental illness and substance use disorders as well as other emotions like stress, grief, or feeling sad and anxious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage stress, as well as improve mental health and well-being. This session is intended for all employees.
Learn MoreTeambuilding for Employees
Teams can be an extremely effective way to get important work done. Teamwork boosts productivity, improves quality, ensures greater safety, and makes companies more profitable and competitive. That’s why team building is a topic everyone should know something about.
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- Understand how you can build strong, effective teams in your organization
Time Management Skills for Employees
This training presentation will help you gain control over your time so that you can work more efficiently and productively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to identify and eliminate your time wasters; plan and prioritize effectively; define goals and make time-wise decisions; capitalize on prime and commuting time; avoid procrastination; and handle communications, interruptions, and emergencies effectively.
Learn MoreTraining the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training
Effective training of employees is essential in today’s workplace. Technological advances, rapid changes in the regulatory environment, and challenges cultivating and developing employees for the long term make effective training more important than ever. But trainers themselves need to be trained, to increase their effectiveness and comfort level with the job. This session will prepare individuals with training responsibilities to facilitate or guide trainees through their learning process.
Learn MoreTraining the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training (Spanish)
This course discusses effective training in all its stages, from assessing the needs at your workplace to developing a culture where training is ongoing and seen as an essential part of every job. By the time the session is over, trainees should be able to assess training needs at your workplace, identify training objectives to meet these needs, understand the elements of adult learning in order to best train adults effectively, develop effective training sessions that enhance learning through participation, and foster or encourage a culture of continued learning.
Learn MoreLeadership for Managers and Supervisors
From handling challenging employees and conflict resolution to motivating employees, this library has courses that will help you build and support the supervisors and managers leading your organization. These courses will help supervisors build their personal skills, like negotiating, planning & organizing, and problem solving. It also includes instruction for improving interpersonal skills like coaching, encouraging employee input, and training employees. Courses also cover what supervisors need to know to stay legal in their role as a representative of the company when handling complaints and managing employee performance.
Click here for more information about this library.
Avoiding Corruption, Including Bribery, Insider Trading, and Embezzlement
Workplace corruption includes a variety of unethical practices, including bribery, embezzlement, insider trading, and more. Not only can these dishonest behaviors create a negative environment and hurt employee morale and damage a company’s reputation, but they are also often illegal and can result in serious monetary penalties and criminal consequences. |
Business Writing for Supervisors and Managers
The ability to write effectively is a skill every supervisor and manager needs to possess. Being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing has a direct impact on your success.
Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make the most of all your business communications.
Change Management for Supervisors
Today, we’re going to talk about dealing with the challenge of change—something that no organization or supervisor can avoid. Organizations that do not embrace and manage change in the 21st century’s global economy cannot remain competitive. Most employees, however, are somewhat uncomfortable with change. Change brings uncertainty. The future is out of their control. Change involves a loss of the comfortable and the familiar, and it requires that an effort be made—sometimes a considerable effort—to learn and adjust to a new way of doing things. That’s why you need to understand how you can manage it successfully.
Learn MoreCoaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors
In this course, we will learn some effective techniques you can use every day to coach your employees to higher levels of performance, which means greater success for you, your employees, and your department.
Learn MoreCommunicating Up: How to Talk to High-Level Management
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate effectively with your boss and senior management.
Learn MoreConflict Resolution for Supervisors
When you know how to resolve workplace conflicts effectively, you can save time and turn potentially destructive situations into positive, productive opportunities for growth and development within your work group. Additionally, when you know how to build consensus among employees, you can enhance motivation and cooperation, as well as create an atmosphere in which agreement generally prevails over conflict.
Learn MoreDelegation
When done well, delegation not only helps managers use their time and skills more effectively but also allows their subordinates to grow and develop. An important role for managers is keeping their team engaged and providing the right level of work to the right people. Delegation can provide challenging assignments that keep people motivated and allow them to be more creative in their work. This will increase job satisfaction and possibly retention. The main objective of this session is to learn a delegation model and the steps needed to delegate well.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings: How-to for Supervisors
This session is important because too many meetings turn out to be time-consuming distractions from your other important work. Poorly planned and conducted meetings often serve little purpose and waste valuable resources. Just consider the cost of a meeting involving 10 people that runs for half an hour. That adds up to 5 hours worth of salaries and time taken away from other productive work.
Learn MoreEmotional Intelligence
While having the right background, knowledge, and professional skill is critical for your career, having high emotional intelligence (EQ) will make you even more productive, motivated, and at peace in the workplace. While some people have a naturally high EQ, this is a skill that can be developed with practice. The main objective of this session is to help you practice EQ techniques to better regulate your emotions and develop stronger relationships with your colleagues and network.
Learn MoreEmployee Engagement
For many workers, the workplace is not just a place to get a paycheck but also a place where they can bring their full selves to work. Employee engagement is a key measure of corporate culture and indicates how involved and committed employees are to their work, work team, and the workplace. Engaged employees are critical for a successful business and result in higher profits, more sales, lower turnover, and impact a myriad of critical indicators. While many companies have surveys and programs to address employee engagement, the manager has a major impact on employee engagement levels. In this course, we will learn how to diagnose and engage employees so they can become more committed to their work and will be less likely to leave.
Learn MoreEncouraging Employee Input
Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage-and act upon-employee input. Your employees-the people who make the products, serve the customers, and perform all those essential functions-often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve our operations, and enhance our competitive advantage. Today, we’ll focus on ways to tap into this rich source of ideas for improvement.
Learn MoreGiving and Receiving Feedback
This course teaches how to give feedback properly so as not to feel awkward or make people feel uncomfortable when it’s received.
Learn MoreHandling Employee Complaints
The main objective of this session is to help you handle employee complaints successfully so that you and your employees can get past the problems that lead to complaints and get on with your work. By the time this session is over, you should be able to acknowledge employee complaints promptly and effectively, investigate complaints thoroughly and make fair decisions, decide when help is required to resolve a complaint, and avoid pitfalls that could cause complaints to escalate into larger problems.
Learn MoreHow to Manage Challenging Employees
Supervising other people is never easy, but some employees make it particularly difficult. Challenging employees can try a manager’s patience and drain a lot of time and energy. To turn things around takes skillful management and patience. The main objective of this online employment training course is to teach supervisors and managers how to manage challenging employees more effectively. By the time the course is over, you should be able to identify challenges associated with supervising difficult employees, manage your own feelings effectively, create a positive work environment for all, respond positively to challenging employees, and treat them fairly.
Learn MoreLeadership Skills: What New Supervisors and Managers Need to Know
Leadership is an essential skill for all supervisors and managers, especially if you are new to the job. Truly successful supervisors and managers don’t “boss” their employees; they lead them. It’s through effective leadership that employees are motivated to perform at their best. The main objective of this session is to equip you with a model on how to be an effective leader and provide you with the information you need to develop first-class leadership skills so people will want to follow your lead.
Learn MoreLeading Innovative Teams
When we hear the word “innovation,” what do we think of? Excitement, fear, unknown possibilities? Innovation certainly means change and often challenging the status quo. For many, this is extremely difficult to do. The usual ways of doing things can be quite comfortable and may have even contributed to current success. Many companies choose to augment existing products and processes rather than create something new. In this course, we will examine cutting-edge, innovative techniques used in some of the most successful companies in the world. The main objective of this session is to help you discover these practices to help you and your company succeed.
Learn MoreMotivating Employees: Tips and Tactics for Supervisors
Motivating employees to perform at their best is one of the most important parts of your job. Productive, well-trained employees who work hard to achieve goals make a company strong and successful. But there’s a lot more to motivating employees than just the occasional pat on the back. Successful motivation is a daily activity that requires the use of a combination of techniques and a variety of motivators.
Learn MoreNegotiation Skills for Supervisors
Negotiation is something everybody is familiar with. It’s something you use all the time in your work as well as in your personal life. For example, you negotiate with your boss so that you can hire an additional employee. You negotiate with other supervisors to coordinate the operation of your departments and work groups. You negotiate many issues with your employees from performance goals to vacation schedules. You negotiate salaries with job candidates. And after work, you go home and negotiate with your spouse over this and that and with your kids over chores and probably just about everything else. The fact is that whether you’re aware of it or not, you spend a significant part of your day negotiating. That’s why good negotiation skills are so important.
Learn MoreNew Supervisors’ Guide to Effective Supervision
You’ve been promoted to supervisor. It’s a big job with important responsibilities. Today we’re going to talk about how you can meet those responsibilities successfully and excel as a supervisor. We’ll focus on 14 key areas in which all new supervisors must become fully competent in order to perform their jobs well and prepare for advancement.
Learn MorePerformance Goals: How Goals Help Supervisors Manage Employees More Effectively
This course focuses on the importance of setting goals to guide and develop employee performance. We’ll examine the criteria for effective performance goals and cover the steps in the goal-setting and review process.
Learn MorePlanning and Organizing Skills for Supervisors
Planning and organizing are two of the key functions performed by any manager or supervisor. That makes good planning and organizing skills an extremely important asset. During this training session, you’ll learn about how you can become better organized so that you can become more efficient and stop wasting valuable time. You’ll also learn how to develop better plans so that you can achieve goals and be more successful.
Learn MorePower Dynamics in the Workplace
This course will address power dynamics and creating a respectful workplace. It will include different types of power and their impact on relationships and productivity. We will discuss how power can be misused, leading to abuse such as bullying and harassment. Through examples and scenarios, learners will be able to identify abusive behavior and understand the importance of addressing power dynamic issues in the workplace. We will also cover strategies for preventing abuse, and fostering a respectful culture. |
Problem Solving for Supervisors
Problems are a fact of your daily working life. You can’t avoid them. The best you can do is recognize them and try to solve them before they cause more problems. Learning to identify problems and develop effective solutions is one of the biggest challenges any supervisor faces. At the same time, the skill with which you deal with problems on the job has a direct impact on your effectiveness as a supervisor and on your career success. The problem-solving methods you will learn in this session can help you identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, and consequently, be more successful in your job.
Learn MoreProfessional Behavior: What Supervisors Need to Know
Your success as a supervisor depends on conducting yourself in a professional manner at all times with everyone you come in contact with during the workday.
The main objective of this session is to discuss professional behavior and how it affects your job as a supervisor. By the time the session is over, you should be able to:
- Recognize the impact of your behavior on the job;
- Maintain professional relationships with employees, colleagues, superiors, and others; and
- Act appropriately in all situations and make proper employment decisions.
Recognizing and Avoiding Favoritism
Favoritism in the office can appear in many forms and cause a breakdown in employee morale, as well as the typical reporting structures. This course will help you understand what favoritism is and what it isn’t. Participants will learn practical strategies to prevent and manage instances of nepotism and favoritism and how to combat them in a professional setting. Along with understanding unconscious bias, this course will provide learners with the knowledge to create a more inclusive and fairer workspace overall.
Learn MoreSupervising Special Groups
The main objective of this session is to help you supervise special groups of employees more effectively. By the time the session is over, you should be able to identify the needs of special groups of employees, avoid potential problems with young and older works and non-English speaking employees, supervise special groups more effectively, and obtain the best performance possible from each employee.
Learn MoreTime Management for Supervisors
The main objective of this session is to help you work more efficiently and productively.
Learn MoreTop-Down Communication for Supervisors
This course focuses on how to improve your command of top-down communication so that you can communicate effectively with employees on a broad range of work issues and excel as a supervisor.
Learn MoreTraining the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training
Effective training of employees is essential in today’s workplace. Technological advances, rapid changes in the regulatory environment, and challenges cultivating and developing employees for the long term make effective training more important than ever. But trainers themselves need to be trained, to increase their effectiveness and comfort level with the job. This session will prepare individuals with training responsibilities to facilitate or guide trainees through their learning process.
Learn MoreTraining the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training (Spanish)
This course discusses effective training in all its stages, from assessing the needs at your workplace to developing a culture where training is ongoing and seen as an essential part of every job. By the time the session is over, trainees should be able to assess training needs at your workplace, identify training objectives to meet these needs, understand the elements of adult learning in order to best train adults effectively, develop effective training sessions that enhance learning through participation, and foster or encourage a culture of continued learning.
Learn MoreWorkplace Ethics for Supervisors
This training session on business ethics for supervisors explores ethical issues that affect your job and your employees. The objective of this training session is to help ensure that as an organization and as individuals we act ethically in all matters related to our business. At the end of the training session trainees will be able to:
- Appreciate the importance of ethical conduct on the job;
- Understand the requirements of the law and company policy;
- Identify ethical problems in the workplace;
- Make ethical decisions; and
- Recognize and carry out ethical responsibilities.
Microsoft Excel Bundle*
Does using Excel frustrate you? No more fumbling through, deleting or adding text accidentally or fighting with formulas. This library will take you from a beginner to an Excel expert, using slicers to filter pivot table data and creating advanced charts, trendlines, and graphics. Courses in the library also covers Excel for Macs and project management and includes basic, intermediate, and advanced courses for Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019.
Click here for more information about this library.
Excel – Data Analysis with Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables are the perfect tool to analyze large amounts of data in Excel. Being able to summarize, visualize, and tabulate your data makes PivotTables an important skill for anyone who uses Excel to store and report on data, and in this course Microsoft trainer Kathy Jones will show you how to effectively use the PivotTable tools in Excel 2013 and 2016.
Excel – Intro to Power Pivot
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in you can use to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily.
In this course we’ll show you everything you need to know in order to install and start using Power Pivot in Excel.
Excel – Power Query
Have you spent a lot of time performing repetitive cleanup tasks on your data, using multiple VLOOKUP functions to merge data, or trying to combine multiple datasets? If so, then Excel’s Power Query tool will transform how you work. You’ll learn how to connect to multiple data sources, and set up queries to remove unneeded data, manipulate existing data, and even create new columns. And the best part is, once you’ve set up your query, you’ll just refresh it when you need to perform those tasks. Microsoft certified trainer Kathy Jones will show you how to use the Power Query Editor to perform all of these functions and streamline your workflow in the process.
Learn MoreExcel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 1 of 10): Getting Started
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the Excel interface and access Excel Help.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 10 of 10): Customizing Options
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to customize Excel to work with your preferences and to quickly access the commands you use most.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 2 of 10): Entering Data
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and save a new workbook and enter data.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 3 of 10): Calculations
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use formulas and functions to perform basic calculations in Excel.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 4 of 10): Modifying Worksheets
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to insert and remove rows and columns; quickly find, replace, and select data; and use proofing and research tools.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 5 of 10): Text and Number Formats
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to format text and numbers including custom number formats.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 6 of 10): Formatting Cell Contents
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to improve the appearance of your worksheets with cell formatting like alignment and text wrapping, and also apply Styles and Themes for consistency.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 7 of 10): Conditional Formatting
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Conditional Formatting and Comparative Analysis Formatting to easily read and analyze data, as well as access and create templates for predefined formatting.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 8 of 10): Printing and Page Layout
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to prepare your worksheets for printing using features like Set Print Area, Page Breaks, and Headers & Footers.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 9 of 10): Worksheets and Workbooks
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to manage multiple worksheets and workbooks and easily view and compare data.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 1 of 11): Using Named Ranges
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and use named ranges.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 10 of 11): Creating PivotTables
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a PivotTable to group and summarize data.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 11 of 11): Advanced PivotTables and Slicers
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply advanced PivotTable features, create a PivotChart, and filter data using Slicers and Timelines.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 2 of 11): Working with Date Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to insert Date and Time functions into spreadsheets.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 3 of 11): Working with Logical Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Logical functions and nest functions in a cell.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 4 of 11): Working with Text and Math Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Text and Math functions to manipulate text and numbers in cells.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 5 of 11): Sorting and Filtering Lists
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to sort and filter columns of data in Excel.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 6 of 11): Querying and Subtotals with Lists
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Database functions and find Subtotals.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 7 of 11): Analyzing Data with Tables and Formatting
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and modify tables, and apply advanced Conditional Formatting to a spreadsheet.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 8 of 11): Visualizing Data with Charts
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and modify charts.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 9 of 11): Advanced Charting, Trendlines, and Graphics
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply advanced charting tools and work with graphics.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel for Mac Basics
Excel can do almost anything – crunch numbers, create lists, store data, edit budgets, and more. In this basics course we’ll show you how to get started with Excel on a Mac, including using the most popular features. Whether you’re a first-time Excel user, or if you just want to re-learn the fundamentals, this course is for you!
Excel for Project Management
Learn to create the deliverables of a Project Management Plan in Excel with worksheets including Project Charter, Requirements, Issues, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Risks, and Stakeholder Communication. When all of the information about your project is inside one workbook, you can answer any question, and you’ll always know where to track a new piece of information.
A new requirement identified? Add it to your Requirements sheet. A new stakeholder? Add them to your Stakeholder Communication sheet. Without any additional project management tools, you can track all of the information you need and use Excel features such as linked fields and conditional formatting to create a professional and effective Project Management Plan.
Excel: Creating Dashboards
Crunching numbers is what Microsoft Excel does best – but how do you use those numbers to get the answers you need? This course will show you how to use advanced Excel features to turn massive amounts of data into visual, customizable dashboards. The ability to easily query and display information from your Excel data is a helpful tool for decision making, and this course will demonstrate five advanced Excel features (Forms, Lookup Functions, Charts, PivotTables, and Slicers) which will do just that.
Learn More
Excel: Power Functions
Excel provides over 400 functions to perform a variety of calculations within your data. With this many functions, it’s guaranteed you’re missing out on some powerhouse formulas that can make your day easier. This course explores 10 functions the experts recommend to expedite your data analysis.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your path to first learning, then even mastering Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Advanced
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is for users who wish to gain skills in the more advanced features of Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Basics
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course moves you beyond the basics and into being a real pro with Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course covers everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel 2016, from the very basics to the most advanced features and functions.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016 – Advanced
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel and teaches you how to use links, lookup functions, macros, data tables, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Intermediate versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Basics
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Note: When combined with the Intermediate and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel basics and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727
Mastering Excel 2019 – Advanced
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to use links, Lookup functions, Data Validation, Macros, data tables, and more.
By the end of this course, you will feel empowered to use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365″
Mastering Excel 2019 – Basics
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Basics
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. Excel expert Kathy Jones will also show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Beginner
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Advanced
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. Once you have completed this course, there are few things you won’t be able to do with Excel!
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. This course will show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data. |
Mastering Excel 365 – Beginner (2024)
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Intermediate (2022)
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Office Complete*
Get the most out of Microsoft’s software products with our Microsoft Office Complete Library. This library has courses covering everything from Access to Word and from beginner to expert, we have everyone on your team covered. Multiple releases are covered including Access for 2013 and 2016 and Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word for 2010, 2013, 1016, and 2019. Other software covered includes Sharepoint, Teams, Power BI, Lync, Forms, Sway, Groups, Planner, OneDrive, and Skype.
Click here for more information about this library.
Brain Bites – Microsoft Team Meetings
“Maximize your meetings with Microsoft Teams – If someone told you you’d be comfortable collaborating and meeting virtually in less than 30 minutes, would you believe them? Believe it! Bigger Brains has a way for you to learn Teams for virtual meetings that are just as easy and collaborative as your in-person gatherings. Thanks to its features and ease of use, Microsoft Teams is quickly becoming the dominant meeting platform for businesses of all sizes. Don’t be left behind! We’ll take a look at the major features of Teams meetings, including its deep integration with Microsoft Outlook and collaboration tools like Microsoft Whiteboard and PowerPoint.
Brain Bites micro-learning courses are information-rich and convey important topics with an engaging mix of video and animation. With 5-minute video lessons and 30-minute-or-less courses, Brain Bites are the perfect tool to educate today’s busy workforce.
By the end of this course, you will be able to identify multiple ways to initiate a Teams Meeting, and use Teams Meetings to share documents, presentations, whiteboards, and more.”
Creating Word Templates
“Don’t re-create documents over and over! Learn about templates in Word to increase your productivity, save time, and create consistency.
Being able to consistently create documents that have a uniform look and adhere to company standards can be challenging and time consuming. Use the templates feature in Word to do this effortlessly. Learn basics about effective design and using headings, sections, and your company’s logo, fonts, and colors to produce professional and effective documents that will stand out!
By the end of this course, you will be able to create a template that can be used again and again for similar documents.”
Excel – Data Analysis with Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables are the perfect tool to analyze large amounts of data in Excel. Being able to summarize, visualize, and tabulate your data makes PivotTables an important skill for anyone who uses Excel to store and report on data, and in this course Microsoft trainer Kathy Jones will show you how to effectively use the PivotTable tools in Excel 2013 and 2016.
Excel – Intro to Power Pivot
Power Pivot is an Excel add-in you can use to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily.
In this course we’ll show you everything you need to know in order to install and start using Power Pivot in Excel.
Excel – Power Query
Have you spent a lot of time performing repetitive cleanup tasks on your data, using multiple VLOOKUP functions to merge data, or trying to combine multiple datasets? If so, then Excel’s Power Query tool will transform how you work. You’ll learn how to connect to multiple data sources, and set up queries to remove unneeded data, manipulate existing data, and even create new columns. And the best part is, once you’ve set up your query, you’ll just refresh it when you need to perform those tasks. Microsoft certified trainer Kathy Jones will show you how to use the Power Query Editor to perform all of these functions and streamline your workflow in the process.
Learn MoreExcel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 1 of 10): Getting Started
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the Excel interface and access Excel Help.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 10 of 10): Customizing Options
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to customize Excel to work with your preferences and to quickly access the commands you use most.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 2 of 10): Entering Data
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and save a new workbook and enter data.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 3 of 10): Calculations
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use formulas and functions to perform basic calculations in Excel.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 4 of 10): Modifying Worksheets
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to insert and remove rows and columns; quickly find, replace, and select data; and use proofing and research tools.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 5 of 10): Text and Number Formats
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to format text and numbers including custom number formats.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 6 of 10): Formatting Cell Contents
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to improve the appearance of your worksheets with cell formatting like alignment and text wrapping, and also apply Styles and Themes for consistency.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 7 of 10): Conditional Formatting
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Conditional Formatting and Comparative Analysis Formatting to easily read and analyze data, as well as access and create templates for predefined formatting.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 8 of 10): Printing and Page Layout
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to prepare your worksheets for printing using features like Set Print Area, Page Breaks, and Headers & Footers.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 9 of 10): Worksheets and Workbooks
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to manage multiple worksheets and workbooks and easily view and compare data.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 1 of 11): Using Named Ranges
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and use named ranges.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 10 of 11): Creating PivotTables
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create a PivotTable to group and summarize data.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 11 of 11): Advanced PivotTables and Slicers
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply advanced PivotTable features, create a PivotChart, and filter data using Slicers and Timelines.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 2 of 11): Working with Date Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to insert Date and Time functions into spreadsheets.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 3 of 11): Working with Logical Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Logical functions and nest functions in a cell.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 4 of 11): Working with Text and Math Functions
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Text and Math functions to manipulate text and numbers in cells.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 5 of 11): Sorting and Filtering Lists
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to sort and filter columns of data in Excel.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 6 of 11): Querying and Subtotals with Lists
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to use Database functions and find Subtotals.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 7 of 11): Analyzing Data with Tables and Formatting
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and modify tables, and apply advanced Conditional Formatting to a spreadsheet.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 8 of 11): Visualizing Data with Charts
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to create and modify charts.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel 2019 in 30 Minutes (Intermediate – 9 of 11): Advanced Charting, Trendlines, and Graphics
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. Our “Excel in 30 Minutes” series can help you get started. By the end of this course, you will be able to apply advanced charting tools and work with graphics.
This course is one of 11 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our “Bigger Brains Mastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate” course.
Excel for Mac Basics
Excel can do almost anything – crunch numbers, create lists, store data, edit budgets, and more. In this basics course we’ll show you how to get started with Excel on a Mac, including using the most popular features. Whether you’re a first-time Excel user, or if you just want to re-learn the fundamentals, this course is for you!
Excel for Project Management
Learn to create the deliverables of a Project Management Plan in Excel with worksheets including Project Charter, Requirements, Issues, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Risks, and Stakeholder Communication. When all of the information about your project is inside one workbook, you can answer any question, and you’ll always know where to track a new piece of information.
A new requirement identified? Add it to your Requirements sheet. A new stakeholder? Add them to your Stakeholder Communication sheet. Without any additional project management tools, you can track all of the information you need and use Excel features such as linked fields and conditional formatting to create a professional and effective Project Management Plan.
Excel: Creating Dashboards
Crunching numbers is what Microsoft Excel does best – but how do you use those numbers to get the answers you need? This course will show you how to use advanced Excel features to turn massive amounts of data into visual, customizable dashboards. The ability to easily query and display information from your Excel data is a helpful tool for decision making, and this course will demonstrate five advanced Excel features (Forms, Lookup Functions, Charts, PivotTables, and Slicers) which will do just that.
Learn More
Excel: Power Functions
Excel provides over 400 functions to perform a variety of calculations within your data. With this many functions, it’s guaranteed you’re missing out on some powerhouse formulas that can make your day easier. This course explores 10 functions the experts recommend to expedite your data analysis.
Learn MoreIntro to Microsoft 365 (2021)
Microsoft 365 is far more than classic Microsoft Office. Powerful collaborative tools like OneDrive, Teams, Planner, and Forms combine with traditional Microsoft apps to form a powerful productivity-boosting tool – and in this course we’ll get you started with Microsoft 365 with a short introduction to what it is, how to access it, and how to use Search and Help to find what you need inside Microsoft 365.
Learn MoreLearning Excel 2019 – Advanced (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 4 Advanced TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel’s advanced features to create professional and easy to navigate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365. Validate your skills with a TOSA certification or continue your learning journey with the Excel Expert Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Basics (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 2 Basics TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365 to analyze data, manage multiple worksheets and address errors in your formulas with Tracing. Take the TOSA certification to validate your current Excel skill level or continue your learning journey with the Excel Productive Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Beginner (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 1 Beginner TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365 to create your own workbooks and analyze your data. Take the TOSA certification to validate your current Excel skill level or continue your learning journey with the Excel Basics Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Expert (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 5 Expert TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will feel ready to achieve TOSA’s Expert Level certification and use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Productive (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 3 Productive TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will feel prepared for TOSA certification, confidently take your spreadsheets to the next level, and use many Excel 2019 or Excel 365 features to be more efficient in analyzing your data. Validate your skills with a TOSA certification or continue your learning journey with the Excel Advanced Level course.”
Learning PowerPoint 2019 – Advanced (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you an engaging communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 4 Advanced TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Basics (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will get you one step closer to becoming great communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 2 Basic TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Beginner (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will get you one step closer to becoming great communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 1 Beginner TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Expert (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you a more productive communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 5 Expert TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Productive (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you a more productive communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 3 Productive TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreMastering Access 2013
Microsoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs. The new Access 2013 even lets you build web-based apps which anyone can use. In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Peggy Ward will walk you through building your first Microsoft Access desktop or web app, including creating tables, importing external data, using templates, using queries, and implementing forms and reports.
Mastering Access 2016 – Basics
Microsoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs.
In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Kathy Jones will walk you through building your first Microsoft Access database, including creating tables, using queries, and implementing forms and reports.
Mastering Access 2016 – Intermediate
Microsoft Access lets ordinary users develop powerful apps customized for their business needs.
In this course experienced Microsoft Access trainer Kathy Jones will build upon the basics of tables, queries, forms, and reports covered in the Basics course. Starting with the basics of relational database design, this course will expand your knowledge of Microsoft Access by covering topics such as table relationships, query joins, subdatasheets, field validation, parameter queries, and more.
Mastering Excel 2013
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your path to first learning, then even mastering Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Advanced
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is for users who wish to gain skills in the more advanced features of Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Basics
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course moves you beyond the basics and into being a real pro with Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course covers everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel 2016, from the very basics to the most advanced features and functions.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016 – Advanced
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel and teaches you how to use links, lookup functions, macros, data tables, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Intermediate versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Basics
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Note: When combined with the Intermediate and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel basics and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727
Mastering Excel 2019 – Advanced
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to use links, Lookup functions, Data Validation, Macros, data tables, and more.
By the end of this course, you will feel empowered to use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365″
Mastering Excel 2019 – Basics
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Basics
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. Excel expert Kathy Jones will also show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Beginner
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Advanced
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. Once you have completed this course, there are few things you won’t be able to do with Excel!
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. This course will show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data. |
Mastering Excel 365 – Beginner (2024)
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Intermediate (2022)
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Microsoft 365 (2022)
This comprehensive course for end-users provides in-depth training for tools such as email, calendars, and OneDrive, plus basic training on all the most popular Microsoft 365 apps including Teams, Planner, Forms, Yammer, Power Apps, and SharePoint.
Learn MoreMastering Microsoft Project Part 2 – Managing a Project (2016)
This Microsoft Project course covers the skills a project manager needs in order to manage a project plan created with Microsoft Project 2016. From updated task progress, work, and costs to creating reports, and including advanced topics such as sharing resources and linking project plans, this course covers everything you need to know in order to manage your projects using Microsoft Project. A related course, Mastering Microsoft Project, Part 1: Creating a Project is recommended as a prerequisite to this course, along with basic project management knowledge and skills.
Learn MoreMastering Microsoft Project, Part 1 – Creating a Project (2016)
This Mastering Microsoft course covers the critical knowledge and skills a project manager needs to create a project plan with Project 2016 during the planning phase of a project. In other words, if your manager assigns you to lead a project, this course will enable you to draft a project plan with Project 2016 and share it with your supervisor (and others) for review and approval.
Mastering Microsoft Teams – Basics (2022)
The ability for teams to work together productively is perhaps the most important function in any business, and it’s the central focus of the Microsoft Teams application.
From file sharing and co-editing to video calls, persistent chat, screen sharing, and more, learn how Microsoft Teams gives you the tools to stay in touch and get work done with your colleagues and partners.
Mastering Microsoft Teams – Bonus Content
The ability for teams to work together productively is perhaps the most important function in any business, and it’s the central focus of the Microsoft Teams application. Learn many of the features available for collaborating such as sharing files, setting up shifts, creating Wikis, and adding apps and connectors.
Learn MoreMastering OneNote 2013
OneNote® is a powerful tool both for managing your own notes or ideas and for collaborating with others. In this course, trainer Christina Tankersley will walk you through everything you need to know to be efficient with Microsoft’s incredibly popular note-taking platform.
Mastering OneNote 2016
OneNote® is a powerful tool both for managing your own notes or ideas and for collaborating with others. In this course, trainer Christina Tankersley will walk you through everything you need to know to be efficient with Microsoft’s incredibly popular note-taking platform.
Mastering Outlook 2013
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master .
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time, if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time—if the Outlook user knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 365 – Beginner (2024)
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than how you use Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks when they could be taking advantage of the many features embedded in Outlook. This course will help you brush up on your Outlook skills, so you can become more productive while using the basic elements of Outlook.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2013
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016 – Advanced
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016 – Basics
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2019 – Advanced
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made—not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2019 – Basics
Using PowerPoint effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether its designing a presentation for a meeting, creating a handout, or even creating and exporting a custom video, PowerPoint 2019 is a tool that everyone should feel comfortable using. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint guru Kelly Vandever walks you through the basics of getting started with PowerPoint 2019.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Basics
Learn how to create visually interesting presentations that will cause people to sit up and pay attention. Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to modify your bulleted and numbered lists, add tables for readability, and add animation to keep viewers engaged. Whether you are using a template design, customizing your own text boxes, or adding dynamic pictures, our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will show you how to create and customize interesting presentations, and present them flawlessly.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Beginner
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most common tool used for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether you’re designing a presentation for a meeting or creating a handout, you’ll learn the basics of organizing and effectively presenting the information you need to share. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint expert, Kathy Snizaski, walks you through all the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint so you can start creating your own presentations.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Intermediate
“Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you’ll learn design principles and how to customize themes to help you capture and retain the attention of your audience. Our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will also show you how to make your slides more readable using formatting tools and customizing tabs and spacing. Do you need to illustrate data? You can create a chart right in PowerPoint or import data from Excel and graph it on a slide.
Pictures and other graphics are always important in a presentation, and you’ll learn how to customize and animate many types of graphics, including SmartArt, text boxes, and shapes. And if you need to collaborate, you’ll learn how to use comments effectively to exchange ideas about the presentation. You’ll be amazed at all the tools available to create and customize interesting and informative presentations.”
Mastering PowerPoint 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to modify your bulleted and numbered lists, add tables for readability, and add animation to keep viewers engaged. Whether you are using a template design, customizing your own text boxes, or adding dynamic pictures, our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will show you how to create and customize interesting presentations, and present them flawlessly.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Beginner (2024)
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most common tool used for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether you’re designing a presentation for a meeting or creating a handout, you’ll learn the basics of organizing and effectively presenting the information you need to share. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint expert, Kathy Snizaski, walks you through all the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint so you can start creating your own presentations.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Intermediate (2022)
“Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you’ll learn design principles and how to customize themes to help you capture and retain the attention of your audience. Our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will also show you how to make your slides more readable using formatting tools and customizing tabs and spacing. Do you need to illustrate data? You can create a chart right in PowerPoint or import data from Excel and graph it on a slide.
Pictures and other graphics are always important in a presentation, and you’ll learn how to customize and animate many types of graphics, including SmartArt, text boxes, and shapes. And if you need to collaborate, you’ll learn how to use comments effectively to exchange ideas about the presentation. You’ll be amazed at all the tools available to create and customize interesting and informative presentations.”
Mastering Powerpoint 2019
“Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was well done? Do you remember the difference it made—not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint guru, Kelly Vandever, walks you through all the features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2019.
By the end of this course, you will know how PowerPoint works and be able to use PowerPoint’s more advanced features to impress your audience and get the most out of PowerPoint 2019 or PowerPoint 365.”
Mastering QuickBooks Desktop
Do you feel like you don’t have time to learn how to use some advanced tools and functions in QuickBooks because you have other important work to do – like gathering or inputting data into QuickBooks? This course is a great way to get up to speed on QuickBooks 2018, with many time-saving lessons that can change the way you think about QuickBooks.
Learn MoreMastering Quickbooks Online – Basics (2021)
QuickBooks Online brings traditional QuickBooks accounting to a cloud-based solution, and this course will show you everything you need to know to manage your customers, vendors, invoices, bills, checks, and online payments through QuickBooks Online.
Mastering Visio – Basics
Learning Microsoft Visio is the best way to get you started visualizing your data and information. Visio can help you visually represent work processes, hierarchies, and workflows to make data easier to understand and follow. This makes Visio a great tool for project management, process analysis, and infrastructure documentation. This course gets you started by taking you through the various components that make up a flowchart or process map. It won’t be long before you are creating clean, visually appealing diagrams that are easy to follow and understand.
Learn MoreMastering Visio – Intermediate
Visio can help you visually represent work processes, hierarchies, and workflows to make data easier to understand and follow. This makes Visio a great tool for project management, process analysis, and infrastructure documentation. In this course, you will learn how to create specific types of diagrams, as well as modify visual elements such as backgrounds, themes, and styles. Trainer Kat Snizaski will help you discover many of Visio’s stencils and tools so you can take your diagrams and flowcharts to the next level.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to harness the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Advanced
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this advanced course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to move complete your mastery of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Basics
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Intermediate
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this Intermediate course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to move beyond the basics of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word, from the very basics to the most advanced features.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Advanced
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Basics
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Intermediate
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2019 – Advanced
“Microsoft Word is hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. While used by millions of people each day, there are very few who know how to use Microsoft Word properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll help you build on intermediate skills in Word 2019 or Word 365 to create more professional and effective documents.
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your documents to the highest level and use Word’s powerful advanced features to make your job easier.”
Mastering Word 2019 – Basics
Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara, Evers, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2019 – Intermediate
“Microsoft Word is hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. While used by millions of people each day, there are very few who know how to use Microsoft Word properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll help you build on basic skills in Word 2019 or Word 365 to create more professional and effective documents.
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your documents to the next level and use Word’s features to make your job easier.”
Mastering Word 365 – Basics (2022)
Word is more than a word processor. It has the potential to make you more productive and make your job easier! While used by millions of people daily, there are few who know how to maximize Word’s functions and features. In this course taught by Microsoft trainer Christina Tankersley, we’ll show you everything you need to know to work efficiently and create polished documents.
Learn MoreMastering Word 365 – Beginner (2022)
Word is more than a word processor. It has the potential to make you more productive and make your job easier! While used by millions of people daily, there are few who know how to maximize Word’s functions and features. In this basics course taught by Microsoft trainer Christina Tankersley, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the full power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 Admin Tips and Tricks
As an administrator, you know the importance of streamlining user, device, and configuration management, while ensuring a safe and secure experience for both your users and your company. In this course, Amy Babinchak, Microsoft 365 MVP, shows you how she administers and secures Microsoft 365 tenants for her company and her clients. Learn how to access the various Microsoft 365 admin centers and where to perform necessary tasks, while also getting tips and tricks from Amy based on her years of experience. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to get started with or improve your Microsoft 365 administration.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 Email Essentials (2021)
Outlook on the Web is just one of the apps Microsoft 365 includes to increase productivity and ease your work life. Access is everywhere and anywhere and tools are included to automate tasks and organize your communications. Learn the basics, then go on to discover all the ways Outlook can keep you focused and your emails at your fingertips.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 Groups Essentials (2021)
“Microsoft Office has no shortage of ways for groups to work together. From simple spreadsheet sharing to social media tools like Yammer and Delve and collaboration platforms like SharePoint, Microsoft has provided plenty of tools to help people work as a team.
One of the newest tools is also the most powerful: Office 365 Groups. The Groups feature is built into Microsoft Outlook, the Office 365 web interface, and its own Groups mobile app.”
Microsoft 365 Sharing Calendars and Email (2022)
There are lots of reasons why you might want to share a calendar, an email account, or just an email folder with someone else. Maybe you just want them to see your availability from your personal calendar. Or maybe you would like your assistant to manage your own calendar and accept meeting invites on your behalf. You might need your team to access a shared mailbox that customers can send messages to, or you might want to share the receipts folder in your Outlook with your bookkeeper so they can get the information they need without asking you for it every time.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 To Do, Calendar, and People Essentials (2022)
In addition to email, Outlook on the Web includes powerful tools to keep track of your calendars, your contacts, and your tasks (now called To Do). This course continues the lessons started in Microsoft 365 Email Essentials, with a focus on the non-email features in Outlook online.
Learn MoreMicrosoft 365 for New Employees (2022)
Microsoft 365 is a powerful, business-class communication and collaboration platform, with lots of features to help you work more productively. In this course we’ll look at the most common tools you’ll want to use in your new job, including email, calendar, OneDrive, Teams, To Do, and the Office apps.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Forms Essentials (2022)
In this course we’ll show how easy it is to use Microsoft Forms to create online forms, surveys, and quizzes, and view the results as they come in. And we’ll look at how those same features can be used to add polls to Microsoft Teams chats or meetings.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Planner Essentials (2023)
The Planner tool in Microsoft 365 is a powerful task management app. This app offers features similar to standalone project management apps without the high price tag since Planner is free with most Microsoft 365 Business plans. What does Planner do and how can teams use it effectively to delegate and manage tasks? Microsoft trainer Vicki Drewa will show you not only how to create a new plan and attach it to a team or group, but also how to use your plan effectively. You’ll learn how to set up buckets for process management, add tasks, assign team members, and track the tasks effectively. You’ll also learn how to filter your plan to see just what you need and view dynamic charts to track everything. Engage in this course to learn the ins and outs of Planner and impress all your colleagues with your advanced task management skillset. |
Microsoft Sway Essentials
For everyone who ever struggled to create an engaging presentation with PowerPoint, rejoice! Microsoft Sway is a unique and refreshing new way to create visually appealing, interactive presentations and this course will walk you through getting started with your first Sway.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Teams Fundamentals and Best Practices (2022)
Ready to put away some of those separate apps and combine their features in one convenient place? Teams can be your Wiki, your file system, your calendar, your text and conversation place, your collaboration space! Many businesses are using Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and more. This short course covers everything you need to know in order to start using Microsoft Teams in just the first two lessons (20 minutes). The last three modules cover Teams best practices.
Learn MoreMicrosoft Teams in 30 Minutes (2021)
Many businesses are using Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication, collaboration, file sharing, and more. This micro course covers everything you need to know in order to start using Microsoft Teams in 34 MINUTES!
Learn MoreMicrosoft To Do Essentials (2020)
“The new Microsoft To-Do app is a simple tool with big benefits. Accessible from your phone, tablet, desktop app or browser, To-Do lets you organize all your tasks into multiple To-Do lists, and use the My Day feature to focus your attention on the most important tasks. You can also share lists with others to collaborate, or integrate with other Microsoft apps like Outlook and Planner.
In this course, Microsoft 365 Office expert Chip Reaves tells you why To Do is one of his favorite apps and uncovers all the power and features of Microsoft To Do.”
OneDrive Essentials (2021)
In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains we’ll look at both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business (as well as a brief look at SharePoint Document Libraries) to help you get up to speed .
Learn MoreOneDrive in 30 Minutes (2021)
Both OneDrive (the free, personal version) and OneDrive for Business (the corporate version included in most Office 365 plans) have the same mission: To allow you easy access to your documents and files from any device, any time, and securely share them with others. In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains, we’ll look at OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint Document Libraries.
Learn MoreOneNote for Windows 10 Essentials
OneNote is one of Microsoft’s unsung heroes: a digital notebook that allows you to organize your notes, meeting minutes, project documents, and more—all in one place. It’s almost like having an old-school, three-subject binder—except with unlimited sections and your notebook won’t weigh down your bag like it might have in school. Plus, no one will have to copy your notes, because you can share them digitally to collaborate with others.
Are you ready to get organized?
Note: While many of the features are the same in other versions, this course is specific to the Windows 10 version of Microsoft OneNote.
Outlook Online Essentials (2020)
Sometimes you need a quick way to get to your “stuff” no matter where you are. Outlook Online, also called the Outlook Web App (OWA), is a convenient and powerful way to access your email, calendar, and contacts (People) from any web browser.
Throughout this course you will learn the main features and benefits of using Outlook Online from Office 365. The interface is very similar if you are using Outlook Online from your company as well.
Outlook Online in 30 Minutes – Calendar
In addition to email, Outlook on the Web includes powerful tools to manage your calendar. Add events and meetings to your calendar, schedule meetings with others, and find available times. In addition, you will learn how to use the powerful new calendar board feature to customize how you see your calendar data.
Learn MoreOutlook Online in 30 Minutes – Email
Email is the backbone of business communication, and Microsoft 365 supercharges your inbox with business-class features. Using Outlook on the Web (sometimes called Outlook Online or Outlook Web App) is a convenient and powerful way to access your email from any web browser, computer, or mobile device.
Learn MorePower BI Essentials
In Microsoft’s Power BI, you can connect to existing data to create modern data visualizations and reports. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to design reports, charts, and dashboards and distribute them to your team. We will walk you through the process from install to publish.
Learn MoreSaving Time in Outlook
Outlook is packed with great tools but there a few that can make a tremendous difference in your efficiency. With the automating features, tasks that you do on a regular basis that can take time will become simpler and faster.
Learn MoreSecrets of the Office Guru (2019)
This Is The Course That’s Chock-Full Of Practical, Productivity-Boosting Tips, Tricks, And Skills That Will Turn Experienced Microsoft Office Users Into Gurus.
Question: What Can Savvy Microsoft Office Users Do To Improve Their Skills – Without Having To Comb Through Hours Of Information That They Already Know To Find Those Few Useful Gems Of Knowledge? Answer: Take This Course.
SharePoint Online Basics (2024)
In this Introductory course, SharePoint architect and Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist Idaho Edokpayi demonstrates the basics of using SharePoint and SharePoint Online.
In fourteen short modules Idaho demonstrates how SharePoint can be used to store documents and information, build intranet websites, securely share files, and more.
SharePoint for Site Owners
Now more than ever, SharePoint is a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating a common place where your team can share documents, collect data, and collaborate. In this course, you’ll quickly learn how to create your own site and invite your team members. SharePoint expert, Kat Snizaski, walks you step-by-step through creating a parent site and adding subsites for multiple teams. You’ll learn how to create and manage document libraries and custom lists that enable collaboration. You’ll also learn how to assign user permissions and get your team rolling on their new collaboration platform!
Learn MoreSmartsheet Basics
Project management is a difficult role, but Smartsheet makes it easy to create projects and collaborate with teammates. Our project management professional, Christina Tankersley, will show you how to create and modify tasks, and well as manage project communication and use collaboration tools. Soon you will be up and running and effectively managing your projects.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Excel 2019
The updated Microsoft Excel 2019 includes new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Office 2016?
Microsoft Office 2016 is an evolutionary improvement that refines dozens of features and adds a few new tricks too. In this course, Kelly Vandever and Jason Farr explore the improvements to Microsoft Office in 2016.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Outlook 2019?
Microsoft Outlook 2019 improves upon the most-used email application with new image, accessibility, and productivity features – and this course will show you how to use them effectively!
Learn MoreWhat’s New in PowerPoint 2019?
Microsoft’s latest release of PowerPoint 2019 packs quite a punch. With 3D models and vector graphics, your presentations can be more professional and visually pleasing than ever before. The new Morph transition and Zoom features can turn a boring slideshow into a guided tour. Updates to the Recording features make it easier than ever to create and share recorded presentations. Last but not least, with added features for Translation, Dictation, and Accessibility, PowerPoint is now truly a tool for everyone.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Word 2019?
The new Microsoft Word 2019 includes a slew of new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.
Learn MoreWindows 10 Essentials
This Course Is For People New To Windows 10 – Taking This Course Will Help You Understand The New Operating System Navigation, Advantages, And Functionality.
Learn MoreWindows 8.1 Essentials
This Course Is For People New To Windows 8 – Taking This Course Will Help You Understand The New Operating System Navigation, Advantages, And Functionality
When Microsoft released Windows 8 they surprised a lot of PC owners. The interface and basic functionality were different from any previous Windows operating system. In fact, Windows 8 represents the biggest change in the Windows operating system since Windows 95.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 1 of 7): Navigating and Creating Documents
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you create, save, and navigate within documents as well as experience the benefits of tools such as “Show/Hide” and “View Windows Side by Side”.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 2 of 7): Adding Text, Printing, and Customizing
Do you edit text by pressing the “Backspace” key over and over and over? Word 2019 and Word 365 offer multiple ways to edit, move, and copy your text without pressing “Backspace”. In this short course, you will learn to perform these actions as well as preview your document for printing and add your favorite tools to the Quick Access Toolbar.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 3 of 7): Formatting Text
This course helps you transform your Word 2019 or Word 365 documents from boring to professional by formatting text and paragraphs.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 4 of 7): Working Efficiently
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you find and replace text and apply consistent formatting to related text using the Format Painter and Styles formatting tools.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 5 of 7): Creating Lists and Tables
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you format information in a way that’s easy to read by creating lists, columns, or tables. We’ll also cover how to work with these tools to refine your document’s appearance.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 6 of 7): Graphics and Page Appearance
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 shows you how to add images, special symbols, and borders and background colors to your documents. Also, it shows you how to create Headers and Footers, set Margins, create Page Breaks, and set Page Orientation.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Word 2019 in 30 Minutes (Basics – 7 of 7): Preparing to Publish
This course on Word 2019 or Word 365 helps you check for errors and readability as well as explore translations and research related to your topic. In addition, you will learn how to set up the document for visual and cognitive disabilities and how to determine the appropriate file type when saving the document.
This course is one in a series of seven 30-minute courses. Take the full series and you will have completed our full “Bigger Brains Mastering Word 2019 – Basics” course.
Microsoft Office Essentials*
Get the most out of Microsoft’s software products with our Microsoft Office Essentials Library. This library has courses covering everything from Excel to Word and from beginner to expert, we have everyone on your team covered. Multiple releases are covered including Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word for 2010, 2013, 1016, and 2019.
Click here for more information about this library.
Creating Word Templates
“Don’t re-create documents over and over! Learn about templates in Word to increase your productivity, save time, and create consistency.
Being able to consistently create documents that have a uniform look and adhere to company standards can be challenging and time consuming. Use the templates feature in Word to do this effortlessly. Learn basics about effective design and using headings, sections, and your company’s logo, fonts, and colors to produce professional and effective documents that will stand out!
By the end of this course, you will be able to create a template that can be used again and again for similar documents.”
Excel – Power Query
Have you spent a lot of time performing repetitive cleanup tasks on your data, using multiple VLOOKUP functions to merge data, or trying to combine multiple datasets? If so, then Excel’s Power Query tool will transform how you work. You’ll learn how to connect to multiple data sources, and set up queries to remove unneeded data, manipulate existing data, and even create new columns. And the best part is, once you’ve set up your query, you’ll just refresh it when you need to perform those tasks. Microsoft certified trainer Kathy Jones will show you how to use the Power Query Editor to perform all of these functions and streamline your workflow in the process.
Learn MoreLearning Excel 2019 – Advanced (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 4 Advanced TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel’s advanced features to create professional and easy to navigate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365. Validate your skills with a TOSA certification or continue your learning journey with the Excel Expert Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Basics (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 2 Basics TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365 to analyze data, manage multiple worksheets and address errors in your formulas with Tracing. Take the TOSA certification to validate your current Excel skill level or continue your learning journey with the Excel Productive Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Beginner (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 1 Beginner TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will be able to use Excel 2019 or Excel 365 to create your own workbooks and analyze your data. Take the TOSA certification to validate your current Excel skill level or continue your learning journey with the Excel Basics Level course.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Expert (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 5 Expert TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will feel ready to achieve TOSA’s Expert Level certification and use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365.”
Learning Excel 2019 – Productive (TOSA)
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more.
This course will get you one step closer to becoming an expert at using Excel 2019. The material is aligned with the Level 3 Productive TOSA Certification.
By the end of this course, you will feel prepared for TOSA certification, confidently take your spreadsheets to the next level, and use many Excel 2019 or Excel 365 features to be more efficient in analyzing your data. Validate your skills with a TOSA certification or continue your learning journey with the Excel Advanced Level course.”
Learning PowerPoint 2019 – Advanced (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you an engaging communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 4 Advanced TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Basics (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will get you one step closer to becoming great communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 2 Basic TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Beginner (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will get you one step closer to becoming great communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 1 Beginner TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Expert (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you a more productive communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 5 Expert TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreLearning PowerPoint 2019 – Productive (TOSA)
When you learn PowerPoint, you have another communication tool at your disposal! Presentations don’t have to be boring with all of the elements PowerPoint allows you including charts, images and graphics, spreadsheets, and appealing layout options. This course will make you a more productive communicator using PowerPoint. The material is aligned with the Level 3 Productive TOSA Certification.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your path to first learning, then even mastering Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Advanced
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is for users who wish to gain skills in the more advanced features of Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Basics
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2013 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2013 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course moves you beyond the basics and into being a real pro with Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course covers everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel 2016, from the very basics to the most advanced features and functions.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2016 – Advanced
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business-critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel and teaches you how to use links, lookup functions, macros, data tables, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Intermediate versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Basics
“If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course is your first step towards getting started with Microsoft Excel.
Note: When combined with the Intermediate and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727″
Mastering Excel 2016 – Intermediate
If you’ve mastered Microsoft Excel 2016 then you have one of the most practical and valuable skill sets in all of modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders – from organizing lists, to creating multi-layered, interactive reports, to revealing answers to business critical questions like ROI, budget allocations, tracking expenditures, and more. This course builds on your existing knowledge of Excel basics and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Note: When combined with the Basics and Advanced versions of this course, these cover all the objectives required in the Microsoft Office Specialist exam 77-727
Mastering Excel 2019 – Advanced
“When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to use links, Lookup functions, Data Validation, Macros, data tables, and more.
By the end of this course, you will feel empowered to use Excel’s most advanced features to create professional, secure, and accurate workbooks in Excel 2019 or Excel 365″
Mastering Excel 2019 – Basics
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 2019.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2019 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Basics
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. Excel expert Kathy Jones will also show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Beginner
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 2021 – Intermediate
When you master Excel 2019 or Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as PivotTables, PivotCharts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Advanced
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. Once you have completed this course, there are few things you won’t be able to do with Excel!
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft Excel is the most popular data analysis tool in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to make your spreadsheets easily readable and visually appealing, while including complex functions and summary reports. This course will show you how to address function errors, customize your charts, and create and use tables and PivotTables to easily manipulate and summarize your data. |
Mastering Excel 365 – Beginner (2024)
When you master Excel, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. You will learn to work wonders with your data—from organizing lists to creating charts and interactive reports. Excel will help you answer critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel.
Learn MoreMastering Excel 365 – Intermediate (2022)
When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course builds on your existing Excel knowledge and teaches you how to manage data, charts, and tables, and how to use powerful tools such as Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers, Timelines, and more.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master .
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2013 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time, if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools. This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2016 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019 – Advanced
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time – if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 2019 – Basics
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time—if the Outlook user knew how to use the proper tools.
Learn MoreMastering Outlook 365 – Beginner (2024)
Few things have greater impact on your productivity than how you use Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks when they could be taking advantage of the many features embedded in Outlook. This course will help you brush up on your Outlook skills, so you can become more productive while using the basic elements of Outlook.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2013
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016 – Advanced
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2016 – Basics
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made – not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2019 – Advanced
Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was really well done? Do you remember the difference it made—not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2019 – Basics
Using PowerPoint effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether its designing a presentation for a meeting, creating a handout, or even creating and exporting a custom video, PowerPoint 2019 is a tool that everyone should feel comfortable using. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint guru Kelly Vandever walks you through the basics of getting started with PowerPoint 2019.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Basics
Learn how to create visually interesting presentations that will cause people to sit up and pay attention. Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to modify your bulleted and numbered lists, add tables for readability, and add animation to keep viewers engaged. Whether you are using a template design, customizing your own text boxes, or adding dynamic pictures, our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will show you how to create and customize interesting presentations, and present them flawlessly.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Beginner
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most common tool used for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether you’re designing a presentation for a meeting or creating a handout, you’ll learn the basics of organizing and effectively presenting the information you need to share. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint expert, Kathy Snizaski, walks you through all the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint so you can start creating your own presentations.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 2021 – Intermediate
“Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you’ll learn design principles and how to customize themes to help you capture and retain the attention of your audience. Our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will also show you how to make your slides more readable using formatting tools and customizing tabs and spacing. Do you need to illustrate data? You can create a chart right in PowerPoint or import data from Excel and graph it on a slide.
Pictures and other graphics are always important in a presentation, and you’ll learn how to customize and animate many types of graphics, including SmartArt, text boxes, and shapes. And if you need to collaborate, you’ll learn how to use comments effectively to exchange ideas about the presentation. You’ll be amazed at all the tools available to create and customize interesting and informative presentations.”
Mastering PowerPoint 365 – Basics (2024)
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course you’ll learn to modify your bulleted and numbered lists, add tables for readability, and add animation to keep viewers engaged. Whether you are using a template design, customizing your own text boxes, or adding dynamic pictures, our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will show you how to create and customize interesting presentations, and present them flawlessly.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Beginner (2024)
Microsoft PowerPoint is the most common tool used for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. Whether you’re designing a presentation for a meeting or creating a handout, you’ll learn the basics of organizing and effectively presenting the information you need to share. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint expert, Kathy Snizaski, walks you through all the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint so you can start creating your own presentations.
Learn MoreMastering PowerPoint 365 – Intermediate (2022)
“Microsoft PowerPoint is the most popular tool for presentations in the workplace, so using it effectively is a crucial skill for any business professional. In this course, you’ll learn design principles and how to customize themes to help you capture and retain the attention of your audience. Our PowerPoint expert Kathy Snizaski will also show you how to make your slides more readable using formatting tools and customizing tabs and spacing. Do you need to illustrate data? You can create a chart right in PowerPoint or import data from Excel and graph it on a slide.
Pictures and other graphics are always important in a presentation, and you’ll learn how to customize and animate many types of graphics, including SmartArt, text boxes, and shapes. And if you need to collaborate, you’ll learn how to use comments effectively to exchange ideas about the presentation. You’ll be amazed at all the tools available to create and customize interesting and informative presentations.”
Mastering Powerpoint 2019
“Have you seen someone deliver a PowerPoint presentation that was well done? Do you remember the difference it made—not only in helping you understand the content, but the way it made you feel about the presenter? This course will show you how to turn lackluster presentations into something that is visually stimulating and works to keep your audience engaged. In this Bigger Brains course our PowerPoint guru, Kelly Vandever, walks you through all the features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2019.
By the end of this course, you will know how PowerPoint works and be able to use PowerPoint’s more advanced features to impress your audience and get the most out of PowerPoint 2019 or PowerPoint 365.”
Mastering Word 2013
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to harness the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Advanced
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this advanced course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to move complete your mastery of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Basics
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2013 – Intermediate
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this Intermediate course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to move beyond the basics of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word, from the very basics to the most advanced features.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Advanced
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Basics
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2016 – Intermediate
Microsoft Word: Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer Christina Tankersley we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2019 – Advanced
“Microsoft Word is hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. While used by millions of people each day, there are very few who know how to use Microsoft Word properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll help you build on intermediate skills in Word 2019 or Word 365 to create more professional and effective documents.
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your documents to the highest level and use Word’s powerful advanced features to make your job easier.”
Mastering Word 2019 – Basics
Hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. Used by millions of people each day, very few know how to use it properly. In this basics course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara, Evers, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreMastering Word 2019 – Intermediate
“Microsoft Word is hands-down the most powerful document creation tool on the planet. While used by millions of people each day, there are very few who know how to use Microsoft Word properly. In this comprehensive course produced by Microsoft Certified Trainer, Barbara Evers, we’ll help you build on basic skills in Word 2019 or Word 365 to create more professional and effective documents.
By the end of this course, you will be able to take your documents to the next level and use Word’s features to make your job easier.”
Mastering Word 365 – Basics (2022)
Word is more than a word processor. It has the potential to make you more productive and make your job easier! While used by millions of people daily, there are few who know how to maximize Word’s functions and features. In this course taught by Microsoft trainer Christina Tankersley, we’ll show you everything you need to know to work efficiently and create polished documents.
Learn MoreMastering Word 365 – Beginner (2022)
Word is more than a word processor. It has the potential to make you more productive and make your job easier! While used by millions of people daily, there are few who know how to maximize Word’s functions and features. In this basics course taught by Microsoft trainer Christina Tankersley, we’ll show you everything you need to know to start harnessing the full power of Microsoft Word.
Learn MoreOutlook Online in 30 Minutes – Calendar
In addition to email, Outlook on the Web includes powerful tools to manage your calendar. Add events and meetings to your calendar, schedule meetings with others, and find available times. In addition, you will learn how to use the powerful new calendar board feature to customize how you see your calendar data.
Learn MoreOutlook Online in 30 Minutes – Email
Email is the backbone of business communication, and Microsoft 365 supercharges your inbox with business-class features. Using Outlook on the Web (sometimes called Outlook Online or Outlook Web App) is a convenient and powerful way to access your email from any web browser, computer, or mobile device.
Learn MoreSaving Time in Outlook
Outlook is packed with great tools but there a few that can make a tremendous difference in your efficiency. With the automating features, tasks that you do on a regular basis that can take time will become simpler and faster.
Learn MoreSmartsheet Basics
Project management is a difficult role, but Smartsheet makes it easy to create projects and collaborate with teammates. Our project management professional, Christina Tankersley, will show you how to create and modify tasks, and well as manage project communication and use collaboration tools. Soon you will be up and running and effectively managing your projects.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Excel 2019
The updated Microsoft Excel 2019 includes new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Outlook 2019?
Microsoft Outlook 2019 improves upon the most-used email application with new image, accessibility, and productivity features – and this course will show you how to use them effectively!
Learn MoreWhat’s New in PowerPoint 2019?
Microsoft’s latest release of PowerPoint 2019 packs quite a punch. With 3D models and vector graphics, your presentations can be more professional and visually pleasing than ever before. The new Morph transition and Zoom features can turn a boring slideshow into a guided tour. Updates to the Recording features make it easier than ever to create and share recorded presentations. Last but not least, with added features for Translation, Dictation, and Accessibility, PowerPoint is now truly a tool for everyone.
Learn MoreWhat’s New in Word 2019?
The new Microsoft Word 2019 includes a slew of new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.
Learn MoreProject Management for Business
From goal planning to troubleshooting to learning strategies to keep projects on track, on budget, and on time, TrainingToday’s Project Management for Business library is your go-to source for essential project management training. There are courses for employees and supervisors, team leaders and team members. Courses in this library cover not only the essentials of project management—from planning to troubleshooting—they also cover skills like communication, delegation, negotiation, and risk management.
Click here for more information about this library.
Business Writing for Supervisors and Managers
The ability to write effectively is a skill every supervisor and manager needs to possess. Being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing has a direct impact on your success.
Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make the most of all your business communications.
Communicating Up: How to Talk to High-Level Management
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate effectively with your boss and senior management.
Learn MoreCommunicating in a Global Workplace
Today, we’re going to talk about communicating in a global workplace. More and more, we are all interconnected by the Internet and 24-hour-a-day worldwide news coverage. We are also linked by transportation systems that make intercontinental travel quick and easy, and by a global economy and markets. Despite differences and conflicts, we have truly become one world. And to do business, we have in many ways become a global workplace, with companies from all over the world meeting and competing in worldwide markets. As a country, the United States continues to be a melting pot, where people come from all over the world to live and work. No doubt you work with people from other countries, cultures, and traditions. In this session, you will learn how to communicate effectively in the global workplace and interact successfully in a diverse working environment with all kinds of people.
Learn MoreCommunication Between All Ages in the Workplace
The main objective of this session is to help you communicate better with all generations in your workplace. By the time it’s over, you’ll understand what makes your fellow employees “tick” and be able to identify some of their characteristics; understand and respect your cross-generational coworkers; recognize some bad habits that could be creating conflict; enhance your communication skills on the job; and become familiar with some techniques to help you communicate better.
Learn MoreConflict Resolution for Employees
This course is about conflict resolution. We all probably experienced conflict at some times. Conflict is a sharp disagreement. It generally involves the clash of ideas, interests, or personalities. During this session we’re going to show you some basic conflict resolution skills and techniques you can use to manage the conflicts in your workplace more effectively.
Learn MoreConflict Resolution for Supervisors
When you know how to resolve workplace conflicts effectively, you can save time and turn potentially destructive situations into positive, productive opportunities for growth and development within your work group. Additionally, when you know how to build consensus among employees, you can enhance motivation and cooperation, as well as create an atmosphere in which agreement generally prevails over conflict.
Learn MoreDelegation for Project Management
The main objective of this session is to teach you how to use delegation as a core tool in managing your project. By the time this session, is over you will be able to recognize the role of delegation in helping a project succeed, learn why delegating is valuable, understand the delegation process, realize the importance of giving and receiving feedback, and understand factors that put delegation at risk of failing.
Learn MoreEffective Decision-Making Strategies for Employees
Making good decisions on the job is important for many reasons. No matter what your job, the decisions you make affect your productivity, the quality of your work, and your ability to meet performance goals. In a larger sense, the decisions you make often affect your co-workers and your department. They may also have an impact on customer satisfaction and the success of the organization. There’s a lot riding on the decisions you make every day. An added challenge is that many of your decisions must be made quickly. The purpose of this training session is to help you make the best decisions possible every workday, even under pressure.
Learn MoreEffective Meetings: How-to for Supervisors
This session is important because too many meetings turn out to be time-consuming distractions from your other important work. Poorly planned and conducted meetings often serve little purpose and waste valuable resources. Just consider the cost of a meeting involving 10 people that runs for half an hour. That adds up to 5 hours worth of salaries and time taken away from other productive work.
Learn MoreEncouraging Employee Input
Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage-and act upon-employee input. Your employees-the people who make the products, serve the customers, and perform all those essential functions-often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve our operations, and enhance our competitive advantage. Today, we’ll focus on ways to tap into this rich source of ideas for improvement.
Learn MoreHow to Manage Time Wisely: A Guide for Employees
This course focuses on time management. We’re going to suggest ways you can make better use of your valuable time and accomplish more with less effort. We’ll focus on practical techniques and information that you can start using right away to gain more control over your very busy work schedule.
Learn MoreLean Project Management
This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the main principles of lean project management. By the time the session is over, you should understand the concepts of eliminating waste, creating value, executing faster, and creating a sense of accomplishment among your project team.
Learn MoreNegotiation Skills for Supervisors
Negotiation is something everybody is familiar with. It’s something you use all the time in your work as well as in your personal life. For example, you negotiate with your boss so that you can hire an additional employee. You negotiate with other supervisors to coordinate the operation of your departments and work groups. You negotiate many issues with your employees from performance goals to vacation schedules. You negotiate salaries with job candidates. And after work, you go home and negotiate with your spouse over this and that and with your kids over chores and probably just about everything else. The fact is that whether you’re aware of it or not, you spend a significant part of your day negotiating. That’s why good negotiation skills are so important.
Learn MoreOrganizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know
This session will focus on how organizing and planning can help you work smarter, and we’re going to give you the blueprint to more efficient organization and more effective planning.
Learn MorePlanning and Organizing Skills for Supervisors
Planning and organizing are two of the key functions performed by any manager or supervisor. That makes good planning and organizing skills an extremely important asset. During this training session, you’ll learn about how you can become better organized so that you can become more efficient and stop wasting valuable time. You’ll also learn how to develop better plans so that you can achieve goals and be more successful.
Learn MoreProblem Solving for Employees
This session teaches employees problem-solving techniques. It goes without saying that problem solving is part of any job. Problems can’t be avoided. “Problems” are better looked at as opportunities for improvement. The problem-solving methods covered in this session can help trainees identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, change employee behaviors and attitudes toward problems and, consequently, be more empowered and successful at work.
Learn MoreProblem Solving for Supervisors
Problems are a fact of your daily working life. You can’t avoid them. The best you can do is recognize them and try to solve them before they cause more problems. Learning to identify problems and develop effective solutions is one of the biggest challenges any supervisor faces. At the same time, the skill with which you deal with problems on the job has a direct impact on your effectiveness as a supervisor and on your career success. The problem-solving methods you will learn in this session can help you identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, and consequently, be more successful in your job.
Learn MoreProject Management: Planning
The objective of this training session is to learn how to plan a project effectively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to understand the steps involved in effective project planning, understand how to troubleshoot your own project plans to anticipate problems and prevent bottlenecks, and create project strategies that will successfully achieve goals, meet deadlines, and contain costs. |
Project Management: Stakeholders
This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the concepts of stakeholder analysis and management. By the time the session is over, you should be familiar with the purpose of a stakeholder analysis, how to identify your project’s key stakeholders and important peripheral stakeholders, why you should involve stakeholders and why getting to know them is important, and understanding some different methods for conducting a stakeholder analysis.
Learn MoreProject Management: The Beginning
The main objective of this session is to prepare you for the demanding task of getting a project under way. By the time the session is over, you will understand the many steps involved in successfully executing a project, how to wind up a project properly, and special situations that can complicate the implementation of a project.
Learn MoreProject Management: Troubleshooting
The main objective of this session is to teach you about troubleshooting within project management. In this training module, we will go over what troubleshooting is, what the signs of trouble are and how to avoid them, why troubleshooting is important, and ways to react to different situations to become a more efficient troubleshooter.
Learn MoreProject Planning: Budgeting
The objective of this training session is to learn how to create a budget—and how to stay on it. We will talk about the importance of careful and accurate budgeting in the project planning process, the basic steps involved in budgeting for a project, and the importance of monitoring expenditures during project implementation. By the end of the session, you should be better prepared to deal effectively with problems and bring any project in on budget.
Learn MoreProject Quality Management
The main objective of this session is to teach you about Project Quality Management and how the process works. In this training module we will go over the Project Quality Management process, why it is important, and how to implement the process.
Learn MoreProject Risk Management
The main objective of this session is to teach you about project risk management and how to identify and plan for risks. In this training module, we will go over what project risk management is, why it is important and, most importantly, how to identify risks.
Learn MoreTeambuilding for Employees
Teams can be an extremely effective way to get important work done. Teamwork boosts productivity, improves quality, ensures greater safety, and makes companies more profitable and competitive. That’s why team building is a topic everyone should know something about.
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- Understand how you can build strong, effective teams in your organization
Time Management Skills for Employees
This training presentation will help you gain control over your time so that you can work more efficiently and productively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to identify and eliminate your time wasters; plan and prioritize effectively; define goals and make time-wise decisions; capitalize on prime and commuting time; avoid procrastination; and handle communications, interruptions, and emergencies effectively.
Learn MoreTime Management for Supervisors
The main objective of this session is to help you work more efficiently and productively.
Learn MoreWellness
The Wellness Training Library includes everything you need for both your managers who help to set up and manage a workplace wellness program–and your employees to learn about keeping themselves and their families healthy. Statistics show that keeping employees healthy can not only improve their quality of life–but it can also significantly impact your bottom line with reduced healthcare costs and absenteeism rates and improved employee morale and productivity.
Click here for more information about this library.
A Manager’s Role in Wellness
Managers play a key role in making a workplace wellness program a success. Managers need to help to motivate staff by setting a good example, providing the tools that staff members need to keep themselves on the right track, communicating your organization’s wellness messages, and helping to educate staff on the latest wellness techniques. This online wellness course for managers will empower key staff on how to embrace a wellness program and show the critical role managers play in the success of the program and the consequent health and wellness of all employees. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreAll About Nutrition
The quantity and quality of the food you eat everyday directly affects your health, energy level, and general well being. You need to eat the right foods, in the right amount, at the right time, to stay healthy and feel good. The information you learn today will help you eat more nutritious meals and snacks, which will help you live longer and give you the energy you need to work and enjoy your leisure activities everyday. Duration: 22 minutes
Learn MoreAvoiding Back Injuries
Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries that cause lost days away from work. No matter what job you perform, you can injure your back on the job. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to avoid back injuries and the lifetime of pain and medical bills that can come with them. In this training session, you’ll learn what risk factors and hazards expose you to back injuries and what you can do to help keep your back healthy and pain-free.
Learn MoreAvoiding Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
This session discusses how you might be exposed to bloodborne pathogens (BBP) and infectious diseases, how you can protect yourself from exposure, and how to clean up and properly dispose of blood or bodily fluids. Employees most likely to be exposed include first-aid responders, janitorial and maintenance personnel, and workers assigned to clean up after an industrial accident. Even if your job does not normally expose you to blood or bodily fluids, this session is helpful to raise your awareness of bloodborne pathogens, to understand why you should not come in contact with them, and to understand that it is important to report spills of blood or bodily fluids so that they can be cleaned up safely.
Learn MoreBalancing Work and Home
Many people struggle to juggle a full-time job while also caring for young children, aging parents, and other responsibilities on a daily basis. It can feel like there are not enough hours in a day—that there are too many responsibilities at work and at home—and that you can’t complete tasks in either place—many people feel this way. This online employee wellness course helps trainees manage home and work responsibilities, stress, and daily expectations. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreCreating a Successful Wellness Program: A Guide for Managers
A workplace wellness program needs to be well-focused and well-executed to succeed. This training course goes over the necessary steps to create a successful wellness program designed for the specific health risks and vulnerabilities of your employee population. A well-run wellness program can not only help employees be healthier but it also increases your bottom line by decreasing healthcare costs, decreasing employee time away from work, increasing productivity, and even increasing morale.
Learn MoreDriver Wellness (INT)
In order to do your job well, you have to be well. Your good health is an important part of everything you do—both on the job and off. Today, we’re going to talk about some wellness strategies you can use to help prevent accidents and injuries on the job. We’ll also talk about simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will assist in avoiding disease and disabilities so that you keep working and keep doing all the things you like to do in your life.
Learn MoreFinancial Wellness
Personal finance is a challenge for many people. Yet, as an employer, you may not be aware of these personal challenges faced by your employees. As a result, employee financial education is a critical component of any corporate wellness program. Financial literacy can be learned and improved. Financial training that leads to employee financial wellness reduces employee stress and health-related problems. This employee financial wellness training online course teaches trainees about financial planning, effective money management, how to budget, and how to live within one’s means. With these key skills, an employee will be healthier with less stress. A healthy employee is a productive employee.
Learn MoreFitness for Everyone
Regular exercise is an excellent way to gain and maintain good health throughout your life. In fact, increasing your physical activity level may be one of the best, and simplest, things you can do for yourself. This session will cover how to make fitness a healthy habit that lasts—and improves—your lifetime.
Learn MoreHazards of Smoking: How to Quit
Despite the proven and well-documented health risks associated with smoking, it continues to be widespread, with new smokers joining the ranks every day. An effective smoking cessation program for employees can result in lower healthcare costs for employees, more productive employees, and improved overall health of employees. An effective smoking cessation program must address the underlying reasons for starting to smoke as well as the myriad challenges of quitting. This online smoking cessation course helps employees understand the health risks of smoking, the benefits of quitting, and how to quit and remain tobacco-free. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreHealthy Aging
No matter what age you are now or what shape you are currently in, you can make improvements that will extend and improve your life. It’s never too late to make healthy choices. Genetics are only part of longevity. The other part is taking good care of your health. This means that the quality of your life in your senior years depends largely on you and the choices you make today. For example, choices like not smoking; eating healthy, nutritious food; keeping your weight down; and getting enough exercise will help you live a longer life. This course highlights the impact today’s choices have on your future and how to make changes now for a healthier, more productive future. The benefits to an employer in providing this training to employees are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreHealthy Sleep Habits
A lot of Americans have trouble sleeping, and sleeping is very important to maintaining good health. We’ll talk about the problems associated with sleep deprivation, the various sleep disorders that interfere with healthy sleep, and we’ll look at a variety of suggestions for getting a good night’s sleep.
Learn MoreHeart Health
Our hearts are responsible for pumping oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies. The heart has one of the most important jobs in keeping our bodies alive and healthy. This online heart health training course addresses this most amazing muscle in our body, how it works to keep us alive, and what we can do right now to make sure our hearts are healthy for years to come. Cardiac health can be managed and improved with some simple guidelines. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreKeeping Yourself and Your Family Healthy
This presentation will cover how important it is that families be concerned about health. Preventive care, nutrition, exercise, and other factors play important roles. And especially for children, good health is essential—for them, now is the time when growth happens, some diseases may begin, and health habits are set for life.
Learn MoreOffice Ergonomics
MSDs are among the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time. Workers in many different industries and occupations can be exposed to MSD risk factors at work. Fortunately, work-related MSDs can be prevented.
Learn MoreOffice Ergonomics (Spanish)
The main objective of this session is to cover the topic of office ergonomics from hazards to precautions so that you can avoid developing work-related MSDs. |
Stress Management
“Stress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges. Mental health challenges can include clinical mental illness and substance use disorders as well as other emotions like stress, grief, or feeling sad and anxious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage stress, as well as improve mental health and well-being. This session is intended for all employees.
Learn MoreSubstance Abuse in the Workplace: What Employees Need to Know
Substance abuse creates problems both on and off the job. In the workplace, a substance abuse problem can cause absenteeism, decreased job performance, and serious safety hazards that put the abuser, coworkers, and even customers or the public at risk. Treatment is available and can help-but when left untreated, a substance abuse problem can cause problems for the entire workplace. During this session, we’ll discuss the harmful impact of substance abuse in the workplace. You’ll learn the legal issues regarding workplace substance abuse, how to recognize if you or one of your coworkers may have a problem, as well as what solutions are available to deal with a substance abuse problem.
Learn MoreSubstance Abuse in the Workplace: What Supervisors Need to Know
In this session we will look at substance abuse in the workplace. It has been estimated that 1 in 10 employees in this country’s workforce has a substance abuse problem. The rate is even higher among construction trades and extraction workers. The personal impact of substance abuse on an employee can be devastating. It has a destructive effect on just about every part of a person’s life. A person who has a substance abuse problem may end up losing everything, including family, home, friends, savings, job, and physical and mental health. On the job, the negative fallout of substance abuse includes a steady deterioration of work performance, unreliability, and recklessness that can jeopardize the safety of coworkers, the integrity of the organization’s products and services, and the organization’s reputation. In this session, we’ll examine the scope and cost of substance abuse and discuss your role as a supervisor in helping to manage this difficult and complex problem in a way that helps employees in need and protects coworkers and the organization from the negative impact of substance abuse.
Learn MoreSuccessful Weight Management
This session is designed to help employees manage their weight successfully and live a healthier life. Obesity is now considered an epidemic. Approximately two-thirds of the adult population is either overweight or obese. And yet, overweight individuals can reduce the risk for some chronic disorders by losing as little as 5 percent to 15 percent of their weight. This course will help trainees understand the risks of being overweight, learn the formula for maintaining a healthy weight, identify simple ways to cut calories, maintain a healthy exercise program, choose a sensible and safe weight loss program; and keep fit for life. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn MoreWellness and You
Good health is perhaps the most important thing in anybody’s life. Without your health, you can’t enjoy the rest of your life and meet the challenges you face every day. Today, we’re going to talk about wellness and how to improve your health and the quality of your life.
Learn MoreWhat You Need to Know About Headaches
A whopping 90 percent of all people in the United States get some kind of headache, with 20 percent seeking professional medical help for their pain. One category of headaches, the migraine, is experienced by an estimated 28 million people. Whether sufferers stay at home or go to work, migraines are a major, largely unrecognized cause of lost workplace productivity. This headache management and prevention online training course addresses different types of headaches, symptoms, medical and alternative treatments and, finally, healthful lifestyle changes that can help avoid the onset of headaches or minimize headache pain. These manageable changes enhance quality of life in general and improve employee productivity. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Learn More