Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Course Description:
Stormwater runoff is a major carrier of pollutants that damage rivers, lakes, streams, and coastal waters in the United States. To address this problem, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed a federal program under the Clean Water Act to regulate stormwater discharge sources. This training session will help identify the sources of pollutants in stormwater runoff, and implement procedures to prevent pollutants from getting into stormwater or the environment.
Course Duration: 22 minutes
Why “Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)” Matters:
- Identifying the components of the SWPPP means that you know how to regulate stormwater runoff.
- Being able to identify potential pollutant sources at your workplace is the first step in reducing stormwater pollution.
- Implement specific stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) helps prevent stormwater pollution.
- Knowing how to carry out stormwater inspection responsibilities that are given to you ensures effective stormwater pollution management and reduction.
- Stormwater management training teaches you how to prevent spills and how to effectively respond when they do occur, which ensures the safety of the facility and its workers.
Key Points:
- You all play a key role in the prevention of stormwater pollution.
- We can take pride in housekeeping and other BMPs that prevent stormwater pollutants from contaminating the water and the environment.
- Know how to handle chemicals properly when unloading vehicles, handle drums or totes, store empty containers, and dispose of hazardous wastes properly.
- Know how to maintain stormwater pollution prevention systems such as oil/water separators, how to keep storm drains clear, how to inspect these systems, and how to record our observations and actions.
- Help prevent spills, leaks, and drips, and respond to them effectively if and/or when they do occur.