Identifying Customers’ Needs

Course Description:

The objective of this online employment training course is help trainees identify and meet customers’ needs, an important step in creating loyal customers. At the end of this training session trainees will be able to recognize the importance of correctly identifying customers’ needs, ask the right questions to accurately identify needs, identify and take advantage of cross-selling opportunities, and present products, services, and solutions that meet customers’ needs.

Course Duration: 20 minutes

Why “Identifying Customers’ Needs” Matters:

  • Correctly identifying customers’ needs is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. If you fail to properly identify customers’ needs, or if you are indifferent to their needs, they will take their business elsewhere.
  • Customers have unique needs. Assuming what a customer wants based on previous clients can drive the customer away.
  • Identifying customers’ needs allows representatives to cross-sell related products or services. Cross-selling can make the original purchase better, easier to use, or more versatile, and is financially beneficial to the organization.
  • Often, customers either aren’t clear about what they need or they don’t really know what they want. Effective customer service representatives need to be trained to ask the right questions, listen, and tailor suggestions in order to assist customers satisfactorily.
  • Identifying clients’ needs creates satisfied customers, and satisfied customers are less likely to have reason to enter into disputes with your organization or contemplate legal action.

Key Points:

  • To ensure customer satisfaction, you must correctly identify customers’ needs.
  • To identify needs, you must both listen and ask the right questions.
  • After identifying needs, always check for additional or related needs.
  • Use your knowledge and experience to identify and present the right products, services, and solutions to meet your customers’ needs.

A Complete Training Solution:

In addition to this training course content, with TrainingToday you get a complete course, and our entire training solution that includes administrator tools, reports, and analysis.