Safety for Healthcare Workers

From acute respiratory illness training to workplace violence prevention, this library covers your safety needs for the healthcare workplace. Courses cover both emergency preparedness, like pandemic flu and respiratory illnesses, and everyday necessities like stress management and personal protective equipment and ergonomics. In addition to learning how safely handle medical waste and bloodborne pathogens, employees will learn how to safely and legally handle private health information. The Safety for Healthcare Workers library has what your employees need to know to keep themselves, their patients, and your organization safe.

View a printable list of this library's courses and descriptions

Active Shooter for Healthcare Environments

Acute Respiratory Illness Pandemic Training for Healthcare Workers

Acute Respiratory Illness Pandemic Training for Healthcare Workers (Spanish)

Bloodborne Pathogens: Healthcare Workers

Electrical Safety: Unqualified Person

Emergency Preparedness for Healthcare Workers

Ergonomics for Healthcare Workers

Handling Medical Waste

Hazard Communication for Healthcare Workers

HIPAA Privacy Rule: What Healthcare Workers Need to Know

How to Lift and Transfer Patients Safely

How to Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls for Healthcare Workers

How to Prevent Workplace Violence: A Guide for Healthcare Workers

Personal Protective Equipment: Healthcare Workers

Respiratory Protection

Respiratory Protection (Spanish)

Stress Management

Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care in California: What Employees Need to Know