Job Hazard Analysis

Course Description:

The main objective of this session is to make you more familiar with job hazard analysis. By the time this session is over, you will be able to identify the purpose of job hazard analysis (JHA); recognize the benefits of JHA; understand the JHA process; and analyze jobs effectively to detect and correct hazards.

Course Duration: 25 minutes

Why “Job Hazard Analysis” Matters:

Through JHA, we are able to identify workplace hazards and risks, and control, reduce, or eliminate them. All employees need to understand and participate in JHA in order for us to be successful in preventing accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses.

Key Points:

  • JHA is an essential part of any effective safety program.
  • You should be familiar with the purpose and process of JHA.
  • Your participation in JHA is important and can help keep you and your coworkers safer on the job.

A Complete Training Solution:

In addition to this training course content, with TrainingToday you get a complete course, and our entire training solution that includes administrator tools, reports, and analysis.