Hazmat Transportation: Security Plans
Course Description:
According to the American Society of Safety Engineers, every day in the United States there are approximately 800,000 shipments of hazardous materials (hazmat) transported by highway, rail, air, and vessels. The U.S. Department of Transportation, or DOT, requires each hazmat employee to be provided with the first and, in some situations, both of the following types of security training in order to protect people and the environment from hazmat releases:
- Security awareness training
- In-depth security training
The first, “security awareness training,” must provide an awareness of security risks associated with hazmat transportation and methods designed to enhance transportation security. This training must include a component covering how to recognize and respond to possible security threats. Described at 49 Code of Federal Regulations, or CFR,172.704(a)(4), this training is required for each hazmat employee and is covered by the Simplify Compliance TrainingToday® course “Hazmat Transportation Security Awareness.” “In-depth security training,” the second type of DOT security training, is described at 49 CFR 172.704(a)(5). This training is required if certain types and quantities of hazmat, as specified in 49 CFR 172.800, are transported in commerce. Offerors and transporters of this specific hazmat must have a “security plan” whose elements are outlined in the DOT regulations at 49 CFR 172.800 to 172.822. Employees must be trained on the elements of this security plan and its implementation. It must include company security objectives, organizational security structure, specific security procedures, specific security duties and responsibilities for each employee, and specific actions to be taken by each employee in the event of a security breach. The training session you are currently participating in is part of the in-depth security training.
Why “Hazmat Transportation: Security Plans” Matters:
At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:
- Be aware of hazmat transportation security risks
- Identify the hazmat subject to a DOT hazmat transportation security plan
- Recognize and follow the security procedures and responsibilities outlined in the plan
- Prevent unauthorized access to hazmat at their facility and en route
Key Points:
- Recognize hazmat transportation security risks.
- Understand the hazmat transportation security plan.
- Prevent unauthorized access to hazardous materials.
- Protect hazmat shipments en route.