How to Manage Challenging Employees

Course Description:

Supervising other people is never easy, but some employees make it particularly difficult. Challenging employees can try a manager’s patience and drain a lot of time and energy. To turn things around takes skillful management and patience. The main objective of this online employment training course is to teach supervisors and managers how to manage challenging employees more effectively. By the time the course is over, you should be able to identify challenges associated with supervising difficult employees, manage your own feelings effectively, create a positive work environment for all, and respond positively to challenging employees and treat them fairly.

Course Duration: 20 minutes

Why “How to Manage Challenging Employees” Matters:

  • When you have a disagreement with a difficult employee, the impact can be felt throughout the company. Your difficult worker may ignore your message and make it tough for you to lead and ensure continued productivity if the disagreement spreads and affects other employees.
  • You should also consider the potential unemployment compensation benefits or even a wrongful termination lawsuit. And it is important to keep in mind that firing hurts employee morale.
  • Common signs of potential performance problems are absenteeism, tardiness, a decrease in productivity and cooperation, blaming others, and lack of interest. The sooner you can identify and deal with these performance problems, the easier they will be to correct.

Key Points:

  • Never ignore a problem just because an employee is difficult to deal with.
  • Begin to solve the problem by managing your own feelings about challenging employees.
  • Create a positive work environment in which all employees can perform well.
  • Focus on problems, not personalities, when dealing with challenging employees.
  • Use positive strategies to change negative behavior and attitudes.

A Complete Training Solution:

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