Personal Protective Equipment: What Employees Need to Know

Course Description:

Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is often the last line of defense from injury when other safety measures fail, such as engineering controls like guards and barriers and safe work practices you learned in training to limit exposure to hazards. There are barriers to wearing PPE, such as matching the right PPE for the hazard, having it fit comfortably, and maintaining it in good working condition. This course is for workers who are required to wear PPE because they are or may be exposed to physical or health hazards when engineering, administrative, and safe work practice controls can’t feasibly or effectively reduce exposures to safe levels.

Course Duration: 56 minutes

Why “Personal Protective Equipment: What Employees Need to Know” Matters:

  • Recognize when PPE is necessary
  • Identify what kind of PPE is necessary for specific hazards
  • Describe how to wear PPE properly
  • Recall the limitations of PPE in protecting workers from injury
  • Describe how to properly maintain and care for PPE

Key Points:

  • Understand how your employer conducts a PPE hazard assessment
  • Understand how they evaluate the workplace and job functions for any potential hazards that can be controlled by using PPE
  • Understand why different types of PPE are selected and how they protect you
  • Know how to properly wear and care for PPE

A Complete Training Solution:
