Shiftwork Safety
Course Description:
Shiftwork means working hours in addition to or outside of the traditional 8-hour daytime job. Shiftwork has many benefits for workers including higher pay, easier commute, and the convenience of running errands and going to appointments during time off. Unfortunately, shiftwork is associated with poor sleep quality, greater risk of fatigue-related workplace injuries, attention lapses with serious and sometimes fatal consequences, and disruptions to a worker’s diet, mental health, and social life.
This module is for workers who regularly work extended hours or hours outside of the 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daytime work shift. It explains the common hazards of shiftwork and describes strategies to stay healthy and safe on the job.
Why “Shiftwork Safety” Matters:
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Identify the common hazards of shiftwork
- Recall the health risks associated with shiftwork
- Recognize the warning signs of fatigue
- Describe strategies to reduce the safety and health risks from working extended or unusual work hours
Key Points:
- Maintain a regular sleep schedule;
- Eat a well-balanced, sensible diet;
- Get enough exercise;
- Spend time with family and friends; and
- Keep alert on the job and follow all safe work practices.