Working Safely with Benzene
Course Description:
The main objective of this session is to help you work safely with benzene. By the time this session is over, you will be able to identify benzene hazards; understand exposure limits; use engineering controls, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent exposures; and know what to do in an emergency involving benzene.
Course Duration: 28 minutes
Why “Working Safely with Benzene” Matters:
Benzene is a highly flammable liquid solvent whose vapors can form explosive mixtures. Futhermore, exposure to benzene above certain limits is a health hazard. Because of the serious hazards—both to safety and health—you must know how to work safely with benzene to prevent exposures, fires, and other accidents.
Key Points:
- Benzene is a hazardous substance that can affect your health and cause fires and explosions.
- You need to understand how benzene can be hazardous and how to prevent accidents.
- You should also understand exposure limits and monitoring procedures.
- You must know what to do in the event of an exposure or spill involving benzene.