Performance Goals: How Goals Help Supervisors Manage Employees More Effectively
Course Description:
This course focuses on the importance of setting goals to guide and develop employee performance. We’ll examine the criteria for effective performance goals and cover the steps in the goal-setting and review process.
Why “Performance Goals: How Goals Help Supervisors Manage Employees More Effectively” Matters:
Performance goals are an essential supervisory tool.
They communicate your expectations concerning the job performance and the expectations of the organization. Performance goals establish the parameters of acceptable performance. They tell employees exactly what they need to do to be successful in their jobs.
Performance goals also set standards by which to measure employee performance. Without goals, it’s hard or impossible to evaluate performance. Without goals, there’s no way to be certain whether employees are living up to expectations.
Performance goals provide a pathway to employee improvement, growth, and opportunity. Performance goals are really a road map for employee success. They help guide and encourage career development.
Performance goals are powerful motivators. Goals point the way forward and encourage employees to perform at their best to meet the challenges of their work.
Key Points:
Performance goals motivate and direct employee achievement.
- They are essential to the success of employees, your department, and the organization.
- Work together with employees to develop meaningful and useful goals.
- Link each performance goal to an action plan to ensure achievement.