Laboratory Hazard Identification
Course Description:
An essential initial step when performing any laboratory operation is identifying the hazards that you may face. This requires knowing the job well enough to break it into components and accessing all the information and knowledge at your disposal to recognize the hazards you may encounter for each step. This training session focuses on hazard identification. |
Course Duration: 40 minutes
Why “Laboratory Hazard Identification” Matters:
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of hazard identification and its function in the risk assessment process
- List the potential hazards in a laboratory setting
- Use the available sources of information about hazards in the laboratory
- Identify the hazards involved in laboratory operations
Key Points:
The main points from this session include:
- Hazard identification is essential to safety and is a component of every operation in the laboratory;
- Hazard identification is largely a matter of finding and making use of accurate information about all the hazards you may face;
- Information comes from a variety of sources, so know and use the appropriate sources;
- Finally, be sure you have identified and are prepared to control all hazards before any work operation.