Lead Safety in Construction
Course Description:
You have the right and the responsibility to know about the hazards of lead and the proper procedures for protecting yourself and co-workers from exposure or harm. We’ll discuss lead in your work areas, how to identify lead hazards, and how to protect yourself from those hazards.
Course Duration: 31 minutess
Why “Lead Safety in Construction” Matters:
- Lead overexposure is a leading cause of workplace illness.
- The health hazards of lead exposure are well-documented.
- The more likely health hazard is the result of long-term exposure to low levels of lead.
Key Points:
At the completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Identify lead hazards at construction sites.
- Recognize the health effects and symptoms of lead exposure.
- Recall the requirements that apply when employee lead exposure is at or above the action level and/or permissible exposure limit, or PEL.
- Describe required medical surveillance.
- Explain what air monitoring is and why it’s required.