Permit-Required Confined Spaces in Construction: Authorized Entrant

Course Description:

This safety training module is for entrants at permit-required confined spaces where construction work is performed, including building new structures or upgrading existing ones.

Course Duration: 48 minutes

Key Points:

At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:

  • Define the characteristics of a confined space and permit-required confined space.
  • Recognize the hazards of confined space entry, including the mode, symptoms, and consequences of exposure to hazards.
  • Describe the safe practices for testing, monitoring, ventilation, communication, and other tasks necessary for safe entry and exit.
  • Identify appropriate personal protective equipment, or PPE.
  • Recall the methods to communicate with the attendant during entry and about dangerous situations or conditions.
  • Describe the indicators to evacuate the confined space and the methods to evacuate safely.