Save time, save money, and train smarter with TrainingToday’s Education libraries.
Whether you’re looking to supervise student workers, prevent violence and bulling on campus, or develop a safety plan in the event of an on-campus emergency, TrainingToday is here to help.
Our education library covers a variety of topics, including HR for Campus Employees, Safety for Campus Employees, and Faculty, Staff, and Administrators. These advice-rich courses are filled with the latest information, statistics, and advice, so you can keep your staff organized and your campus safe.
*These libraries are add-ons.
HR for Campus Employees
This library includes training on essential campus laws, including Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), The Clery Act, and Title IX. It also includes courses designed to help you detect child abuse, prevent campus violence, understand accessibility standards, and supervise student workers. From campus data security to bullying and hazing, we have you covered.
Click here for more information about this library.
Codes of Ethical Conduct for Higher Education
The main objective of this session is to make sure you understand the importance of a code of conduct for higher education and the benefits of abiding by your school’s code. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand how federal law influences your school’s code of conduct, your responsibility to your school, such as exhibiting ethical conduct and avoiding conflicts of interest, your responsibility to the school community, such as treating others with respect and dignity while avoiding discrimination and harassment, and your accountability for upholding the school’s code of conduct, including reporting any violations of the code.
Learn MoreData Security on Campus
The main objective of this session is to give you basic concepts and vocabulary to learn about data security in the university setting and to make sure you know how to incorporate secure practices into your daily use of computers and other devices that access the university computer system. By the time the session is over, you should be able to describe best practices in data handling; outline employee and student responsibilities for data protection and IT systems security; comply with best practices for designing user IDs, strong passwords, and safe remote access and user authentication; and incorporate security protocols in your daily activities.
Learn MoreDetecting and Preventing Child Abuse
The main objective of this session is to help you understand the importance of recognizing and preventing child abuse. By the time this session is over, you should be able to understand and identify the different types of child abuse, recognize indicators of abuse, know how to interview a child to find out if he or she is experiencing some area of abuse, and know how and when to report suspected child abuse.
Learn MoreDiversity on Campus
The main objective of this session is to help you understand the importance of campus diversity and how you can support it for the benefit of the community. By the time this session is over, you should be able to understand how the changing face of America can benefit the on-campus community; understand, accept, and respect personal differences; become familiar with some basic techniques to help you communicate better with the different members of your population; help encourage your students to seek out ways to embrace diversity in their community; understand how to deal with conflict when it comes to diversity; and know some methods of developing a good on-campus diversity plan.
Learn MoreFERPA: How to Protect Student Privacy in Higher Education
The main objective of this session is to make sure you know the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and what is required of you to comply. By the time the session is over, you will understand why FERPA is important, basic terminology and concepts associated with the law, the rights of parents and eligible students and how to uphold those rights, what information schools can and cannot disclose, and recordkeeping requirements.
Learn MorePreventing Bullying and Hazing on Campus
This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand and prevent bullying and hazing on campus. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand why college bullying and hazing are a problem; recognize bullying and hazing, whether you witness it or it happens to you; understand the reasons behind bullying and hazing; understand the negative effects that bullying and hazing can have; take steps to raise awareness and help prevent bullying and hazing; know how to better confront bullying and hazing when it happens; and help your students deal with it.
Learn MorePreventing Discrimination on Campus
The main objective of this session is to make you more aware of discrimination on campus and how to prevent it. By the time the session is over, you should be able to know what discrimination is, understand different examples of discrimination, ways to prevent discrimination, and know what to do if you are faced with discrimination.
Learn MorePreventing Sexual Harassment on Campus
Sexual harassment of both faculty/staff and students is illegal under both federal law and state laws. For employees, sexual harassment creates an uncomfortable or hostile work environment. Such an environment is unproductive and will hinder this institution’s mission to educate and inform. Sexual harassment of students limits or denies their ability to benefit from the education that we are here to provide. By the end of the course, learners will be able to recognize sexual harassment, understand the different laws governing harassment, report incidents and cooperate in investigations of sexual harassment, and help promote and maintain a productive work and educational environment for faculty, staff, and students.
Learn MorePreventing Violence on Campus
The federal Occupational Safety and Health Act’s (OSH Act) general duty clause requires an employer to create a place of employment “free from recognized hazards” including workplace violence. Employers are required to take steps to minimize known risks of violence, and a failure to address hazards could result in the finding of a violation of the OSH Act. |
Supervising Student Workers
The main objective of this session is to teach you about student workers and how to supervise them properly. In this training module, we will go over what student workers are and what their work might entail, why they are important and, most importantly, how to supervise them.
Learn MoreThe Clery Act: Campus Security and Crime Data Reporting
The main objective of this session is to make sure you know what the Clery Act covers and what is required to comply with the law. By the time the session is over, you will understand the basics of what “Clery geography” means and why it’s so important; the classification of crimes covered by the Clery Act; recent changes to the law, including amendments under the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013; the interplay on campus of other federal laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Title IX; requirements for collecting and reporting crime statistics; and emergency notification and timely warnings.
Learn MoreTitle IX for Higher Education
The main objective of this session is to make sure you know the broad scope of Title IX and what is required to comply with the law. By the time the session is over, you will understand why Title IX is important, what the law covers, the procedures that your institution of higher education must have in place to comply with the law, and your responsibilities under the law.
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