Working Safely with Solvents
Course Description:
This presentation is focused on the hazards of organic solvents, which are a dangerous group of solvents that can be hazardous to your skin and other organs of your body.
Course Duration: 30 minutes
Why “Working Safely with Solvents” Matters:
- Identifying solvent safety and health hazards reduces the risk of solvent-related incidents at your facility.Being able to access vital information about solvents keeps you up to date with what you need to know about solvent safety.
Working with solvents means you need to take proper precautions to prevent accidents and illness.
- You need to know how to respond in the event of emergencies involving solvents.
Key Points:
- Solvents are useful materials but can also be hazardous to your health and may cause fires, explosions, and contamination.
- You need to understand the health and safety hazards of the solvents you work with.
- Follow safe practices for storing, dispensing, handling, and working with solvents, as well as for disposing of waste solvents.