Workplace Harassment for Employees: Refresher
Course Description:
This refresher course will give you the main points to remember about workplace harassment. For more complete information, be sure to take the full-length course.
Course Duration: 7 minutes
Why “Workplace Harassment for Employees: Refresher” Matters:
There are many forms of harassment, all of them against the law and a violation of our company’s policy. One of the most common forms of harassment is sexual harassment. It is important to know about other types of workplace harassment, including harassment based on another person’s race, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin.
Key Points:
- Illegal harassment is unwelcome behavior directed at a person due to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, or sex.
- No rude, insensitive, or abusive behavior of any kind will be tolerated in our organization.
- You play an important role in helping to identify and prevent workplace harassment.