HIPAA: Your Obligations Under the Privacy Rule

Course Description:

This session will guide you through a variety of topics which will help you understand HIPAA’s Privacy Policy. By the time the session is over, you should be able to understand the purpose of HIPAA’s Privacy Rule, the basic requirements of the rule, covered entities and business associates, and what, when, and how personal health information is protected.

Course Duration: 43 minutes

Why “HIPAA: Your Obligations Under the Privacy Rule” Matters:

Privacy allows people to avoid sharing information with those who would use it against them, such as discrimination by employers, educators, or insurers.

Privacy is a basic right that enables people to be an individuals and gives them the freedom to make personal decisions free from the coercion of others.

Breaching HIPAA’s Privacy Rule imposes strict penalties for violations. Individuals who improperly disclose confidential health information can be disciplined. The law imposes fines of up to 1.5 million dollars and even prison sentences for some violations up to 10 years.

HIPAA’s Privacy Rule gives patients greater access and control over their personal information.

Key Points:

  • HIPAA was created to provide and promote quality health care, while keeping the public’s personal health information private.
  • Privacy is a basic right that should never be breached unless for the good of the patient or the public.
  • If you have access to patients’ protected health information (PHI), you must understand HIPAA’s Privacy Rule and its impact on your job responsibilities.
  • Familiarize yourself with your organization’s security procedures when it comes to working with electronic PHI.
  • Fully understand how to disclose and dispose properly. Otherwise, speak with a supervisor. Always treat patients’ health information as confidential, and disclose it only to those who you are sure are authorized to see it.
  • Know your patient’s rights when it comes to the Privacy Rule.
  • Personal health information is protected by federal law.

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