Preventing Sexual Harassment on Campus
Course Description:
Sexual harassment of both faculty/staff and students is illegal under both federal law and state laws. For employees, sexual harassment creates an uncomfortable or hostile work environment. Such an environment is unproductive and will hinder this institution’s mission to educate and inform. Sexual harassment of students limits or denies their ability to benefit from the education that we are here to provide. By the end of the course, learners will be able to recognize sexual harassment, understand the different laws governing harassment, report incidents and cooperate in investigations of sexual harassment, and help promote and maintain a productive work and educational environment for faculty, staff, and students.
Why “Preventing Sexual Harassment on Campus” Matters:
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits all discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. This law covers all institutions that receive federal funds. Even so, sixty-two percent of female students and 20 percent of male students report being sexually harassed on campuses nationwide. That harassment can severely impede a student’s ability to receive a quality education, make employees afraid and unproductive, and make parents worry about their children.
Key Points:
- Both workplace and education sexual harassment can’t be tolerated.
- Everyone is responsible for prevention.
- Workplace harassment hurts our mission.
- Student harassment inhibits education.
- Report incidents you witness.