Preventing Sexual Harassment: A Guide for Supervisors

Course Description:

Not only is sexual harassment illegal, but it also has many detrimental effects on the workplace and workforce. Our workplace also has a formal policy that prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace—a policy supervisors are responsible for enforcing. But beyond laws and policies, sexual harassment is very damaging to the workplace and work environment. After taking this course, supervisors should be able to recognize, prevent, and respond to sexual harassment.

Course Duration: 24 minutes

Why “Preventing Sexual Harassment: A Guide for Supervisors” Matters:

Sexual harassment is a form of illegal employment discrimination that can be both costly and damaging. To comply with federal and state employment laws, employers must prevent sexual harassment whenever possible and correct it if it occurs, and that starts with supervisors.
Sexual harassment creates a negative work environment in which people are tense, fearful, uncomfortable, and often humiliated.
Sexual harassment often interferes with effective job performance, and it undermines trust and respect and makes good working relationships impossible.
Sexual harassment also exposes the organization to liability. Employees subjected to sexual harassment on the job can sue their employer for damages.
If a supervisor knows about harassment, the employer is assumed to know about the harassment for liability purposes—whether the supervisor reported the harassment or not.

Key Points:

Sexual harassment is prohibited by law and workplace policy.
It involves more than physical conduct; it can also be verbal or visual.
Sexual harassment harms everyone in the workplace.
Supervisors have a responsibility to identify it, correct it, and help prevent it.
