Ladder Safety (Refresher)
Course Description:
Ladder accidents, injuries, and even fatalities are one of the most common forms of accidents that happen on the job. Use this refresher course to review the key points to working safely with ladders.
Course Duration: 8 minutes
Why “Ladder Safety (Refresher)” Matters:
Ladder accidents are a common cause of workplace injuries. Some injuries are severe. Some workers are disabled and unable to return to their regular jobs. Others recover slowly and painfully. And every year, some workers die in falls from ladders. Ladder safety is important because your continued good health—indeed, your life—may depend on what you learn today.
Key Points:
- Ladder accidents can cause serious injuries or death.
- You have the power to prevent accidents.
- Always choose the right ladder for the job and inspect it before use.
- Set up ladders correctly and climb them safely.
- Be careful when working on ladders and avoid overreaching.