Supervising Special Groups
Course Description:
The main objective of this session is to help you supervise special groups of employees more effectively. By the time the session is over, you should be able to identify the needs of special groups of employees, avoid potential problems with young and older works and non-English speaking employees, supervise special groups more effectively, and obtain the best performance possible from each employee.
Course Duration: 46 minutes
Why “Supervising Special Groups” Matters:
- Young workers may come to the job without the experience needed to perform as competently as other workers. They may lack work habits, knowledge, and skills.
- Older workers can be among the most valuable employees if they are supervised properly. The U.S. labor force is expected to continue to age, with the number of workers in the 55-and-older group projected to grow by almost 50 percent.
- Non-English-speaking workers and workers with poor language and literacy skills, if not supervised properly, can raise serious communication problems that can affect safety, quality, productivity, and morale.
Key Points:
- How to manage younger workers, older workers, and workers with language barriers
- How to effectively manage special groups so that all employees give—and get—their best on the job every day