Working in Hot Conditions (Spanish)
Course Description:
If you work outdoors in hot weather or indoors with no cooling system, it comes with the territory that you may sometimes feel hot and uncomfortable. While being hot may sometimes be unavoidable, if you get too overheated and dehydrated, it could be downright dangerous. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself from heat-related illnesses, and that’s what this training session is all about. Si trabaja al aire libre en climas cálidos o en interiores sin sistema de refrigeración, viene con el territorio en el que a veces puede sentirse caliente e incómodo. Mientras que estar caliente puede ser a veces inevitable, si se sobrecalienta y se deshidrata, podría ser realmente peligroso. |
Course Duration: 20 minutes
Why “Working in Hot Conditions (Spanish)” Matters:
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Al finalizar este curso, el participante será capaz de: