Lead Safety: General Industry
Course Description:
You have the right and the responsibility to know about the hazards of lead and the proper procedures for protecting yourself and co-workers from exposure or harm. We’ll discuss lead in your work areas, how to identify lead hazards, and how to protect yourself from those hazards.
Why “Lead Safety: General Industry” Matters:
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has extensive regulations that cover potential exposure to lead. OSHA’s standards require that employees potentially exposed to lead must be trained in a number of topics, including health hazards of lead, operations that could result in exposure, restricted areas, engineering controls, medical surveillance, personal protective equipment (PPE), hygiene and housekeeping, and decontamination procedures.
Key Points:
At the completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Identify lead hazards at construction sites.
- Recognize the health effects and symptoms of lead exposure.
- Recall the requirements that apply when employee lead exposure is at or above the action level and/or permissible exposure limit, or PEL.
- Describe required medical surveillance.
- Explain what air monitoring is and why it’s required.