
Course Description:

Everyone has their comfort zone. More established products are easy to sell, and pitching new or unfamiliar products will take a sales professional out of that comfort zone. Yet, after selling base products, new opportunities for profit exist at the next level. Established customers can serve as the perfect proving ground for new products and services. Who’s easier to reach, the new customer or the ones with whom you’ve already cultivated a trusting relationship?

Don’t leave money on the table when you learn how to crosssell and upsell. This course explains the essentials of delivering incremental revenue, including how to recognize why upselling is important, get more value out of existing sales relationships, use incentives, identify upselling strategies, upsell effectively, and understand the risks of upselling.

Course Duration: 20 minutes

Why “Upselling” Matters:

Upselling is “low-hanging fruit” sales activity that can make a quarter or a year.

Knowing how to upsell is an essential skill for all sales professionals.

Upselling and crossselling are great ways to introduce a new product or service.

Key Points:

  • It’s easier to upsell than to sell to new and unfamiliar customers.
  • Understand your customers’ needs.
  • Know your products.
  • Highlight incentives and benefits when upselling.
  • Upselling can happen at any point during the sales process.
  • Plan your strategy to avoid risks.

A Complete Training Solution:

In addition to this training course content, with TrainingToday you get a complete course, and our entire training solution that includes administrator tools, reports, and analysis.