Hazardous Waste Recordkeeping Requirements for Generators
Course Description:
Today, we’re going to talk about hazardous waste recordkeeping requirements. There are numerous recordkeeping requirements in the hazardous waste regulations. The importance of proper recordkeeping is best illustrated by the fact that many of the most common citations for violations of the regulations involve a lack of proper recordkeeping.
During this session, you’ll learn about the records that must be kept, as well as records that are prudent to keep, although they may not be required by the regulations.
This session is directed toward hazardous waste large quantity generators, or LQGs, and small quantity generators, or SQGs. Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, or TSDFs, have similar, but in some cases, additional requirements, but they will not be covered in this session.
Why “Hazardous Waste Recordkeeping Requirements for Generators” Matters:
At the completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of keeping accurate records
- Identify which records must be kept
- Comprehend the recordkeeping requirements of the hazardous waste regulations
- Be aware of how long to retain records
Key Points:
- The hazardous waste regulations contain many recordkeeping requirements
- Records must be complete, accurate, detailed, well organized, and up to date
- Failure to keep good records can result in citations for violating the regulations
- Records should be retained for the proper amount of time, depending on regulatory requirements