Sexual Harassment Prevention for Workers in Restaurants and Bars (Spanish)

Course Description:

Sexual harassment can disrupt the workplace and cause lasting problems for everyone involved. The pressures and pace in the hospitality industry often lead to great camaraderie amongst staff. But the flip side to that is an informality that allows inappropriate behavior to go unchecked. When you add the element of dealing with customers—some who have been drinking—to the mix, there is great potential for inappropriate behavior, which could lead to employer liability. By the end of this course, supervisors and employees should be able to identify ways in which the unique employment setting found in restaurant and bars leads to unique challenges as well as recognize, prevent, and respond to sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior when it does happen.

En este curso se definirá qué es el acoso sexual y cuáles son sus efectos negativos en el lugar de trabajo; asimismo, se describirán las medidas que usted y su empleador pueden tomar a fin de prevenir y responder al acoso sexual en su lugar de trabajo.
También se discutirán cuáles son sus responsabilidades para constituir un lugar de trabajo libre de acoso sexual. El hecho es que el acoso sexual es dañino y costoso, y va en contra de la ley.

Course Duration: 40 minutes

Why “Sexual Harassment Prevention for Workers in Restaurants and Bars (Spanish)” Matters:

At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Identify ways in which the unique employment setting found in restaurant and bars leads to unique challenges
  • Recognize and prevent sexual harassment in your workplace
  • Identify how to report sexual harassment
  • Choose appropriate workplace behaviors
  • Respond properly to sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior when it does happen

Al finalizar este curso, el participante será capaz de:

  • Identificar los desafíos exclusivos de los restaurantes y bares
  • Reconocer y prevenir el acoso sexual
  • Identificar cómo reportar el acoso sexual
  • Elegir comportamientos apropiados en el lugar de trabajo
  • Responder adecuadamente al acoso sexual y al comportamiento inapropiado