Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response for Employees in California (Spanish)

Course Description:

California law mandates that employees receive 1 hour of training every 2 years on how to recognize and prevent sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. This course meets those requirements with hypothetical workplace scenarios, interactive “Knowledge Checks” throughout to assess learning, skill-building activities, the ability to “ask a question” about the training, and a final quiz, with results retained for your records. This course will provide your employees with the information and practical guidance regarding state and federal laws; how to prevent, respond to, and correct sexual harassment; remedies available to persons subject to harassment; and the potential for liability.

La ley de California exige que los empleados reciban una hora de capacitación cada dos años sobre cómo reconocer y prevenir el acoso sexual, la discriminación y las represalias. Este curso cumple con esos requisitos con escenarios hipotéticos en el lugar de trabajo, “verificaciones de conocimientos” interactivas durante todo el curso para evaluar el aprendizaje, actividades de desarrollo de habilidades, la capacidad de “hacer una pregunta” sobre la capacitación y un cuestionario final, cuyos resultados se conservan para sus registros. Este curso brindará a sus empleados información y orientación práctica sobre las leyes estatales y federales; cómo prevenir, responder y corregir el acoso sexual; los recursos disponibles para las personas que sufren acoso; y la posible responsabilidad.

Course Duration: 57 Minutes

Why “Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response for Employees in California (Spanish)” Matters:

At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Define sexual harassment and abusive conduct
  • Understand their negative effects in the workplace
  • Outline the steps you and your employer can take to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in your workplace
  • Identify and adhere to sexual harassment laws and policies specific to the state of California


Al finalizar este curso, el participante podrá:

  • Definir el acoso sexual y la conducta abusiva
  • Comprender sus efectos negativos en el lugar de trabajo
  • Describir los pasos que usted y su empleador pueden tomar para prevenir y responder al acoso sexual en su lugar de trabajo
  • Identificar y cumplir con las leyes y políticas sobre acoso sexual específicas del estado de California

Key Points:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act, or FEHA, prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Employers must prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and, should harassment occur, take steps to correct it and prevent it from recurring.
  • Anyone at any level in the organization can commit sexual harassment or be harassed.
  • Under California law, an employee can be personally liable if he or she engages in unlawful harassment.
  • Employees should understand the employer’s policy prohibiting sexual harassment and its procedures for filing a complaint if sexual harassment occurs.
  • Anyone who witnesses or experiences sexual harassment should report it.
