Progressive Discipline

Course Description:

Today, we’re going to talk about progressive discipline. Progressive discipline is a method of applying discipline in steps, with the first offense meriting light correction and subsequent offenses receiving progressively harsher penalties. Typically, the discipline begins with a verbal warning and can progress to termination.

Course Duration: 25 minutes

Why “Progressive Discipline” Matters:

Here are some reasons why we are conducting this class. The effective use of progressive discipline offers you, your employees, and the organization several important benefits. Progressive discipline:

  • Establishes expectations and predictability;
  • Applies consequences fairly and consistently;
  • Corrects inappropriate behavior and poor performance;
  • Helps rehabilitate employees with potential; and
  • Protects against complaints and lawsuits.

Key Points:

  • Apply progressive discipline fairly and consistently
  • Identify laws and policy requirements affecting discipline
  • Conduct effective disciplinary meetings
  • Document disciplinary action properly

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