Respiratory Protection: How to Conduct Fit Tests
Course Description:
Whether you’re a supervisor, a safety manager, or other support staff, if you are tasked with performing respirator fit tests, it’s critical that you be properly trained to conduct OSHA-approved fit-test procedures. Respirators protect workers against insufficient oxygen environments, harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, gases, vapors, and sprays, but to keep these harmful substances out, respirators must fit properly. OSHA requires fit testing before initial use and annually thereafter for all respirators that rely on a mask-to-face seal, and fit testing is the best way to make sure that the selected respirator properly fits the user’s face and provides maximum protection from airborne contaminants. While there are no specific training requirements for fit testers, there are specific procedures approved by OSHA that must be followed to ensure proper fit, and anyone performing fit tests should be trained on these procedures.