Noise and Hearing Conservation
Course Description:
This session is part of the training required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under the Hearing Conservation Program. This training session will cover the impact of noise on your hearing, how to identify noise hazards in your workplace, what hearing tests you may be required to take at work, what hearing protection devices are available to you, and how to choose the right ones.
Why “Noise and Hearing Conservation” Matters:
Permanent hearing loss is cumulative over time and is irreversible.
You risk hearing damage when you are exposed to more than 90 decibels (dB) over an 8-hour period without hearing protection.
You can be exposed to noise for a certain amount of time, depending on the loudness—the louder the noise, the less time you should be exposed.
The Hearing Conservation Program is intended to help protect you from hearing damage and hearing loss.
Key Points:
- The key to protecting your hearing is prevention.
- Noise exposure of 85 dB or more can cause hearing loss.
- Once hearing loss happens, you can’t get it back.
- Your workplace has preventive measures in place to help protect your hearing—make sure you follow those measures.
- Hearing protection devices must be worn in high-noise areas in accordance with company rules.