Virtual Meetings: Etiquette and Effectiveness
Course Description:
Virtual meetings are becoming increasingly commonplace as global business and remote working continue to expand in the modern workplace. Video conferences and teleconferences can be an excellent way to interact with coworkers, make decisions, make plans, solve problems, and communicate information. But these online meetings can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted, or if participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from the virtual meetings you attend and lead is an important skill every worker should possess. The main objective of this session is to help you get the most from the virtual workplace meetings in which you are involved.
Why “Virtual Meetings: Etiquette and Effectiveness” Matters:
Virtual meetings can be an excellent way to interact with coworkers, make decisions and plans, solve problems, and communicate information. They can also be a waste of time if they are not well planned and properly conducted or if the participants don’t do their share to make the meeting productive. Knowing how to get the most from virtual meetings is an important skill every worker should possess.
Key Points:
- Meetings serve many useful purposes but can be a waste of time if not properly conducted.
- To be effective, meetings need a specific objective, an agenda, the right participants, and a good leader.
- Make sure you come to meetings prepared to participate and make a contribution.
- When you lead a meeting, get off to a good start, keep the meeting focused, and encourage participation.
- Conclude meetings with a summary of what was accomplished and a plan for future action.