Hiring Legally
Course Description:
It’s hard to think of any supervisory function more important than hiring. Just one ill-advised question or comment during an interview can bring untold harm to your company. Supervisors must be well-versed on topics such as protected classes, illegal discrimination, privacy, and a variety of laws. Learn more with the online training course Hiring Legally.
Course Duration: 26 minutes
Why “Hiring Legally” Matters:
- Hiring decisions are among the most important decisions made in our organization.
- Good hiring practices can eliminate or reduce many legal risks, reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve morale.
- Ill-advised hiring decisions, on the other hand, can result in high turnover, duplication of training, missed opportunities, and lost customers.
- Furthermore, an ill-advised hiring might well necessitate a subsequent termination, and every termination—no matter how justifiable and well-documented—exposes the organization to risk of a wrongful termination or discrimination claim from the disgruntled former employee. For all these reasons, it pays to follow the right procedures to find the right person for the job the first time around.
Key Points:
- Fair employment laws prohibit discrimination in hiring.
- Our policy reflects a strong commitment to equal employment opportunity.
- Evaluate solely on job-related criteria.
- Focus on hiring the most qualified person.