Healthy Sleep Habits
Course Description:
A lot of Americans have trouble sleeping, and sleeping is very important to maintaining good health. We’ll talk about the problems associated with sleep deprivation, the various sleep disorders that interfere with healthy sleep, and we’ll look at a variety of suggestions for getting a good night’s sleep.
Why “Healthy Sleep Habits” Matters:
Adequate sleep is critical to health and well-being.
There are many self-help steps that can be taken to help get a good night’s sleep and prevent insomnia.
Sleep bolsters memory, may help with weight loss, may reduce risk of depression, increases alertness, reduces stress and inflammation, may prevent cancer, and helps keep a heart healthier.
When people get less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night, their risk for developing diseases begins to increase.
Key Points:
The main objective of this online healthy sleep habits course is to help trainees get a good night’s sleep. By the time the session is over, trainees should be able to:
- Understand the vital role that sleep plays in keeping us healthy.
- Recognize the main kinds of sleep disorders.
- Identify a number of techniques and systems that help people sleep and prevent insomnia.