Metalworking Fluids

Course Description:

The main objective of this session is to learn the hazards of metalworking fluids and steps you can take to reduce your exposure to them. By the time this session is over, you will be able to recognize signs of unsafe fluid; identify metalworking fluid hazards; effectively use engineering controls to reduce exposure risks; and take all other necessary precautions to protect your health and safety.

Course Duration: 39 minutes

Why “Metalworking Fluids” Matters:

Metalworking fluids are complex mixtures of oils, detergents, surfactants, biocides, lubricants, anticorrosives, and other potentially toxic materials. Because of the hazards of using metalworking fluids, you need to understand the precautions you must take to keep safe and healthy on the job.

Key Points:

  • Know the signs of unsafe metalworking fluids;
  • Report symptoms of skin or respiratory problems;
  • Follow safe work practices;
  • Practice good hygiene and safe housekeeping;
  • Wear required PPE; and
  • Monitor and control fungal growth in metalworking fluids.

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