All-Access: Business Skills

Course Titles and Descriptions

A Manager’s Role in Wellness

Managers play a key role in making a workplace wellness program a success. Managers need to help to motivate staff by setting a good example, providing the tools that staff members need to keep themselves on the right track, communicating your organization’s wellness messages, and helping to educate staff on the latest wellness techniques. This online wellness course for managers will empower key staff on how to embrace a wellness program and show the critical role managers play in the success of the program and the consequent health and wellness of all employees. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

Adaptability and Resilience

Having a growth mindset and being resilient are two keys to success. As organizations grow and become more complex, employees need to navigate volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, or VUCA, and stay balanced as they face adversity. This course will teach learners strategies and techniques to enhance their adaptability and build resilience. They will also develop skills to activate a growth mindset and take on greater challenges to maintain high performance.

All About Nutrition

The quantity and quality of the food you eat everyday directly affects your health, energy level, and general well being. You need to eat the right foods, in the right amount, at the right time, to stay healthy and feel good. The information you learn today will help you eat more nutritious meals and snacks, which will help you live longer and give you the energy you need to work and enjoy your leisure activities everyday. Duration: 22 minutes

Avoiding Back Injuries

Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries that cause lost days away from work. No matter what job you perform, you can injure your back on the job. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to avoid back injuries and the lifetime of pain and medical bills that can come with them. In this training session, you’ll learn what risk factors and hazards expose you to back injuries and what you can do to help keep your back healthy and pain-free.

Avoiding Corruption, Including Bribery, Insider Trading, and Embezzlement

Workplace corruption includes a variety of unethical practices, including bribery, embezzlement, insider trading, and more. Not only can these dishonest behaviors create a negative environment and hurt employee morale and damage a company’s reputation, but they are also often illegal and can result in serious monetary penalties and criminal consequences.

Balancing Work and Home

Many people struggle to juggle a full-time job while also caring for young children, aging parents, and other responsibilities on a daily basis. It can feel like there are not enough hours in a day—that there are too many responsibilities at work and at home—and that you can’t complete tasks in either place—many people feel this way. This online employee wellness course helps trainees manage home and work responsibilities, stress, and daily expectations. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

Business Ethics for Employees: Refresher

This refresher course will give you the main points to remember about business ethics. For more complete information, be sure to take the full-length course.

Business Ethics: What Employees Need to Know

The purpose of today’s training session is to make sure you understand what’s required of you.
Today, we’re going to talk about business ethics. With all the pressures and concerns you face on the job, you might think that ethical concerns would be low on your list of priorities. But that would be a mistake.
Ethical conduct by all employees is essential for a business to succeed and prosper. In our organization we require all employees to act ethically at all times on the job.

Business Ethics: What Employees Need to Know (Spanish)

The main objective of this session is to create awareness of ethical issues in business and to ensure that you always know the ethical course of action to take on the job. By the time this session is over, you should be able to recognize the importance of business ethics; understand the requirement of the law and our ethics policy; identify ethical problems on the job; and make ethical decisions.

Business Writing for Supervisors and Managers

The ability to write effectively is a skill every supervisor and manager needs to possess. Being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing has a direct impact on your success.
Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make the most of all your business communications.

Business Writing Skills for Employees

The ability to write effectively is a skill everyone needs-no matter what your job. Even if you are called on to write only an occasional message or note, being able to express yourself clearly, accurately, and professionally in writing is an important job skill. Today’s training session is designed to review important writing techniques that can help you make your business communications more effective

Change Management for Supervisors

Today, we’re going to talk about dealing with the challenge of change—something that no organization or supervisor can avoid. Organizations that do not embrace and manage change in the 21st century’s global economy cannot remain competitive. Most employees, however, are somewhat uncomfortable with change. Change brings uncertainty. The future is out of their control. Change involves a loss of the comfortable and the familiar, and it requires that an effort be made—sometimes a considerable effort—to learn and adjust to a new way of doing things. That’s why you need to understand how you can manage it successfully.

Change: What Employees Need to Know

Change is inevitable. The only thing that we can be absolutely sure of is that things will change. That leaves us with only one sensible choice: to accept change and use it to our advantage. Change is also continual. It goes on all the time, and it will never stop. So, when you are in the midst of change, don’t be tempted to think, “If we can just get through this, then everything will go back to normal, and we won’t have to deal with more change.” That’s not going to happen.

Coaching for Superior Employee Performance: Techniques for Supervisors

In this course, we will learn some effective techniques you can use every day to coach your employees to higher levels of performance, which means greater success for you, your employees, and your department.

Communicating Effectively in Emergencies

The main objective of this training session is to help you communicate effectively with employees about workplace emergencies. By the time the session is over, you should be able to communicate effectively before an emergency; communicate effectively during an emergency; and communicate effectively after an emergency. The first part of the session will address communication before emergencies to prepare employees to respond effectively in an actual emergency. The second part will cover communication during and after an emergency.

Communicating in a Global Workplace

Today, we’re going to talk about communicating in a global workplace. More and more, we are all interconnected by the Internet and 24-hour-a-day worldwide news coverage. We are also linked by transportation systems that make intercontinental travel quick and easy, and by a global economy and markets. Despite differences and conflicts, we have truly become one world. And to do business, we have in many ways become a global workplace, with companies from all over the world meeting and competing in worldwide markets. As a country, the United States continues to be a melting pot, where people come from all over the world to live and work. No doubt you work with people from other countries, cultures, and traditions. In this session, you will learn how to communicate effectively in the global workplace and interact successfully in a diverse working environment with all kinds of people.

Communicating Through Social Media

The main objective of this session is to give you an overview of corporate use of social media in business communications. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand how your use of social media both at and outside of work can reflect on the company; recognize effective use of social media in corporate communications; see that actions taken in the workplace, even with personal electronic equipment, are covered by
workplace rules; understand that even personal social networking sites can affect the company and your employment; know your rights with respect to personal electronic equipment and social networking accounts; and see and understand how your company is using social media to further business goals.

Communicating Up: How to Talk to High-Level Management

The main objective of this session is to help you communicate effectively with your boss and senior management.

Communication Between All Ages in the Workplace

The main objective of this session is to help you communicate better with all generations in your workplace. By the time it’s over, you’ll understand what makes your fellow employees “tick” and be able to identify some of their characteristics; understand and respect your cross-generational coworkers; recognize some bad habits that could be creating conflict; enhance your communication skills on the job; and become familiar with some techniques to help you communicate better.

Communication Skills for Employees

This course focuses on the skills required for effective communication on the job. Communication is the process by which people create and share information, and ideas with one another in order to reach mutual understanding and get work done. Effective communication in the workplace is therefore the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships and productive, successful performance.

Conflict of Interest in the Workplace

To uphold organizational integrity, it is critical that employees understand what constitutes a conflict of interest. This course will identify areas of potential areas of conflict and how to manage them. This can include areas such as solicitation, gift giving, and outside competing activities. By the end of the course, learners will have a deeper understanding of how to maintain personal and organizational ethical integrity.

Conflict Resolution for Employees

This course is about conflict resolution. We all probably experienced conflict at some times. Conflict is a sharp disagreement. It generally involves the clash of ideas, interests, or personalities. During this session we’re going to show you some basic conflict resolution skills and techniques you can use to manage the conflicts in your workplace more effectively.

Conflict Resolution for Supervisors

This course focuses on resolving workplace conflicts. When you know how to resolve workplace conflicts effectively, you can save time and turn potentially destructive situations into positive, productive opportunities for growth and development within your work group. Additionally, when you know how to build consensus among employees, you can enhance motivation and cooperation as well as create an atmosphere in which agreement generally prevails over conflict.

Creating a Successful Wellness Program: A Guide for Managers

A workplace wellness program needs to be well-focused and well-executed to succeed. This training course goes over the necessary steps to create a successful wellness program designed for the specific health risks and vulnerabilities of your employee population. A well-run wellness program can not only help employees be healthier but it also increases your bottom line by decreasing healthcare costs, decreasing employee time away from work, increasing productivity, and even increasing morale.

Critical Thinking for Employees

This course focuses on becoming a more effective critical thinker. So put on your “thinking cap,” and get ready to learn about a very useful performance-enhancing process that will make you more successful.

Cross-Cultural Competency in the Workplace

In the workplace, many of our peers, managers, and customers may come from different cultures. Having cultural competency skills will not only help you become more productive but also allow for more effective communication and social relationships.

Cyber Security for Remote Workers

Corporations and private citizens rely on the Internet to perform daily work activities with web-based applications. You can perform tasks like making a bank transaction without ever leaving your home. Our reliance on technology and the change in the way we do business has opened the doors for a new wave of criminal activity. These criminals can commit crimes without being in the same city or even in the same country. They’re committed in a cyber world and there are no boundaries. This change in criminal activity, called cybercrime, has created the need for the discipline called “cyber security”, and it affects every one of us. The main objective of this course is to help you recognize the importance of cyber security, prevent a cyber attack, and protect your company and personal data.

Cyber Security Module 1: What is Cyber Security?

Organizations increasingly rely on connected devices such as computers, network servers, and mobile devices to conduct business, but a majority of workers lack even basic cyber security awareness. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security for new employees during onboarding and a refresher course for those without an information technology (IT) background. By the end of this module, you will have a basic understanding of the history of cyber crime, who is responsible for committing cyber crimes, why cyber crimes are committed, what cyber criminals are after, and likely targets of cyber attack..

Cyber Security Module 2: Types of Cyber Threats

Viruses, Malware, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks: These threats, along with other types of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), are increasingly discussed in the news as cyber crimes, which have increased in frequency. These threats evolve almost as rapidly as the defenses against them. Cyber criminals entice their victims to click on a link to a website or download a file that has been maliciously altered. This module provides an introductory overview of various cyber threats directed at new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. By the end of the session, you will learn about several tactics that cyber criminals use to commit their crimes and methods they use to deliver malicious software.

Cyber Security Module 3: Anatomy of a URL: How to Identify Web Links

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) simplifies how we navigate the ever-expanding Internet, but most users don’t realize how links work or the complex work that URLs handle, and cyber criminals use that lack of knowledge to their advantage. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security measures related to safe Web browsing for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize the different components of a URL and how to tell if a URL has been shortened. You will also learn how to determine whether a link is safe or malicious.

Cyber Security Module 4: Email Security: Recognizing a Cyber Attack

E-mail is all but required for normal business operations, and it’s easy for cyber criminals to use as a vector of attack. But what does an e-mail attack look like, and how do you avoid it? This module is an introductory overview of cyber security best practices relating to e-mail security for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize an e-mail-based phishing attempt and learn some of the tactics cyber criminals use to get a victim’s personal information. It then presents some e-mail best practices.

Cyber Security Module 5: Safe Web Browsing: Identifying Malicious Webpages

Cyber criminals use several tactics to fool a user to believe he or she is on a safe webpage. All it takes is a couple of substituted, flipped, or extra letters. They count on their victims to be careless, in a hurry, or not know what a URL should look like. This module is an introductory overview of cyber security best practices for distinguishing safe vs. malicious webpages for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn how to recognize the indicators of a malicious webpage, and the module highlights some of the methods cyber criminals use to fool users into thinking it is safe to share their data.

Cyber Security Module 6: Creating and Using Passwords

Many organizations require passwords to access computers at work, banking and financial information, even cell phones. Yet, research shows that too many people use weak, unsecure passwords to protect personal or work data. This module is an introductory overview of how to create and manage passwords for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn to recognize the importance of creating and using passwords and common password best practices.

Cyber Security Module 7: Protecting and Securing Your Data

Cyber criminals increasingly take advantage of security gaps in the network hardware used to connect to outside networks, like the Internet. There are ways to protect these networks from cyber threats. This module is an introductory overview of network security basics and using antivirus and malware protection for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn about best practices for changing default administrative accounts on network hardware, securing trusted networks, installing antivirus and malware removal software, and using separate log-ins for different accounts.

Cyber Security Module 8: Mobile Device Best Practices

Mobile devices have had a large impact on how people do business, and more employees now expect to incorporate mobility into their work lives. However, the convenience and speed of mobility come with the increased risk of data theft or loss. This module is intended as an introductory overview of cyber security best practices for mobile device use for new employees during onboarding or as a refresher course for those without a cyber security background. You will learn about the practice of setting up and using authentication on your mobile devices along with other best practices to protect the data on your mobile device.


When done well, delegation not only helps managers use their time and skills more effectively but also allows their subordinates to grow and develop. An important role for managers is keeping their team engaged and providing the right level of work to the right people. Delegation can provide challenging assignments that keep people motivated and allow them to be more creative in their work. This will increase job satisfaction and possibly retention. The main objective of this session is to learn a delegation model and the steps needed to delegate well.

Delegation for Project Management

The main objective of this session is to teach you how to use delegation as a core tool in managing your project. By the time this session, is over you will be able to recognize the role of delegation in helping a project succeed, learn why delegating is valuable, understand the delegation process, realize the importance of giving and receiving feedback, and understand factors that put delegation at risk of failing.

Driver Wellness (INT)

In order to do your job well, you have to be well. Your good health is an important part of everything you do—both on the job and off. Today, we’re going to talk about some wellness strategies you can use to help prevent accidents and injuries on the job. We’ll also talk about simple ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will assist in avoiding disease and disabilities so that you keep working and keep doing all the things you like to do in your life.

E-Mail Best Practices for All Employees

Today we’re going to talk about e-mail best practices. We use e-mail all the time. But do we really use it as efficiently and as effectively as we could? Maybe not. The purpose of this session is to provide you with a lot of useful information about sending and receiving e-mail that you can use to make the most of this important form of business communication.

Effective Decision-Making Strategies for Employees

Making good decisions on the job is important for many reasons. No matter what your job, the decisions you make affect your productivity, the quality of your work, and your ability to meet performance goals. In a larger sense, the decisions you make often affect your co-workers and your department. They may also have an impact on customer satisfaction and the success of the organization. There’s a lot riding on the decisions you make every day. An added challenge is that many of your decisions must be made quickly. The purpose of this training session is to help you make the best decisions possible every workday, even under pressure.

Effective Meetings for Employees

This session is important because meetings can be an excellent way to interact with co-workers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every employee should possess.

Effective Meetings: How-to for Supervisors

This session is important because too many meetings turn out to be time-consuming distractions from your other important work. Poorly planned and conducted meetings often serve little purpose and waste valuable resources. Just consider the cost of a meeting involving 10 people that runs for half an hour. That adds up to 5 hours worth of salaries and time taken away from other productive work.

Emotional Intelligence

While having the right background, knowledge, and professional skill is critical for your career, having high emotional intelligence (EQ) will make you even more productive, motivated, and at peace in the workplace. While some people have a naturally high EQ, this is a skill that can be developed with practice. The main objective of this session is to help you practice EQ techniques to better regulate your emotions and develop stronger relationships with your colleagues and network. 

Employee Engagement

For many workers, the workplace is not just a place to get a paycheck but also a place where they can bring their full selves to work. Employee engagement is a key measure of corporate culture and indicates how involved and committed employees are to their work, work team, and the workplace. Engaged employees are critical for a successful business and result in higher profits, more sales, lower turnover, and impact a myriad of critical indicators. While many companies have surveys and programs to address employee engagement, the manager has a major impact on employee engagement levels. In this course, we will learn how to diagnose and engage employees so they can become more committed to their work and will be less likely to leave.

Encouraging Employee Input

Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage-and act upon-employee input. Your employees-the people who make the products, serve the customers, and perform all those essential functions-often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve our operations, and enhance our competitive advantage. Today, we’ll focus on ways to tap into this rich source of ideas for improvement.

Financial Wellness

Personal finance is a challenge for many people. Yet, as an employer, you may not be aware of these personal challenges faced by your employees. As a result, employee financial education is a critical component of any corporate wellness program. Financial literacy can be learned and improved. Financial training that leads to employee financial wellness reduces employee stress and health-related problems. This employee financial wellness training online course teaches trainees about financial planning, effective money management, how to budget, and how to live within one’s means. With these key skills, an employee will be healthier with less stress. A healthy employee is a productive employee.

Fitness for Everyone

Regular exercise is an excellent way to gain and maintain good health throughout your life. In fact, increasing your physical activity level may be one of the best, and simplest, things you can do for yourself. This session will cover how to make fitness a healthy habit that lasts—and improves—your lifetime.

Giving and Receiving Feedback

This course teaches how to give feedback properly so as not to feel awkward or make people feel uncomfortable when it’s received.

Handling Employee Complaints

The main objective of this session is to help you handle employee complaints successfully so that you and your employees can get past the problems that lead to complaints and get on with your work. By the time this session is over, you should be able to acknowledge employee complaints promptly and effectively, investigate complaints thoroughly and make fair decisions, decide when help is required to resolve a complaint, and avoid pitfalls that could cause complaints to escalate into larger problems.

Hazards of Smoking: How to Quit

Despite the proven and well-documented health risks associated with smoking, it continues to be widespread, with new smokers joining the ranks every day. An effective smoking cessation program for employees can result in lower healthcare costs for employees, more productive employees, and improved overall health of employees. An effective smoking cessation program must address the underlying reasons for starting to smoke as well as the myriad challenges of quitting. This online smoking cessation course helps employees understand the health risks of smoking, the benefits of quitting, and how to quit and remain tobacco-free. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

Healthy Aging

No matter what age you are now or what shape you are currently in, you can make improvements that will extend and improve your life. It’s never too late to make healthy choices. Genetics are only part of longevity. The other part is taking good care of your health. This means that the quality of your life in your senior years depends largely on you and the choices you make today. For example, choices like not smoking; eating healthy, nutritious food; keeping your weight down; and getting enough exercise will help you live a longer life. This course highlights the impact today’s choices have on your future and how to make changes now for a healthier, more productive future. The benefits to an employer in providing this training to employees are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

Healthy Sleep Habits

A lot of Americans have trouble sleeping, and sleeping is very important to maintaining good health. We’ll talk about the problems associated with sleep deprivation, the various sleep disorders that interfere with healthy sleep, and we’ll look at a variety of suggestions for getting a good night’s sleep.

Heart Health

Our hearts are responsible for pumping oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies. The heart has one of the most important jobs in keeping our bodies alive and healthy. This online heart health training course addresses this most amazing muscle in our body, how it works to keep us alive, and what we can do right now to make sure our hearts are healthy for years to come. Cardiac health can be managed and improved with some simple guidelines. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

How to Manage Challenging Employees

Supervising other people is never easy, but some employees make it particularly difficult. Challenging employees can try a manager’s patience and drain a lot of time and energy. To turn things around takes skillful management and patience. The main objective of this online employment training course is to teach supervisors and managers how to manage challenging employees more effectively. By the time the course is over, you should be able to identify challenges associated with supervising difficult employees, manage your own feelings effectively, create a positive work environment for all, and respond positively to challenging employees and treat them fairly.

How to Manage Time Wisely: A Guide for Employees

This course focuses on time management. We’re going to suggest ways you can make better use of your valuable time and accomplish more with less effort.  We’ll focus on practical techniques and information that you can start using right away to gain more control over your very busy work schedule.

Information Security and Cyber Risk Awareness

This course provides a comprehensive overview of key cybersecurity threats and emphasizes the importance of implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information and mitigate the risks associated with cyberattacks. It covers essential concepts such as the CIA triad, or confidentiality, integrity, and availability, of information security and provides practical tips for securing devices and networks. Overall, this course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify security threats, protect sensitive data, and respond effectively to security incidents.

Keeping Yourself and Your Family Healthy

This presentation will cover how important it is that families be concerned about health. Preventive care, nutrition, exercise, and other factors play important roles. And especially for children, good health is essential—for them, now is the time when growth happens, some diseases may begin, and health habits are set for life.

Leadership Skills: What New Supervisors and Managers Need to Know

Leadership is an essential skill for all supervisors and managers, especially if you are new to the job. Truly successful supervisors and managers don’t “boss” their employees; they lead them. It’s through effective leadership that employees are motivated to perform at their best. The main objective of this session is to equip you with a model on how to be an effective leader and provide you with the information you need to develop first-class leadership skills so people will want to follow your lead.

Leading Innovative Teams

When we hear the word “innovation,” what do we think of? Excitement, fear, unknown possibilities? Innovation certainly means change and often challenging the status quo. For many, this is extremely difficult to do. The usual ways of doing things can be quite comfortable and may have even contributed to current success. Many companies choose to augment existing products and processes rather than create something new. In this course, we will examine cutting-edge, innovative techniques used in some of the most successful companies in the world. The main objective of this session is to help you discover these practices to help you and your company succeed.

Leading Without Authority

“This course will focus on leading without authority. Although you may not have the title of manager, you can still work with other people and get things done successfully if you know how. That’s what this program is about.
You’re going to learn some simple techniques that will help you get the job done, whether or not you need the assistance and cooperation of coworkers, people in other departments, or even managers. You’ll find that even though you might not have authority, you have the power to get things done anyway and successfully achieve goals.
The main objective of this session is to help you get things done more effectively and efficiently without authority.”

Lean Project Management

This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the main principles of lean project management. By the time the session is over, you should understand the concepts of eliminating waste, creating value, executing faster, and creating a sense of accomplishment among your project team.

Mastering Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak in Front of People

Whether we work alone or with a large number of people, eventually all of us have to speak in front of people or give a presentation. The good news is that the skills are the same whether you’re speaking to an auditorium filled with people or just making a toast at a fellow employee’s farewell party. Once you acquire some simple skills and know how to prepare, anyone can be a good speaker. Before you know it you will be speaking in front of people with ease and confidence.

Motivating Employees: Tips and Tactics for Supervisors

Motivating employees to perform at their best is one of the most important parts of your job. Productive, well-trained employees who work hard to achieve goals make a company strong and successful. But there’s a lot more to motivating employees than just the occasional pat on the back. Successful motivation is a daily activity that requires the use of a combination of techniques and a variety of motivators.

Negotiating Skills for All Employees

This session will focus on negotiation skills. Everyone should be a good negotiator. Being able to negotiate effectively helps you reach agreements, achieve objectives, get along better with people, and ultimately be more productive and successful on the job. Learn more by participating in this online training session about negotiating skills for all employees.

Negotiation Skills for Supervisors

Negotiation is something everybody is familiar with. It’s something you use all the time in your work as well as in your personal life. For example, you negotiate with your boss so that you can hire an additional employee. You negotiate with other supervisors to coordinate the operation of your departments and work groups. You negotiate many issues with your employees from performance goals to vacation schedules. You negotiate salaries with job candidates. And after work, you go home and negotiate with your spouse over this and that and with your kids over chores and probably just about everything else. The fact is that whether you’re aware of it or not, you spend a significant part of your day negotiating. That’s why good negotiation skills are so important.

New Supervisors’ Guide to Effective Supervision

You’ve been promoted to supervisor. It’s a big job with important responsibilities. Today we’re going to talk about how you can meet those responsibilities successfully and excel as a supervisor. We’ll focus on 14 key areas in which all new supervisors must become fully competent in order to perform their jobs well and prepare for advancement.

Office Ergonomics

MSDs are among the most frequently reported causes of lost or restricted work time. Workers in many different industries and occupations can be exposed to MSD risk factors at work. Fortunately, work-related MSDs can be prevented.

Office Ergonomics (Spanish)

The main objective of this session is to cover the topic of office ergonomics from hazards to precautions so that you can avoid developing work-related MSDs.

Organizational Business Practices: CSR and ESG for Leaders

Sustainable development has rapidly become an important new challenge that corporations are facing. Due to political, economic, and market conditions, it’s critical that leaders understand and recognize the significance of this issue. This course aims to provide an overview and key points regarding corporate social responsibility, or CSR, and environmental, social, and corporate governance, or ESG. We’ll examine what leading companies are doing in these areas and look at ways leaders can begin to responsibly address the issues raised.

Organizing and Planning for Success: What Employees Need to Know

This session will focus on how organizing and planning can help you work smarter, and we’re going to give you the blueprint to more efficient organization and more effective planning.

Performance Goals: How Goals Help Supervisors Manage Employees More Effectively

This course focuses on the importance of setting goals to guide and develop employee performance. We’ll examine the criteria for effective performance goals and cover the steps in the goal-setting and review process.

Planning and Organizing Skills for Supervisors

Planning and organizing are two of the key functions performed by any manager or supervisor. That makes good planning and organizing skills an extremely important asset. During this training session, you’ll learn about how you can become better organized so that you can become more efficient and stop wasting valuable time. You’ll also learn how to develop better plans so that you can achieve goals and be more successful.

Power Dynamics in the Workplace

This course will address power dynamics and creating a respectful workplace. It will include different types of power and their impact on relationships and productivity. We will discuss how power can be misused, leading to abuse such as bullying and harassment. Through examples and scenarios, learners will be able to identify abusive behavior and understand the importance of addressing power dynamic issues in the workplace. We will also cover strategies for preventing abuse, and fostering a respectful culture.

Problem Solving for Employees

This session teaches employees problem-solving techniques. It goes without saying that problem solving is part of any job. Problems can’t be avoided. “Problems” are better looked at as opportunities for improvement. The problem-solving methods covered in this session can help trainees identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, change employee behaviors and attitudes toward problems and, consequently, be more empowered and successful at work.

Problem Solving for Supervisors

Problems are a fact of your daily working life. You can’t avoid them. The best you can do is recognize them and try to solve them before they cause more problems. Learning to identify problems and develop effective solutions is one of the biggest challenges any supervisor faces. At the same time, the skill with which you deal with problems on the job has a direct impact on your effectiveness as a supervisor and on your career success. The problem-solving methods you will learn in this session can help you identify and resolve work problems more quickly and effectively, and consequently, be more successful in your job.

Professional Behavior: What Supervisors Need to Know

Your success as a supervisor depends on conducting yourself in a professional manner at all times with everyone you come in contact with during the workday.
The main objective of this session is to discuss professional behavior and how it affects your job as a supervisor. By the time the session is over, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the impact of your behavior on the job;
  • Maintain professional relationships with employees, colleagues, superiors, and others; and
  • Act appropriately in all situations and make proper employment decisions.

Professional Workplace Conduct for Employees


This course will be an overview of common topics included in employee codes of conduct. For employees to work effectively and efficiently, they will need to know a variety of topics that will impact their day-to-day work and relationships. This course will discuss the following topics: professionalism in the workplace, ethical choices, and making your opinion heard in a respectful and constructive way. These topics will serve as a foundation for employees’ further training in these issues.

Project Management: Planning

The objective of this training session is to learn how to plan a project effectively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to understand the steps involved in effective project planning, understand how to troubleshoot your own project plans to anticipate problems and prevent bottlenecks, and create project strategies that will successfully achieve goals, meet deadlines, and contain costs.

Project Management: Stakeholders

This session will guide you through a variety of topics that will help you understand the concepts of stakeholder analysis and management. By the time the session is over, you should be familiar with the purpose of a stakeholder analysis, how to identify your project’s key stakeholders and important peripheral stakeholders, why you should involve stakeholders and why getting to know them is important, and understanding some different methods for conducting a stakeholder analysis.

Project Management: The Beginning

The main objective of this session is to prepare you for the demanding task of getting a project under way. By the time the session is over, you will understand the many steps involved in successfully executing a project, how to wind up a project properly, and special situations that can complicate the implementation of a project.

Project Management: Troubleshooting

The main objective of this session is to teach you about troubleshooting within project management. In this training module, we will go over what troubleshooting is, what the signs of trouble are and how to avoid them, why troubleshooting is important, and ways to react to different situations to become a more efficient troubleshooter.

Project Planning: Budgeting

The objective of this training session is to learn how to create a budget—and how to stay on it. We will talk about the importance of careful and accurate budgeting in the project planning process, the basic steps involved in budgeting for a project, and the importance of monitoring expenditures during project implementation. By the end of the session, you should be better prepared to deal effectively with problems and bring any project in on budget.

Project Quality Management

The main objective of this session is to teach you about Project Quality Management and how the process works. In this training module we will go over the Project Quality Management process, why it is important, and how to implement the process.

Project Risk Management

The main objective of this session is to teach you about project risk management and how to identify and plan for risks. In this training module, we will go over what project risk management is, why it is important and, most importantly, how to identify risks.

Recognizing and Avoiding Favoritism

Favoritism in the office can appear in many forms and cause a breakdown in employee morale, as well as the typical reporting structures. This course will help you understand what favoritism is and what it isn’t. Participants will learn practical strategies to prevent and manage instances of nepotism and favoritism and how to combat them in a professional setting. Along with understanding unconscious bias, this course will provide learners with the knowledge to create a more inclusive and fairer workspace overall.

Self-Leadership and Accountability

While it is important for the manager to set the right expectations, it is equally or more important for employees to lead with excellence and accountability. Self-leadership means having ownership over one’s actions and decisions and being responsible for the consequences. This course will provide learners with insight on how to become self-leaders, overcome obstacles, and drive an increase in personal success and organizational contributions. It will also address some of the basic unwritten practices expected in the modern workforce.

Stress Management

SStress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges. Mental health challenges can include clinical mental illness and substance use disorders as well as other emotions like stress, grief, or feeling sad and anxious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage stress, as well as improve mental health and well-being. This session is intended for all employees.tress can be harmful to our health and increase mental health challenges. Mental health challenges can include clinical mental illness and substance use disorders as well as other emotions like stress, grief, or feeling sad and anxious. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage stress, as well as improve mental health and well-being. This session is intended for all employees.

Substance Abuse in the Workplace: What Employees Need to Know

Substance abuse creates problems both on and off the job. In the workplace, a substance abuse problem can cause absenteeism, decreased job performance, and serious safety hazards that put the abuser, coworkers, and even customers or the public at risk. Treatment is available and can help-but when left untreated, a substance abuse problem can cause problems for the entire workplace. During this session, we’ll discuss the harmful impact of substance abuse in the workplace. You’ll learn the legal issues regarding workplace substance abuse, how to recognize if you or one of your coworkers may have a problem, as well as what solutions are available to deal with a substance abuse problem.

Successful Weight Management

This session is designed to help employees manage their weight successfully and live a healthier life. Obesity is now considered an epidemic. Approximately two-thirds of the adult population is either overweight or obese. And yet, overweight individuals can reduce the risk for some chronic disorders by losing as little as 5 percent to 15 percent of their weight. This course will help trainees understand the risks of being overweight, learn the formula for maintaining a healthy weight, identify simple ways to cut calories, maintain a healthy exercise program, choose a sensible and safe weight loss program; and keep fit for life. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

Supervising Special Groups

The main objective of this session is to help you supervise special groups of employees more effectively. By the time the session is over, you should be able to identify the needs of special groups of employees, avoid potential problems with young and older works and non-English speaking employees, supervise special groups more effectively, and obtain the best performance possible from each employee.

Teambuilding for Employees

Teams can be an extremely effective way to get important work done. Teamwork boosts productivity, improves quality, ensures greater safety, and makes companies more profitable and competitive. That’s why team building is a topic everyone should know something about.

At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand how you can build strong, effective teams in your organization

Telephone Etiquette

The main objective of this session is to help you learn about telephone etiquette. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand why telephone etiquette is important in your job; project a professional image on the phone when you make and receive calls; handle holds, transfers, and voice mail effectively; deal properly with difficult callers; and conclude calls successfully.

The Art of Listening for Enhanced Communication

The main objective of this session is to help you improve your listening skills. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand the importance of listening; improve listening skills; use skills to listen more effectively on the job; and become more successful as a result of all you learn from listening.

Time Management for Supervisors

The main objective of this session is to help you work more efficiently and productively.

Time Management Skills for Employees

This training presentation will help you gain control over your time so that you can work more efficiently and productively. At the end of the training session, you will be able to identify and eliminate your time wasters; plan and prioritize effectively; define goals and make time-wise decisions; capitalize on prime and commuting time; avoid procrastination; and handle communications, interruptions, and emergencies effectively.

Top-Down Communication for Supervisors

This course focuses on how to improve your command of top-down communication so that you can communicate effectively with employees on a broad range of work issues and excel as a supervisor.

Training the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training

Effective training of employees is essential in today’s workplace. Technological advances, rapid changes in the regulatory environment, and challenges cultivating and developing employees for the long term make effective training more important than ever. But trainers themselves need to be trained, to increase their effectiveness and comfort level with the job. This session will prepare individuals with training responsibilities to facilitate or guide trainees through their learning process.

Training the Trainer: Effective Techniques for Dynamic Training (Spanish)

This course discusses effective training in all its stages, from assessing the needs at your workplace to developing a culture where training is ongoing and seen as an essential part of every job. By the time the session is over, trainees should be able to assess training needs at your workplace, identify training objectives to meet these needs, understand the elements of adult learning in order to best train adults effectively, develop effective training sessions that enhance learning through participation, and foster or encourage a culture of continued learning.

Understanding California Privacy Requirements Under the CCPA and CPRA

The California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, was enacted to give consumers more control over the use of their personal data and to hold businesses more accountable for protecting any consumer data they collect and process. The Act requires regulated businesses to provide training to employees dealing with consumer inquiries related to company privacy practices, as well as anyone responsible for the organization’s CCPA compliance.

Virtual Meetings: Etiquette and Effectiveness

Virtual meetings are becoming increasingly commonplace as global business and remote working continue to expand in the modern workplace. Video conferences and teleconferences can be an excellent way to interact with coworkers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But these online meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the virtual meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every worker should possess. The main objective of this session is to help you get the most from the virtual workplace meetings in which you are involved.

Wellness and You

Good health is perhaps the most important thing in anybody’s life. Without your health, you can’t enjoy the rest of your life and meet the challenges you face every day. Today, we’re going to talk about wellness and how to improve your health and the quality of your life.

What You Need to Know About Headaches

A whopping 90 percent of all people in the United States get some kind of headache, with 20 percent seeking professional medical help for their pain. One category of headaches, the migraine, is experienced by an estimated 28 million people. Whether sufferers stay at home or go to work, migraines are a major, largely unrecognized cause of lost workplace productivity. This headache management and prevention online training course addresses different types of headaches, symptoms, medical and alternative treatments and, finally, healthful lifestyle changes that can help avoid the onset of headaches or minimize headache pain. These manageable changes enhance quality of life in general and improve employee productivity. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.

Workplace Ethics for Supervisors

This training session on business ethics for supervisors explores ethical issues that affect your job and your employees. The objective of this training session is to help ensure that as an organization and as individuals we act ethically in all matters related to our business. At the end of the training session trainees will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance of ethical conduct on the job;
  • Understand the requirements of the law and company policy;
  • Identify ethical problems in the workplace;
  • Make ethical decisions; and
  • Recognize and carry out ethical responsibilities.