Sexual Harassment: What Employees Need to Know (Spanish)

Course Description:

Al terminar esta sesión de capacitación, usted podrá reconocer un acoso sexual, diferenciar entre dos clases principales de acoso, comprender y seguir la política del lugar de trabajo, denunciar incidentes y colaborar en las investigaciones y ayudar a fomentar y mantener un clima de trabajo confortable y productivo.

Course Duration: 18 minutes

Why “Sexual Harassment: What Employees Need to Know (Spanish)” Matters:

  • About 70% of women and 20% of men have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • There are about 15,000 cases of sexual harassment filed each year in the United States.
  • These charges cost U.S. companies almost $40 million each year.
  • The number of complaints filed by men has more than tripled in recent years, indicating this is not just a woman’s problem.

Key Points:

  • Sexual harassment is prohibited both by law and by workplace policy.
  • Sexual harassment involves more than just physical conduct; it can also be verbal or visual.
  • Sexual harassment harms us all because it takes away from having a respectful, dignified, and comfortable work environment.
  • You have the power to help prevent sexual harassment.
  • Know the workplace’s policy, and do your part to confront sexual harassment, report incidents, and support victims.

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