Workplace Safety for Employees

Course Description:

Employees play a critical role in helping to achieve safety and health objectives. Without employees’ active participation, an organization cannot achieve the goal of creating a safe and healthy workplace. By the end of this online safety training course, employees will be able to understand why safety is such an important workplace issue, identify the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the law, know what the safety policy requires, and take an active role in promoting workplace safety and health.

Course Duration: 27 minutes

Why “Workplace Safety for Employees” Matters:

The human cost of accidents is of paramount concern to us all. Every 5 seconds an American worker is injured or becomes ill on the job. That translates to 18,000 injuries a day, over 125,000 a week, and upwards of 6 million a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The economic cost of workplace accidents is also high—over $100 billion annually. These costs are the result of such things as lost productivity in the form of millions of lost work hours; workers’ compensation claims and increased insurance premiums; damage to equipment, buildings, and vehicles; overtime to cover for disabled workers; and training expenses for replacement workers.

In addition to the human and economic costs, there are the costs of noncompliance with federal and state safety laws. The law requires employers to provide employees with a safe workplace. Federal and state agencies can and do impose stiff fines on companies that violate safety and health regulations.

Furthermore, keeping employees safe keeps them on the job, and that’s a good thing for everyone. When we work together to create a safer place to work, we’re all more productive and satisfied with our jobs.

Key Points:

  • Workplace safety is a top priority.
  • Compliance with OSHA regulations is a legal requirement.
  • Company policies and rules must be followed.
  • Employees play a key role in promoting workplace safety and health, and they must be actively involved in all safety programs.

A Complete Training Solution:

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