What You Need to Know About Headaches
Course Description:
A whopping 90 percent of all people in the United States get some kind of headache, with 20 percent seeking professional medical help for their pain. One category of headaches, the migraine, is experienced by an estimated 28 million people. Whether sufferers stay at home or go to work, migraines are a major, largely unrecognized cause of lost workplace productivity. This headache management and prevention online training course addresses different types of headaches, symptoms, medical and alternative treatments and, finally, healthful lifestyle changes that can help avoid the onset of headaches or minimize headache pain. These manageable changes enhance quality of life in general and improve employee productivity. The benefits to you, the employer, are numerous, from lower healthcare costs to increased employee productivity.
Why “What You Need to Know About Headaches” Matters:
Migraines cost employers nearly $10 billion a year in migraine-related absenteeism.
Morale, attendance, and productivity suffer when employees suffer from headaches. Also, workplace accidents and injuries may occur when workers are suffering from headaches.
Whether sufferers stay at home or go to work, migraines are a major, largely unrecognized cause of lost workplace productivity.
In one study, migraine sufferers reported that 11 percent of workday migraines resulted in a full day of work lost, while 5 percent led to late arrival at work, and 12 percent led to leaving work early. Sixty-two percent stayed at work during migraine episodes, and estimates are that their productivity dropped by an average of 25 percent during those times.
Key Points:
This online course addresses headaches: the types, symptoms, triggers, causes, and cures; and the mind/body connection that can help trainees avoid the pain of headaches. This session will help trainees:
- Understand the three main classes of headaches.
- Recognize headache symptoms and possible headache triggers.
- Understand medical and alternative approaches to avoiding headaches.
- Know when to see a doctor due to a headache.