Home Safety
Course Description:
Accidents at home are the leading cause of injury-involved accidents. These accidents occur because there are no required rules to follow in the home, unlike the OSHA regulations we follow in the workplace. Many at-home injuries can be prevented if appropriate preventive measures are taken to eliminate or minimize hazards. This session is intended for all employees.
Course Duration: 21 minutes
Why “Home Safety” Matters:
A home can be just as dangerous as a workplace, and an injury can have you laid up for days or weeks. Or you could even be permanently disabled and not be able to perform your current job. That’s why it’s important to think about home safety. After all, safety is a 24/7 concern for all of us.
Key Points:
- • There are many hazards in most homes.
- • Take the same safety precautions you take at work at home.
- • Routinely check your home for hazards. • Eliminate or minimize recognized hazards right away.
- • Develop a home escape plan, and practice it with your family.