Leadership for Managers and Supervisors

From handling challenging employees and conflict resolution to motivating employees, this library has courses that will help you build and support the supervisors and managers leading your organization. These courses will help supervisors build their personal skills, like negotiating, planning & organizing, and problem solving. It also includes instruction for improving interpersonal skills like coaching, encouraging employee input, and training employees. Courses also cover what supervisors need to know to stay legal in their role as a representative of the company when handling complaints and managing employee performance.

View a printable list of this library's courses and descriptions

Business Writing for Supervisors and Managers

Change Management for Supervisors

Coaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors

Communicating Up: How to Talk to High-Level Management

Conflict Resolution for Supervisors


Effective Meetings: How-to for Supervisors

Emotional Intelligence

Employee Engagement

Encouraging Employee Input

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Handling Employee Complaints

How to Manage Challenging Employees

Leadership Skills: What New Managers and Supervisors Need to Know

Leading Innovative Teams

Negotiation Skills for Supervisors

New Supervisors’ Guide to Effective Supervision

Performance Goals: How Goals Help Supervisors Manage Employees More Effectively

Planning and Organizing Skills for Supervisors

Problem Solving for Supervisors

Professional Behavior: What Supervisors Need to Know

Supervising Special Groups

Time Management for Supervisors

Top-Down Communication for Supervisors

Training the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training

Training the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training (Spanish)

Workplace Ethics for Supervisors