How to Hire Peak Performers

Course Description:

Learn the secrets of interviewing and hiring top salespeople. This course explains how to identify the types of salespeople you need, where to find them, and how to get them interested in selling for you. It includes guidance on how to conduct legal interviews, write job descriptions to focus your search, develop questions to identify peak performers, spot unspoken signs before and during interviews, and craft offers to bring the people you want into your organization.

Course Duration: 20 minutes

Why “How to Hire Peak Performers” Matters:

A natural sales professional makes it look easy. And who couldn’t use some easy?

You are in competition for top sales agents, so you have to know how to win.

The cost of a bad hire, in both opportunity cost and salary, can be avoided with better front-end practices.

Key Points:

  • Hiring peak performers improves revenue.
  • Specific character traits to look for.
  • Questions every interview should include.
  • Federal and state laws that govern interviews.
  • Scripting your interview keeps you compliant.
  • How to structure your compensation offer to entice a top performer.

A Complete Training Solution:

In addition to this training course content, with TrainingToday you get a complete course, and our entire training solution that includes administrator tools, reports, and analysis.