Save time, save money, and train smarter with TrainingToday’s Hospitality libraries.
According to the American Hotel and Motel Association, the U.S. lodging industry brings in $134 billion and employs nearly 2 million people. Meeting the needs of guests is of the utmost importance in order to keep the business thriving, but protecting the safety and well-being of employees and keeping the day-to-day operations running smoothly are just as crucial. And that’s where TrainingToday’s Hospitality libraries can help.
From restaurant server basics to cash-handling essentials, alcohol rules to laundry room safety, we’ve got the quick and easy courses you need to keep customers happy, workers’ comp claims under control, and your organization in compliance.
*These libraries are add-ons and not included with a subscription to TrainingToday’s Hospitality All-Access library.
Hospitality and Food Service Safety
TrainingToday’s Hospitality Library provides employers in the Lodging, Food Service, and Tourism industries with a complete suite of training course for employees at all levels of guest services. From restaurant server basics to cash-handling essentials, alcohol rules to laundry room safety, we’ve got the quick and easy courses you need to keep customers coming back again and again, workers’ comp claims under control, and your hospitality organization in compliance with employment laws.
Click here for more information about this library.
Avoiding Back Injuries
Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries that cause lost days away from work. No matter what job you perform, you can injure your back on the job. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to avoid back injuries and the lifetime of pain and medical bills that can come with them. In this training session, you’ll learn what risk factors and hazards expose you to back injuries and what you can do to help keep your back healthy and pain-free.
Learn MoreAvoiding Back Injuries (Spanish)
Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries that cause lost days away from work. No matter what job you perform, you can injure your back on the job. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to avoid back injuries and the lifetime of pain and medical bills that can come with them. In this training session, you’ll learn what risk factors and hazards expose you to back injuries and what you can do to help keep your back healthy and pain-free.
Learn MoreAvoiding Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
This session discusses how you might be exposed to bloodborne pathogens (BBP) and infectious diseases, how you can protect yourself from exposure, and how to clean up and properly dispose of blood or bodily fluids. Employees most likely to be exposed include first-aid responders, janitorial and maintenance personnel, and workers assigned to clean up after an industrial accident. Even if your job does not normally expose you to blood or bodily fluids, this session is helpful to raise your awareness of bloodborne pathogens, to understand why you should not come in contact with them, and to understand that it is important to report spills of blood or bodily fluids so that they can be cleaned up safely.
Learn MoreAvoiding Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens (Spanish)
This session is intended for any employee who is likely to be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials, commonly abbreviated as OPIM, in their workplace. Employees most likely to be exposed to bloodborne pathogens include first-aid responders, janitorial and maintenance personnel, and workers assigned to clean up after an industrial accident. Even if your job does not normally expose you to blood or OPIM, this session is helpful to raise your awareness of bloodborne pathogens, including how to prevent harmful exposures. Esta sesión está dirigida a cualquier empleado que podría estar expuesto a la sangre u otros materiales potencialmente infecciosos (OPIM) en el lugar de trabajo. |
Customer Service Skills: How We Can All Improve
Without our customers, we wouldn’t be in business, and none of us would have jobs. That’s why it is important for every employee in every department of every workplace to develop a customer-oriented focus and always provide excellent service. The main objective of this online customer service training course is to teach employees ways to improve the service they provide to customers. By the time this course is over, employees should be able to recognize that we all have customers and share responsibility for customer satisfaction, understand what customers expect from them, handle customers’ problems effectively, and help improve overall customer satisfaction.
Learn MoreDiversity for All Employees
Diversity in the workplace means having a group of employees with a wide range of different backgrounds in terms of race, age, gender, and other characteristics. Having a diverse workforce is a good thing, but it can also present some challenges. This session will present facts about diversity that show how employees can help create a cooperative and productive work environment by respecting one another’s diverse backgrounds.
Learn MoreDiversity for All Employees (Alternative)
Diversity in the workplace means having a group of employees with a wide range of different backgrounds in terms of race, age, gender, and other characteristics. Having a diverse workforce is a good thing, but it can also present some challenges. This session will present facts about diversity that show how employees can help create a cooperative and productive work environment by respecting one another’s diverse backgrounds.
Learn MoreDiversity for All Employees (Spanish)
Diversity in the workplace means having a group of employees with a wide range of different backgrounds in terms of race, age, gender, and other characteristics. Having a diverse workforce is a good thing, but it can also present some challenges. This session will present facts about diversity that show how employees can help create a cooperative and productive work environment by respecting one another’s diverse backgrounds.
Learn MoreDiversity for All Employees (Spanish) (Alternative)
Diversity in the workplace means having a group of employees with a wide range of different backgrounds in terms of race, age, gender, and other characteristics. Having a diverse workforce is a good thing, but it can also present some challenges. This session will present facts about diversity that show how employees can help create a cooperative and productive work environment by respecting one another’s diverse backgrounds.
Learn MoreEmergency Action and Fire Prevention
Workplace emergencies are responsible for killing hundreds of workers and injuring thousands more every year at a cost of billions of dollars. Knowing what to do in the event of costly emergencies could save your life, as well the lives of your coworkers. This session on emergency action and fire prevention will teach you the causes of workplace emergencies, how to prevent them, and how to react to an emergency in case prevention fails. |
Emergency Action and Fire Prevention (Spanish)
This online safety training course will teach Spanish-speaking employees to understand workplace hazards that lead to an emergency and how to respond quickly and efficiently to an emergency situation. Also covered in this training course are how to evacuate an area in an emergency, protect others from fire and other hazards, prevent fires, and respond to fires and spills while at work.
Learn MoreEvent Planning Basics
The main objective of this session is to provide you with information that will help you successfully plan events. By the time the session is over, you will be able to identify basic elements in the planning process; employ effective planning strategies; overcome problems; and plan successful events.
Learn MoreFood Service Inspections
Today, we’re going to talk about why sanitary conditions are so important in the food service sector and how to achieve them. Operating a safe food service establishment begins with sanitation. All parts of your establishment must be clean and sanitary at all times. This training session will focus on how you can achieve that goal.
Learn MoreFood Service Safety
Today we’re going to talk about food service safety. This topic is very important because people can get sick if germs, viruses, pesticides, or cleaning agents get into food or drinks. In food service clean is not the same as safe. Hands can look clean, but if they’re contaminated with germs, they are not safe. Food can look and smell good, but if it is not handled properly, germs can poison it and make consumers sick. That’s why you need to know what you can do on the job to help prevent food poisoning. Today, we’ll cover all the key steps from good hygiene to proper food handling and making sure food service materials and equipment are clean and safe to use.
Learn MoreFood Service Sanitation
The main objective of this session is to make sure you know how to keep your food service establishment clean and sanitary. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand why cleanliness and sanitation are essential in food service, maintain good personal hygiene, identify the characteristics of a clean and sanitary food service establishment, know what to clean and sanitize and how to do it, and prevent pest infestations.
Learn MoreFood Service Storage
Food storage affects both quality and safety. Food stored improperly will lose its quality, spoil more rapidly, and can cause a foodborne illness when harmful bacteria are allowed to grow. Sometimes two different kinds of food stored together can result in cross-contamination, with one food contaminating others in storage. Improperly stored food can also come in contact with other harmful substances such as toxic chemicals—for example, cleaning supplies and pesticides. Today, you’ll learn how to store food properly to preserve quality and prevent contamination that can lead to food poisoning.
Learn MoreFront Desk Operations
The main objective of this session is to help you maintain high-quality front desk operations. By the time the session is over, you will be able to interact efficiently and effectively with guests; provide the highest quality service; handle all your duties professionally and successfully; resolve any problems or complaints quickly and cordially; and encourage guest satisfaction and loyalty.
Learn MoreGuest Management
The main objective of this session is to help you improve your guest management skills. By the time the session is over, you will be able to understand the importance of guest management; identify requirements for effective guest management; integrate guest management responsibilities into your job; and assist the organization in managing guests well to ensure satisfaction and loyalty.
Learn MoreHandling Customer Complaints
Effective complaint handling is one of the most important aspects of providing excellent service. The objective of this online training course is to help trainees handle customer complaints successfully. At the end of this training session trainees will be able to view customer complaints as opportunities and identify problems that prompt complaints.
Learn MoreHandling Money
The main objective of this session is to help you handle money correctly on the job. By the time the session is over, you will be able to understand why handling money properly is important; avoid money-handling errors; follow money-handling procedures; and handle money skillfully on the job.
Learn MoreHousekeeper Safety
Compared to other jobs, the work you perform as a housekeeper may not seem very hazardous. However, there are many hazards you can face on the job, so it’s important to be aware of these hazards and know the precautions you can take to prevent injuries and illnesses.
Learn MoreHousekeeper Safety (Spanish)
The main objective of this session is to make you more aware of workplace hazards and to suggest simple ways you can prevent accidents and injuries. By the time this session is over, you should be able to recognize workplace hazards; identify the precautions you need to take; and prevent accidents and injuries on the job.
El principal objetivo de esta sesión es generarle conciencia de los riesgos laborales y proponer medidas sencillas para prevenir accidentes y lesiones. Para cuando la reunión finalice, usted debería ser capaz de reconocer los riesgos laborales; identificar las medidas de precaución que debe tomar; y prevenir accidentes y lesiones en el trabajo.
Learn MoreHow to Be a Great Restaurant Server
The main objective of this session is to help you become a truly great restaurant server. By the time the session is over, you will be able to understand what diners expect from you, welcome diners and take orders properly, serve meals correctly, monitor tables effectively, handle problems and complaints satisfactorily, and conclude meals successfully.
Learn MoreHuman Trafficking: Awareness and Response
This course will inform you of the basic foundation to understanding what human trafficking is and its relation to modern-day slavery, what it looks like, what you should do if you come across human trafficking.
Learn MoreKitchen Safety
This session covers common hazards and safe practices for working in commercial, institutional, and industrial kitchens, including restaurants, hotels, bakeries, office buildings, schools, healthcare facilities, and event venues.
Learn MoreKitchen Safety (Spanish)
This session covers common hazards and safe practices for working in commercial, institutional, and industrial kitchens, including restaurants, hotels, bakeries, office buildings, schools, healthcare facilities, and event venues.
Learn MoreLaundry Safety
Laundry operations present staff with a variety of potential hazards. The main objective of this session is to make sure you understand them and the precautions you must take to keep safe and healthy. By the time this session is over, you will be able to identify laundry hazards; prevent exposure to infectious materials; avoid musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs); prevent heat stress; take precautions against slips, trips, and falls; and avoid harmful exposures to other safety and health hazards.
Learn MoreLaundry Safety (Spanish)
The main objective of this session is to make sure you understand the hazards involved in your job and the precautions you need to take to keep safe and healthy. By the time the session is over, you will be able to identify laundry hazards; prevent exposure to infectious materials; avoid musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs; prevent heat stress; take precautions against slips, trips, and falls; and avoid harmful exposures to other safety and health hazards.
Learn MorePersonal Hygiene and Good Grooming
Today, we’re going to talk about two very important topics for hospitality workers—personal hygiene and good grooming. Because you work with customers, you always have to look your best and present a positive, professional image. In this training session, you’ll learn what you need to know about these two essential factors for success on the job.
Learn MorePreventing Food Contamination
In food service, clean is not the same as safe. Hands can look clean, but if they’re contaminated with germs, they are not safe. Food can look and smell good, but if it is not handled properly, germs can poison it and make customers sick. Today we’re going to talk about preventing food contamination. We’ll cover all the key steps from good hygiene to proper food handling and making sure food service materials and equipment are clean and safe to use.
Learn MorePreventing Food Contamination (Spanish)
In food service, clean is not the same as safe. Hands can look clean, but if they’re contaminated with germs, they are not safe. Food can look and smell good, but if it is not handled properly, germs can poison it and make customers sick. Today we’re going to talk about preventing food contamination. We’ll cover all the key steps from good hygiene to proper food handling and making sure food service materials and equipment are clean and safe to use.
Learn MorePreventing Sexual Harassment: A Guide for Employees
This training course is about sexual harassment in the workplace. It’s an important subject because sexual harassment is a form of illegal discrimination under federal and state civil rights laws. Our workplace also prohibits sexual harassment, both because it is illegal and because it creates an unproductive, unpleasant, and sometimes even hostile working environment. And that’s not what we want for our workplace or our employees. This course will cover what sexual harassment is, why it is harmful, and what you can do about it. |
Safe Temperatures for Food Storage, Preparation, and Service
Storing, preparing, and serving food at the proper temperature is extremely important. Food that is not at a safe temperature is dangerous to the health of those who consume it. Today, we’ll talk about the many temperatures important for the safe storage, preparation, and service of food. There are a lot of numbers to remember, so you might want to take notes.
Learn MoreServing Alcohol Responsibly
The main objective of this session is to help you serve alcohol responsibly under any circumstances. By the time the session is over, you will be able to understand why serving alcohol responsibly is so important; identify effects of alcohol consumption; recognize intoxication when you see it; identify factors that affect intoxication; prevent intoxication and underage drinking; refuse service successfully; and document and report incidents involving intoxication and refusal of service.
Learn MoreSexual Harassment Prevention for Workers in Restaurants and Bars
In this course, we will define sexual harassment and its negative effects in the workplace, as well as outline the steps you and your employer can take to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in your workplace.
This course will also discuss your responsibilities in creating a workplace that is free from sexual harassment. The fact is, sexual harassment is hurtful and costly—and it’s against the law.
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Workers in Restaurants and Bars (Spanish)
Sexual harassment can disrupt the workplace and cause lasting problems for everyone involved. The pressures and pace in the hospitality industry often lead to great camaraderie amongst staff. But the flip side to that is an informality that allows inappropriate behavior to go unchecked. When you add the element of dealing with customers—some who have been drinking—to the mix, there is great potential for inappropriate behavior, which could lead to employer liability. By the end of this course, supervisors and employees should be able to identify ways in which the unique employment setting found in restaurant and bars leads to unique challenges as well as recognize, prevent, and respond to sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior when it does happen. |
Sexual Harassment: What Employees Need to Know
This training presentation will inform you about sexual harassment. We hope that awareness will help lead to prevention. At the end of this session, you will be able to recognize sexual harassment; differentiate between the two main kinds of harassment; understand and follow company policy; report incidents and cooperate in investigations; and help promote and maintain a comfortable, productive working environment.
Learn MoreSexual Harassment: What Employees Need to Know (Spanish)
Al terminar esta sesión de capacitación, usted podrá reconocer un acoso sexual, diferenciar entre dos clases principales de acoso, comprender y seguir la política del lugar de trabajo, denunciar incidentes y colaborar en las investigaciones y ayudar a fomentar y mantener un clima de trabajo confortable y productivo.
Learn MoreViolence in the Workplace: How to Prevent and Defuse for Supervisors
Workplace violence is a major concern for employers and employees nationwide. It can affect and involve employees, clients, customers, and visitors. Research has identified factors that may increase the risk of violence for some workers at certain worksites. Such factors include exchanging money with the public and working with volatile, unstable people. Working alone or in isolated areas may also contribute to the potential for violence. Fortunately, workplace violence incidents can be prevented when a supervisor is trained to handle potential violence in a way that protects everyone from harm. This session is intended for supervisors who play an important role in preventing violence, recognizing potential threats, defusing violent situations, and training employees to follow proper security procedures.
Learn MoreWorkplace Harassment: What Employees Need to Know (Spanish)
This training presentation will inform you about sexual harassment. We hope that awareness will help lead to prevention. At the end of this session, you will be able to recognize sexual harassment; differentiate between the two main kinds of harassment; understand and follow company policy; report incidents and cooperate in investigations; and help promote and maintain a comfortable, productive working environment.
Learn MoreWorkplace Security for Employees
You may think that workplace security is a job for management, security patrols, surveillance cameras, and the police. And to some extent it is. But in many cases, workers who are not security guards or trained security professionals are the targets or starting point of threats to security, and therefore, they are the first line of defense to protect themselves, coworkers, and the workplace from harm. Today, we’re going to talk about measures and actions to protect yourself, coworkers, and the workplace from unintentional and natural threats, as well as from intentional harm from others such as theft, violence, or willful damage—measures that will make the workplace safer and more secure.
Learn More