Job Hazard Analysis

Course Description:

The job hazard analysis, or JHA, is a method to identify hazards and unsafe work conditions and activities that cause or have the potential to cause injuries and illnesses and to propose hazard controls that reduce the risk of harm and eliminate the hazards.
This course is for employers, managers, supervisors, and safety committee members to help them identify and eliminate hazards and prevent injuries in their workplaces, as well as for workers who can use the information to recognize workplace hazards and report them to management before an injury or illness occurs.
Course Duration: 35 minutes

Key Points:

  • At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to: 
  • Explain the purpose and benefits of a JHA
  • Describe the procedures to conduct a JHA
  • Identify types of job tasks and activities subject to a JHA
  • Recognize the hazards encountered during job tasks
  • Describe methods to control hazards and reduce the risk of injury and illness

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