Healthy Aging
Course Description:
No matter what age you are now or what shape you are currently in, you can make improvements that will extend and improve your life. It’s never too late to make healthy choices. Genetics are only part of longevity. The other part is taking good care of your health. This means that the quality of your life in your senior years depends largely on you and the choices you make today. For example, choices like not smoking; eating healthy, nutritious food; keeping your weight down; and getting enough exercise will help you live a longer life. This course highlights the impact today’s choices have on your future and how to make changes now for a healthier, more productive future. The benefits to an employer in providing this training to employees are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Why “Healthy Aging” Matters:
- Americans are living longer today than in the past. A hundred years ago, life expectancy was around 50 years. Today, it’s in the high 70s, and many, many people are living well into their 80s and even 90s.
- The quality of life in later years depends largely on the individual and the choices made throughout his or her life.
Key Points:
This session provides trainees with the information needed to make smart choices to age well, maintain good health, and live a long and happy life. By the time this session is over, trainees should be able to:
- Understand the changes that take place in a body with age.
- Recognize the basic requirements for healthy aging.
- Make necessary lifestyle adjustments to promote healthy aging.
- No matter what age a person is now, or what shape that person currently is in, improvements can be made to extend and improve that person’s life. It’s never too late to make healthy choices.