How to Prevent and Respond to Bullying at Work: Refresher
Course Description:
This refresher course will give you the main points to remember about preventing and responding to bullying at work. For more complete information, be sure to take the full-length course.
Course Duration: 6 minutes
Why “How to Prevent and Respond to Bullying at Work: Refresher” Matters:
A survey by the nonprofit Workplace Bullying Institute indicates that bullying is a widespread issue in the workplace involving as many as half the American workforce in one way or another. Here are some of the highlights from the survey:
35% of workers have experienced bullying firsthand.
15% of workers have witnessed bullying.
Bullying is four times more common than illegal sexual or racial harassment.
Key Points:
- Bullying is unacceptable and abusive behavior.
- Bullying at work hurts everyone.
- Take a stand and speak out against bullying.
- Report all incidents.
- Respect others, and insist on respectful treatment in return.