Shiftwork Safety

Course Description:

Working a shift outside the usual 8-hour day shift does have some benefits such as an easier commute, fewer crowds in stores and other public areas during the day, and sometimes, more days off in a row. But working a shift outside of the usual 8-hour day also has some drawbacks. You can be affected physically and psychologically. That’s because the human body functions on a programmed time clock that’s set for daytime activity and nighttime sleep. So when you work on some other schedule, it can have an impact on your sleep, diet, mood, family life, and alertness at work. Because of these effects, shiftworkers have to take extra precautions to keep alert and work safely. Today, we’re going to talk about how your body is affected by working shifts and what steps you can take to stay healthy and safe on the job regardless of the hours you work.

Course Duration: 30 minutes

Why “Shiftwork Safety” Matters:

Working a shift outside the usual 8-hour day has drawbacks. You can be affected physically and psychologically. That’s because the human body functions on a set pattern of daytime activity and nighttime sleep. So, when you work on some other schedule, it can have an impact on your sleep, diet, mood, family life, and alertness at work. Because of the effects, shiftworkers must take extra precautions to keep alert and work safely. It’s important to learn about how your body is affected by working shifts and what steps you can take to stay healthy and safe on the job regardless of the hours you work.

Key Points:

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule;
  • Eat a well-balanced, sensible diet;
  • Get enough exercise;
  • Spend time with family and friends; and
  • Keep alert on the job and follow all safe work practices.

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