Qualifying Prospects

Course Description:

When you qualify prospects correctly, you close more sales and achieve ever higher sales goals. This session explains how to identify the information you need to know about prospects, prepare effectively for qualifying prospects, ask useful qualifying questions, listen effectively when qualifying prospects, understand the consequences of failing to qualify prospects properly and identify key issues in the qualifying process.

Course Duration: 28 minutes

Why “Qualifying Prospects” Matters:

Time is precious and you can’t waste it on those who can’t or won’t turn into a customer.

A methodology for prospect qualification helps you focus your energies where they are most effective.

It’s just as important to know who isn’t a prospect as it is to know who is.

Key Points:

  • Knowing how to qualify prospects is a critical sales skill.
  • Qualify all prospects so you can allocate your resources efficiently.
  • Know how to ask the right questions, and process the answers you get.
  • Understand how to prepare for your first contact with prospects so you can qualify them properly.

A Complete Training Solution:

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