Terminating Employees: The Process
Course Description:
In this session, we’re going to talk about the termination process. We’ll focus on what you need to know—from the legal issues to the practical steps involved—when you terminate an employee. Firing an employee is probably the most unpleasant and difficult task you’ll have to face. Nevertheless, such a decision must sometimes be made. After today’s training session, you’ll be better prepared to make it in a way that promotes the best interests of the organization while protecting employee rights.
Why “Terminating Employees: The Process” Matters:
Firing an employee is probably the most unpleasant and difficult task you’ll have to face. Nevertheless, such a decision must sometimes be made. After today’s training session, you’ll be better prepared to make that termination decision in a way that promotes the best interest of the organization while protecting employee rights.
Key Points:
- Recognize the legal restrictions on the termination process
- Understand the steps that should be taken before a decision to terminate is made
- Handle the termination meeting effectively
- Deal with compensation and benefit issues
- Conduct an exit interview if appropriate