Hazardous Waste Facility Operations and Maintenance
Course Description:
Employees at a hazardous waste facility who are unfamiliar with the procedures and preventive measures specific to their job duties will likely lead to injuries and violations of OSHA and EPA rules. This course provides information for workers involved in hazardous waste operations about the processes and procedures to perform their work safely. It covers hazardous waste facility routine operations, waste acceptance policies and procedures, equipment maintenance requirements, and emergency preparedness, prevention, and response procedures. By the end of the course, you will be able to understand your facility’s hazardous waste management processes and procedures as they relate to your job, comprehend the facility’s waste acceptance procedures, know equipment maintenance requirements, recognize appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) required for your job, understand the facility’s emergency and contingency plans, and act safely and effectively in an emergency. Duration: 17 minutes.
Why “Hazardous Waste Facility Operations and Maintenance” Matters:
Working in a hazardous waste facility exposes employees to numerous safety and health hazards. Employees must perform their jobs correctly and carefully in order to prevent accidents and injuries. The federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires that employees at hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) and those at hazardous waste generator facilities receive training that is specific to their job duties and that ensures compliance with the RCRA hazardous waste regulations.
Key Points:
You should know the hazards that you are exposed to in your work at your hazardous waste facility. ** Take the time to understand the facility’s waste management program and procedures as they will help protect your safety and health. ** Identify the kind of PPE required to protect against job hazards and wear it. ** Follow the facility’s emergency procedures in the event of a fire, explosion, waste spill, or release.