Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in California: A Guide for Employees
Course Description:
The main objective of this session is to eliminate slip, trip, and fall hazards in the workplace and prevent accidents. By the time the session is finished, you will be able to recognize slips, trips, and falls as a serious safety problem; identify slip, trip, and fall hazards on the job, at home, and outdoors; avoid or eliminate slip, trip, and fall hazards using commonsense methods; understand the importance of proper ladder safety and some of the ways California is there to protect you; prevent falls everywhere, including work, outdoors, and at home; and minimize injuries if you do fall.
Why “Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in California: A Guide for Employees” Matters:
Falling from a slip or trip can be a killer, and not just in high-risk jobs. Consider these statistics:
- Nationally, slips, trips, and falls took the lives of 666 workers in 2011.
- With 60 workers killed in 2011, California accounts for an overwhelming 10 percent of those deaths—the other states average less than 2 percent each.
- The 60 occupational deaths by accidental falls in 2011 fell just short of the number of deaths by violence from persons (or animals) in the state of California.
- 24 of the 60 deaths occurred in service-providing industries, including leisure and hospitality.
As you can see, slip, trip, and fall prevention in California is a deadly serious matter deserving special attention.
Key Points:
- Slips, trips, and falls are deadly serious. They can be killers in all walks of life.
- When working with hazards, use caution—walk slowly, watch where you’re going, and wear proper footwear.
- Use special consideration when working with ladders by following the California guidelines set forth to protect you. Good housekeeping is a great way to prevent slip, trip, and fall accidents—keep walkways clear of clutter, clean spills promptly, and stay organized.
- Cooperate with your fellow employees on housekeeping duties and implement a plan to stay tidy.
- Use common sense and you will never stray too far from the right action. Some simple common sense can be the difference between life and death.