Making Customers Feel Special

Course Description:

Everyone likes to feel special. People like to feel that others value them and think they are important. But making customers feel special involves more than just professional, courteous service. When customers enjoy doing business with you, they will return.

Course Duration: 21 Minutes

Why “Making Customers Feel Special” Matters:

  • It takes more than professional, courteous service to make customers feel special.
  • All customers like to receive special treatment that says they’re important and that you value them.
  • Look for ways to make customers feel special every time you interact with them.
  • Always try to create memorable experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

Key Points:

By the time the session is over, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the value in making customers feel special;
  • Identify things that make customers feel special; and
  • Find opportunities to make all customers feel valued and important.

A Complete Training Solution:

In addition to this training course content, with TrainingToday you get a complete course, and our entire training solution that includes administrator tools, reports, and analysis.